Andreea Sasser Gemologist / Date of posting: June 27, 2022

by Samantha B.G.

Phony gemologist - Andreea Sasser

Phony gemologist - Andreea Sasser

Name / Alias: Andreea Sasser

Supposed Credentials:
Andreea Sasser, AGS-ICGA, ASA


Where one can find the facial image?: Home page and on About page
Note: The photo of the woman's face did initially appear on both the home page and the About page. However, this image may or may not display on these pages if the pages are viewed now.

Date that website was first registered: 2022-01-06

Website domain registrar: NameCheap
Website hosting provider: Cloudflare

Physical address(es) cited on website:
- Head Office: Nils Ericssonsplatsen 4, Centrum, 41103 Gothenburg, Sweden
- Branch Office: 25 Mahunga Drive, Māngere Bridge Auckland 2022 New Zealand

Phone number cited on website: +44 7897 050109

Does area code of phone number correspond to physical address?: No. Neither address aligns with the +44 country code (U.K.)

Email address cited on website:

Content served up by Amazon AWS?: Yes & No

Back in May (around a month ago), content did appear to have been served up by Amazon AWS. However, that does not appear to be the case presently.

Of the three Amazon AWS links above, the first is a reference to a photo of Andreea Sasser. This did display a photo of a blonde woman previously, when this writer visited the Andreea Sasser scam site. When last checked, however, the Amazon AWS link for the photo is still contained within the code for the web page, but the picture did not come up.

As per the second link, for the logo, the logo was previously loaded up via Amazon AWS. The logo now loads up instead via:

The third Amazon AWS link for the credentials image is a link for the jewelry-related organizations that the fraudster is supposedly affiliated with. The Amazon AWS link for this no longer appears to work. As such, on the Andreea Sasser About page, this information does not come up. It does come on the home page, still, as that has been set to come now from:

Given the above, the site's author has failed to reconfigure (or chosen not to reconfigure) the website to load up the image from a non-Amazon AWS location. Whereas, for the logo for the scam site, Amazon AWS is no longer entrusted to load up such an image. Depending on the web page within the site, Amazon AWS may or may not be entrusted to load up the image containing the credentials of jewelry-related organizations to which Andreea Sasser is supposedly connected.

Also to note: Significant portions of this website appear to have been used in creating a Claudia Denise Wallace website (, which is another jewelry appraisal scam site, which had been featuring a photo of the same woman, but under the alias of, not surprisingly, Claudia Denise Wallace). A scam website for Julia Dimaggio ( would also appear to borrow from this Andreea Sasser scam website. (At the time of posting this, Amazon AWS had previously, but is no longer, feeding content to the Claudia Denise Wallace site. However, Amazon AWS is feeding content to the Julia Dimaggio site.)

Other related scam sites featuring the same woman's face under different names:

Julia Dimaggio -- see

Sandra Hall -- see

Zaee Harris -- see

Carola Johnson -- see

Carola Kemp

Cynthia Lewis, Royal Glamour Gems

Martina Paugh Universal Gems Diamonds Experts -- see

Sandra Smith

Claudia Denise Wallace

This woman may attempt to reach out to men on dating / social networking sites, under whichever alias.

After having supposedly busted her laptop, she may attempt to get someone to send her a replacement laptop to her, in Turkey, where she claims to be working temporarily. Given the high number of websites in question, though, it's hard to say how many angles there could be for different targets and how many people may be working behind the websites and their presumably related profiles on various dating / social networking sites.

Additional scam sites that may share features with the Julia Dimaggio scam site and/or other scam sites noted above are as follows:

Gabrielle Barlowe -- see

Christoffel Berend -- see

Holly Bradarsh -- see

Samantha Hudson --

Alison Kochell -- see

Tony Kochell -- see

Most, if not all, of the above websites cite either a single address located in the U.S. or a primary address in the U.S. The Andreea Sasser scam website is different in that it lists two addresses, neither of which is in the U.S. In addition, the phone number, with a +44 country code, is one based out of the United Kingdom, rather than the U.S.

Comments for Andreea Sasser Gemologist / Date of posting: June 27, 2022

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Dec 07, 2024
New name
by: Anonymous

Lezlie Cooper is the new name of the gemologist using the same broken computer trick and claiming she lives in Birmingham.

Website and the video is the same as with the other aliases

Feb 17, 2024
Natalie Blanco
by: Anonymous

Contacted me on FB dating - widow, living in Exeter, wants to meet for lunch or dinner in the near future. Been in Turkey involved in a big project that's important to her. She's been there three months but will be back home in three weeks.

Meanwhile we should spend the time getting to know one another. She sent me photos, and a video 'from Turkey'. Long emails, but never really replying to anything I've written, so just using the same old script on her victims.

Initially sounded real but I quickly became suspicious as it all sounded too good to be true and she was moving on me quite quickly without knowing me, and so I did some digging and found out yes, she is a scammer.

Thanks to this site I was able to find her photo and the screen shot of her video under various aliases. I think I'll play along for now to see how long it is before she's trying to scam me.

Luckily I have a sixth sense for scams but many will be fooled.

Jan 25, 2024
Joyce sasser
by: Anonymous

A true first class piece of walking crap. I have had the sob story and she is not worth any time at all.

A horrid individual and easy to spot.

The lies runs like a river so steer well clear.

Jan 21, 2024
Yes she’s still at it
by: Anonymous

Corresponding to me as Joyce Sasser. I’ve received her travel itenary arriving 8th Feb.

Now waiting for her sob story.

Oh how stupid does this scammer think we are???

Jan 20, 2024
Joyce Sasser
by: Anonymous

Same old story, still in Turkey. In Turkey mining for precious stones, completely self funded, got a video as well and will be there for three months.

I was suspicious from the beginning.

Don’t get caught

Jan 12, 2024
Monika Becker gems
by: Anonymous

This sleazy individual also contacted me off Facebook dating site and is alleged widow, Cambridge educated, mining zultanite gems, financed by her self.

Lengthy e-mails and said she slipped and fell and needed a new laptop. She provided 3 videos, and 4 pictures.

She is same rotten person using dozens of other aliases so be wary as she is a professional cyber scammer.

Dec 23, 2023
Natalie Blanco - Gemologist - Frampton Cotterill
by: Anonymous


Turkey mining Zultanite


Fathers house Frampton Cotteril

Very convincing

Contacted me on FB

Knows how to press all the right buttons

Too good to be true

Asked me to collect her at Heathrow

Got suspicious

Checked address on her website, quick companies search revealed her name / company not listed at address

Dug deeper - found this site

Photos match

Only lost face !!

Dec 15, 2023
Contacted me using Laura Cortinez as her name
by: Anonymous

Laura Cortinez contacted me on Facebook Dating. Said she lived in Tyler, TX (I'm in the Dallas area), was a widow, had cared for her elderly mother until her mother died in 2021 due to Covid.

Her email is

She was out of the U.S. mining precious gems in Turkey but would be returning soon. Wanted to exchange personal info via email while she was away to see if we were a good match.

I'm glad I did some research on her and found this site. Pictures and video she sent me are identical to what's posted on this site.

Scam artist for real!

Dec 13, 2023
Natalie Blanco
by: Spursyid99

This morning I got the "broken iPad" mail...they're not cheap are they?

I replied thus:

"Oh my goodness Darling Nicole

I was so wondering when you would send this mail - we've been expecting something so I've had friends on stand by.

You should be able to call upon the following who are in the neighbourhood and have received funds to help replace kit like yours - they should have funds to spare

Please message the following:

If these are unsuccessful please contact me again - we can find more I assure you 🤣

The authorities are also aware and are keen to ensure they can help recover your files and are not alone, they are close by ready to assist

Yours in stupefaction"

Dec 12, 2023
Suzanne Sasser
by: Anonymous

She approached me the same in Facebook dating. Same story that she is working on a project in Turkey but her parents were from Sweden and New Zealand. Have found numerous things about her on the internet by searching on her photos.

This seems to be her latest web site. All her "Offices" go to properties for sale.

Dec 10, 2023
Natalie Blanco
by: Spursyid99

I've got the website this morning

Dec 07, 2023
Joyce Sasser Gemologist
by: Anonymous

She liked me on the Facebook dating site & has emailed me a short video & a long story about where she is in Turkey & that she is a field gemologist & is mining fascinating stone Zultanite.

She says she is returning home to Manchester soon not far from where I live & would like to meet up for lunch/dinner on her to get to know each other to see if we are compatible.

I did a bit of research & found this site & couldn't stop laughing, I think I will lead her on a bit lol Her name is Joyce Sasser but email address is

Dec 05, 2023
Natalie Blanco
by: Spursyid99

She's been writing to me since the weekend from the Turkish site (yeah, right). I'd been waiting for the "help message", reading some of the entries it's not far favourite entries so far have been asking what "state" I live in and this morning describing her upbringing near Birmingham living on a lake with mountains just across the way...

Oct 30, 2023
Lezlie Sasser Scam Gem Site
by: Anonymous

New scam gem site

Same woman's picture

Oct 28, 2023
Class con artist
by: Anonymous

Approached me via FB dating - same story as above - in Turkey mining for zultanite, same pics, odd way of writing emails, doesn't actually respond to questions directly or even in response.

Oct 25, 2023
Nicole Gallo
by: Anonymous

She is a Widow currently mining in Turkey. She is injured and damaged her iMac. Needs Money for a new one. Flying to Bristol October 31 with KLM via Amsterdam.

She is living in Framton Cotterel near Bristol in her Father’s house.

Oct 05, 2023
Kathryn Craner
by: Anonymous

Widow with a godson living with a military man and his wife. She needs money to "come visit"


Sep 19, 2023
Krista Anna Bjorn
by: Anonymous

… now in Cancun examining a bidding and the raw materials for the stones. Reached out on AFF as a widow claiming to really enjoy public sex with men.

Sep 19, 2023
Nicole Gallo
by: Anonymous

This woman is a fraud and goes by many names as a gemologist. She liked me on Facebook like others stated. She is in Turkey mining for gems.

Other names I found for her were Debbie Hanson, Lauren Angelo, and Julie Cooney all with the same photo as gemologists in various countries.

Sep 18, 2023
Laura Cortinez
by: Anonymous

Also uses Laura Cortinez.

Website is similar to others but says it is in Ft Lauderdale Florida

Broken computer. Needs one shipped to Turkey.

Sep 18, 2023
Also scamming as Nicole Gallo
by: Anonymous

As of September 2023

Sep 05, 2023
Nicole Gallo
by: Anonymous

As above, claims to be working at a mine in Turkey, will be returning to the UK soon. Sends flight details to prove it. Then a message stating an accident, broken laptop and can you replace it as now out of money or send money to the translator. Very suspect from the start, claims mother Italian, father from Birmingham Uk, has American accent. A real class act, but a con merchant none the less

Aug 21, 2023
Nicola Gallo
by: Anonymous

This lady also goes under the pseudonym of Nicola Gallo, with a website of

Photos are all as of Andreea Sasser.

Feb 04, 2023
Andreea Sasser Scam
by: Anonymous

This is exactly the same procedure as the comment above. Working in Turkey, and mining operation will end soon. Convincing long emails.

Always try WhatsApp video chat.

Dec 21, 2022
Doughts Confirmed, thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for confirming my doughts about this person calling hereself Andreea Sasser, she also uses the name Sally on her emails which is sourced from She claims to be carrying out a project about a precious stone in mountains around Salemia in south west Turkey near Marmara.

She liked me on Facebook dating site, and We exchanged some emails and she sent a video of few seconds and some photos the same as the ones published at this page. Soon I realised the inconsistencies and irrationality in her long emails.

That is why I stopped responding and searched with her name and thankfully your site has confirmed my suspicions.

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