David Josh / 559.492.9854 / davidjosh700@gmail.com
by Deni
His line of BS & picture
More of his BS
His Facebook profile pic (account deleted)
Another picture he sent
Honestly, I feel pretty embarrassed that I fell for this guy. He sent me a private message through Facebook, and like so many others...for some reason I responded to him when I never had before.
There were sooooo many red flags I ignored, but I did question many things and asked for answers. Usually he would either not answer them or he would come up with an answer that at least stopped me from asking for the time being.
One time, he sent me this long email and it was signed George a few lines above his supposed name...David Josh. When I called him on that, he had this big long story about how his Mom always called him George.
So...his story. 64 years old (probably because I told him I was 65 first), originally from France but living in the US for 20 years. His wife died 6 years ago. His daughter lives in Ohio and has a child. He lives in Fresno, CA and has an office. He lives alone with his 2 dogs.
He gave me an address that didn't exist at first and then changed the last number. When I checked to see who the property owner was, it wasn't him. He had another lame excuse but by that time I was really done with all the lies.
We chatted on FB Messenger for a few days, then he wanted to start texting. Eventually I let him call me and we would talk a few times during the day. He made me laugh, feel loved more than I had ever felt, sent me songs to "share his feelings for me", had the most sexy and amazing voice and accent, sent me corny goodnight and good morning digital cards, sent me these long emails telling me all about what we would do when we could be together.
He told me right from the start that he was this oil rig contractor and that he was working on this bid for a contracting job. He was awarded the contract of over 1.2 million and that was going to allow us to go into business together and live this fairy tale dream life together.
So he gets to the rig with his crew of 4 but realizes he underestimated how many workers he would need to be able to carry out his contract. He says he has to figure out how to get at least 3 more crew members and has to pay all off their expenses in advance.
When he actually asked to send him money for this, I was so shocked. I had not even had it on my radar that this could be his motive. I knew there were things that I didn't know if they were true--but never did I think I would be scammed for money.
He made himself out to be in a good position financially and that he knew what he was doing in this contracting thing. He asked me to transfer $5500 to him by the next day. I was devastated and knew right then that I had fallen for a scheme. I could not believe that someone would say and do all of the kind things he did...only to get money from me.
I told him I would not be sending him this money. When I asked him if his loving me was contingent on me sending him money, he denied that. I sent a few very angry emails and texts....then I blocked his number. About that time, his Facebook account disappeared and then his phone number was disconnected when I checked. A few days after, I get an early morning call from a blocked ID number and it's him.
Now he is asking me for $600 for medicine that his dogs need that he left in a kennel. I refused again and that is the last I have heard from him.
It has been so hard to get over this. I felt like I was crazy in love with this guy...couldn't wait for his texts, emails....and especially his calls. The betrayal and disregard for another person's heart and emotions is out of my ability to understand how another human can do this. I am including some of the screen shots of his texts and a couple pictures. I hope it might keep someone else from getting sucked in the way I did.