David Relynold United Nations Syria
by Biggles777
Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
Stolen Image of an Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
Stolen Image of an Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
Stolen Image of an Innocent Family Used by Nigerian Scammers
David Relynold is a military scammer from Scrabble GO. 52 years old born in Austria and now in California a widower with 2 children, twins, Jamie and Mia 9 years old. He says he is a sergeant with the U.N. currently in Syria as a peacekeeper. He claims to have been stationed in Damascus for the past 2 years. Says his birthday is April 7.
The above looks good but it's all made up. They spend a lot of time and unlike others they're patient and understand the impact of the pandemic on travel.
They are phishing to get your profile but that leads to mistakes;
Him: So sorry to ask you, how old are you?
Me: I'm (edit)
Him: Am 52
Him: But you look very much younger
Edit: two days later
Me: Thanks, you look great, how old are you?
Him: Am 53 and you?
Him: You already told me you are ** right
Edit: They got my alias age right and their age changed by a year. We continue with my alias trying to ask a few questions. Red flags pop up.
Me: You're in the army, right?
Him: Okay
Him: Yes am in the military
Me: So you are in an army?
Him: Yes I'm
Him: A segueant Major
Him: I already told you about it (they hate questions)
Me: Which army would that be?
Him: I work with the UN as a military officer
Me: Thanks. In Syria, right?
Him: Yes Syria Damascus
Edit and snip: There's a lot wrong with the above just like his 2 cars
Him: So tell do you have a car of your own
Him: Tell me
Me: I have a car
Him: Okay I do have a car too a Ford Jeep 2019 modern
Him: And you?
Him: Also I have an Highlander too
Me: You drive a Ford Jeep, that sounds cool
Him: I drive a Ford Jeep
Me: and a Highlander Jeep?
Him: Yes
Him: Do you like Highlander jeep
Me: I guess you like your cars?
Him: Yes baby
Him: So what the name of your car
Me: I have a
Him: Car or Jeep
Me: Yes, it's my car
Edit: Looks fine except Ford no longer makes Jeeps and a Highlander is made by Toyota. An American over 50 is going to know that if he is driving those models.
They are always on patrol or sleepy while at the same time remaining online on Hangouts all the time. Someone in the military isn't going to be using Hangouts in a conflict area. It seems in a military scam they need to imply they've a lot of money.
Him: I feel quite old to work under anybody. I will be well paid prior to my retirement, I have love and affection for people so I want to invest in the health sector, I want to build a hospital and a charity foundation and run it myself with the woman I will call my wife and it might be you dear.
Edit: Where is he going to get the money to build a hospital? They're patient but not consistent due to their lies. A military scam like this usually is about the leave. On Valentines day he tells my alias to get him a gift card for data.
Him: Where is my gift
Me: I've still got the day ahead
Him: Can you get me a card for my database
Me: What do you mean by card?
Him: I mean can you get me a card for a gift
Me: I thought that's what you might have meant and got you a iTunes card
Him: You got me an iTunes card
Me: Yes
Him: How much card
Me: $500
Him: Please do send the card first
Him: Let me see
Me: Okay
Him: Scratch it carefully and take a picture of the card back and front and send to me with the receipt
Me: Okay but I threw out the receipt as it was just my weekly shop at the market
Him: You throw the receipt away
Edit: I never bought one and downloaded a used one and sent it. He is still demanding my alias return to the store and get another receipt.
Email in use: davidrelynold@gmail.com