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Watch For Scams Newsletter. Job Scam Used To Reship Merchandise To Russia May 17, 2011 |
HelloJob Scam Used To Reship Merchandise To RussiaWatch For Scams is dedicated to helping you avoid becoming a victim of fraud. If you like this ezine, do a friend a big favor and forward this to them. If a friend forwarded this to you, and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting the link below: Job Scam Used To Reship Merchandise To RussiaIn the reshipping scam, scammers hire individuals to receive, re-address, and forward or "reship" packages to addresses generally in the United Kingdom or Nigeria, with recent schemes using addresses in Russia.Scammers purchase the reshipped merchandise with stolen credit cards. Some reshippers recognize the scam but continue in perpetuating the fraud, while other reshippers appear to be unaware of the scam. Often, reshippers realize the fraud after receiving calls from the companies that sold the merchandise or from the owners of the stolen credit card numbers. In a new version of this scam, subjects hire individuals as "Gift Wrapper Associates" to receive and gift-wrap merchandise and ship it to given addresses. Recent complainants reported they had responded to Craigslist ads, while others were contacted by email, possibly as a result of a resume they had posted online. Additionally, the complainants reportedly participated in phone interviews as part of the hiring process, and were required to provide personally identifiable information. Scammers provide reshippers the necessary supplies to wrap the merchandise, such as boxes, wrapping paper, tape, ribbons, and bows. The victims' personally identifiable information gathered during the application process could potentially be used to obtain credit for other fraudulent purchases or to conduct other criminal activities. Such unauthorized use of personally identifiable information often occurs in many types of identity theft-related scams such as other work-at-home, phishing, and various counterfeit check scams.
If you have been a victim of this type of scam or any other Cyber crime, you can report it to the IC3 website at: The IC3 complaint database links complaints for potential referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency for case consideration. Complaint information is also used to identity emerging trends and patterns.
Remember - always watch for scams! Steve |
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