Check your facts before you slate a reputable company...

by Shelley
(JHB, Gauteng, South Africa)

Somebody needs to check their facts before they post something like this online.... Just about all the statements on this story are incorrect.

Mannatech - an AMERICAN PUBLIC company - audited yearly...

On the NY Stock Exchange - NASDAQ.
Has patents on all their products - they have defended their patents in court and won each court case.

Mannatech perform clinical trials and have PROOF of what our technology does to the body.
Medical text books have been re-written by companies independant to Mannatech to include the technology that Mannatech discovered.

Mannatech is a company with a heart to eradicate malnutrition...

Specifically child malnutrition, and have changed millions of lives...

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Nov 13, 2016
You are wrong... By a light year.
by: Anonymous

Ambrotose has been heavily criticized by the Society for Glycobiology (they dont even accept the term "glyconutrients"), the Oxford Medical Journal and the Harvard Medical School Publications.

And just because they are listed on NASDAQ does not mean that they are legit.

... And don't tell me that all the scientists in Oxford (they pretty much coined the term glycobiology) and Harvard are wrong.

Jan 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

So if all the statements are incorrect, prove it!!
Are you saying that 20/20 investigation is incorrect?

That the scientists (Nobel Peace prize winners) who requested cease & desist orders for using their good names to associate to a product that was discovered & marketed for some devious businessman with a track record for deceiving people, is all wrong?

Wake up. Show me otherwise & I might believe you

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