Dating scam

by Christine

I was contacted a few weeks ago via LinkedIn by Ian Stout Orthopedic Surgeon working on a RIG in Texas. After a lot of research I found out he also have the name of "Oscar Gerhard" and "Gray Pallo.

He is on dating site Talkgator Florida and on Instagram ianstout679 (more pic of him). Very persuasive and also have a fake driver license which I have verified!

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Jul 15, 2024
by: Anonymous

He also is going by the name Dr. Jamz Heinrich on Instagram. Posted today 15 July 2024

Jul 02, 2021
I found the real person of the photo.
by: Anonymous

After doing some more digging I discovered that the person who this photo actually belongs to is a plastic surgeon in Barcelona, Spain. His office is Psicoestetica Divination Mente. I sent him a message and shared with him the photos I had.

They were all on his business website along with many others. He knew that some photos were stolen, but he had no idea the extent of it. He was very nice about it.

Jul 02, 2021
Another scam
by: Anonymous

This guy also says that he’s Dr. Blake Alston from Los Angeles. He said that he’s a military surgeon who was working for the Army under the United Nation’s Peacekeeping Treaty in Yemen, but was arrested on July 15, 2019 after he was given evidence of corruption by Yemeni and US Army generals.

He was arrested at the Sana’a Airport when he was supposedly coming to see me. He was released in July 2020, but became ill while on a layover in Cairo Egypt. He supposedly had COVID19 and almost died. He said that he had to find a job at a hospital there in order to raise money so that he and his attorney friend could come home, but then he became ill again and now has stage 3 SCLC.

There was always an excuse for him not being able to return home. His excuses for not being able to come home and other red flags started me searching for answers on here where I discovered who the pictures actually belong to.

Feb 24, 2021
The REAL guy is: Dr Oscar Sanz
by: Anonymous

Spoke to EXACTLY the same guy. He just said his name was Alexander Bernard. He claimed to be working for the World Health Organisation. Said he had a wife that died of cancer and a 9 year old daughter called Diane.

He sent me a bunch of fake photos and asked for money and claimed that the dark haired guy in the photo with him is his brother called Leonard.

The REAL guy in the photo is called Dr Oscar Sanz and he owns a beauty salon in Barcelona Spain. The name of the beauty salon in Spain is called: Psicoestetica Divina Mente

Feb 19, 2021
by: Anonymous


Dec 09, 2020
Dating Scam
by: Anonymous

Report him and every piece of information to the Dating Site, the FBI, FTC and if you have sent any money to your local Police.

Block him and another Scammer may present himself to you, with a different name but don't take the bait.

Block him.

Take Care.

These Scammers are Ruthless.

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