Another one. Antonio Andrea

by Helen Esposito
(Philadelphia Pennsylvania )

This just keeps getting better. There are so many of these cat phishers. This one contacted me. Boy does he pour it on. Anyone else have a similar story. This is what he wrote. I am attaching pics. Anyone else come across him?

Hi Helen,

Thank you so much for getting back to me even though you didn't bother to follow suit and tell me more about you . told you from the beginning on the dating site that i work for myself .

Sometimes we just need to put the ugly past behind and concentrate in the present and future .Precisely how long have you been on the dating site and what has your experiences been so far? Would really be nice to see some photos . I was married for 13 years before my wife passed away through a chronic asthma attack and i have been a widower for close to 8 years now and decided its time for me to move on because my daughter is an adult and in School.

I have an elder brother whom till now has been away for good 15 years because of drug business and cartel he got himself involved. My daughter is actually all i have in my life and i really do like your profile and would so much want to build a relationship with you if all goes well. I just need a woman to be my partner, great confidant, lover,best friend and ultimately my wife so that we can spend the remainder of our lives together.

It is very important for me to build a life of stability, security, and opportunity for the special person I hope to share my thoughts, feelings,experiences, dreams and fantasies with, and to offer the best opportunities for an.y kid that might be included in my life,both mine and that special person children, and that is my focus at this time and I am also at the verge of retirement from the engineering business because of my phobia for height and so many heavy duty machines.

I am really interested in wanting to know about what makes you the special person you are today, I want to know more about your family, your background, your life experiences, past relationships, your goals and dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me. I even want to learn about the secrets you very rarely share with someone!. So come on and share it all with me, as I am not here to talk to you about general things such as partying, the weather, sports, e.t.c. I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced. Well enough of sharing secret and all that for today alone as i dont really wanna bored you with stories .

Are you very spiritual or religious ? I am more spiritual than religious and believe in God almighty and powers of prayers through action. Do enjoy the rest of your day as i hope to hear from you .


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Sep 22, 2017
Ok he tried again
by: Anonymous

He went to South Africa on business and needs $100 I tunes card to activate his international phone! Then became indignant when I questioned him. "I mean, what's a hundred dollars to you?"
I feel like an idiot, but smart too, i didnt send it.

Thank you for putting this out there.

Jul 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

The web dating services need to do a better job and keep them scamming people off the site. Ladies love does not come in a week or so for someone you never met. Also when the conversation lead to 💰 Money, cut it off right away.

If these people have such good jobs I keep saying to you ladies why do they need your money. Its always the same story - wife died, got a child, the only change is the face of your scammer.

Ladies do not give money as you could end up in a money laundering scam and it could cost you your bank account, your home and even your job.

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