Comments for Austin Simmons / Jeffrey Schubert

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by: Anonymous

The smart are far and few, I've really only had 2
that are smart and intelligent people and can hold a conversation.

Austin Simmons and Salvo Giovanna

My #1 and #2

Salvo I met on our time and match....

I'm still playing Austin..hes too good to let go.

I enjoy what I do, baiting scammers. It's like a game of have to be a step ahead and keep the upper hand. Austin views me as his

Yet I can continually use the operative
Phrase...go ----yourself.

Fill in the blank....

Wow! What a break-through, huh?
by: Jean

Your posting was fabulous! I had no idea that they've infiltrated Tinder, and that there's predators out there who are articulate.

You've taught me a lot, just in one posting. I'm in awe of you.

Keep up whatever it is you're doing, and be proud that you're on that "list". Hah!!

Go get 'em girlfriend!

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