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Watch For Scams Newsletter. Twilight Scams
November 27, 2011

Twilight Scams

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Twilight Scams

With all of the hype surrounding the movie Twilight: Breaking Dawn (part 1), hackers are taking advantage of people doing Internet searches for Twilight-related information.

If you are doing a Web search you will see results such as “nude pictures of Taylor Lautner,” “Robert and Kristin kissing,” and “Twilight true love.” Clicking these links can infect your computer, tablet, or smartphone with viruses or keyloggers.

There will be more of this malware as the excitement around the movie grows.

This isn’t the first time fans of Twilight Saga have been the target of a scam. In April, 2011 a Twilight scam spread virally on Facebook so that when Twilight fans tried to play Twilight: Breaking Dawn, they discovered they first had to “like” the game, and then it would get posted to their Facebook wall, spreading to their friends.

The victims were then asked to okay a Facebook application to access their account and to complete a form that asked for personal information.

So be suspicious of links like these and verify each application before giving it additional permissions on Facebook.

Here are other signs of scams that could surround the Twilight hype:

1. Fake online sneak previews or complete downloads of the movies, usually accompanied by fake comments from supposedly delighted users

2. Page links that lead to surveys that collect personal details for spammers, or insist users first download a toolbar or special viewer, either of which, in reality, installs spyware, a virus or fake anti-virus software onto computers

3. Phony digital (ebook) versions of the series, again leading to the kind of scams outlined in the point above

4. Subject headings for web pages and emails with some sort of sensational claim about one of the characters, luring curious fans to visit or open attachments.

Remember - always watch for scams!


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