Dr Mark Andersen

by Anonymous

Contacted 4 days ago on fb to befriend a Dr Mark Andersen, orthopedic surgeon working for UN in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Claimed to have seen my fb picture under their suggested friends segment. Took a chance and asked to be befriended.

Chatted on fb initially for 30 min before fb quit???? and I received another friend request from someone again whom I did not know nor was friends with a mutual friend. I checked the profile and it showed Kabul, Afghanitan. Suddenly Mark Andersen texted that it was he and he was using a friends fb account to text me. Stated I needed to give him my phone # so we could message since his fb account was shut down for UN security reason.

Convinced me to use Hangouts so have been chatting on there since then.

Initial conversations led me to state that I thought he was trying to scam me as his texts put up red flags.

Tried to convince me otherwise so I decided to play along. He's been texting almost 24/7 with protestations of his love and wanting me to be his wife etc. Same old, same old with a bit of newness to the rehash.

Asked for picture and wanted it sent right now. Told him no and gave him a dressing down about being demanding. That did not deter him in the least. I did forward a copy of my photo from my fb profile page as I felt no harm done since I was sure he already had it or access to it.

He has been forwarding romantically slated music videos and YouTube poster protestations of love to win me over to believing in his undying love for me etc. Doing the normal scam routine!

I questioned his being able to perform his surgical duties and not get any amount of sleep due to his texting all through the daytime and evening hours.

Today he sent me a photo of a text from Google play card stating he had used up 98% of his $100. card and he needed to purchase more useage time.

That's when he hit me up to buy a play card for him for $100.00. I texted back: NO! Not going there ever!!

He texted back to ask why not! I left him hanging in the wind.

Just wanted to let everyone else know it appears this is a new name they are using. Claims to be an orthopedist surgeon on contract for 4ys/ has worked 1 1/2 yrs already. Wife died 8 yrs ago of brain tumor; both parents dead. No kids, no brother or sister. Lives in San Francisco CA, owns house and car. Widowed 8 years. Looking for soulmate. Studied at Manchester Univ, UK, got doctorate degree there.

Very smooth operator. Handsome man dressed in doctor's white coat shown in photos provided from fb profil, Supposedly at work on the hospital floor which shows various staff dressed in hospital scubs working in background.

Suspect real identity was either stolen or copied as he presented a UN picture ID as proof he was for real.

Hope this will make other women aware so they will not fall prey to this scammer(s)

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Oct 26, 2021
Mark Anderson aka Franklin Borys
by: Anonymous

This guy has a new name Franklin Borys. Same MO, orthopaedic surgeon working on contract in Canada. Sweet as pie, says he has a 16 year old daughter. Reaches out to borrow money to help her.

What a scammer

May 28, 2021
Facebook dating
by: judy

I met this beauty on Facebook dating and I knew something was not right. He kept referring to me as honey and all he was looking for was truth and love and something else. He kept repeating the same thing and I found him annoying lol.

I told him I was not looking for love so thanks for confirming what I was thinking.

May 22, 2021
Dr. Mark Andersen
by: Anonymous

Have you read through many of the stories here? You will notice that almost all who say they are a doctor are an orthopedic surgeon. I had one that was retired and was supposed to be Chinese. If you have a photo, search in on Bing or Goggle.

Oct 04, 2020
He’s still at it
by: Anonymous

My mother just joined FB about a year ago and is learning how it works. At 78 she’s doing pretty well. She had been lonely the past few years and is looking to make new friends to chat too. Mark Anderson says he was looking for a friend and came across her profile and started chatting with her.

He convinced her to chat in hangouts and became very verbal aggressive if she wasn’t as responsive returning messages as he thought she should be. Professed his love to her and said all the things a lonely women wants to hear. He said he was a surgeon working for the UN and said all kind of love offerings.

He didn’t have the chance to ask for money as she deleted and blocked him before it happened.


Aug 14, 2020
Words With Friends Scam
by: Anonymous

This same guy has been playing against me on WWF for three days. Usually, I don’t accept chats from people I don’t know, but there are times when it has been solely about the game. So, I accepted his chat.

We’ve been bantering back and forth about nothing in particular, but he has slipped questions in amongst the nonsense. I have been just avoiding those questions or deflecting them with humor. He told me that he is an orthopedic surgeon working for the UN in Kabul. Said he has a 10 year-old son.

I don’t believe any of it. (He, also, always plays high scoring words in the game and, to me, that is another dead giveaway.)

I searched "orthopedic surgeon, kabul afghanistan, Words With Friends" on Google and ended up here.

Thank y’all for the info!

Aug 06, 2020
Mark Andersen is on scrabble go !
by: Anonymous

Had him contact me on scrabble today with the same sad story. Is a widower with a 13 year old son. His wife and first child died in a car wreck 9 years ago.

Wanted me to add him to hangouts app which I don’t have. Looked up his name and found this page. Sounded like a scam to start with.

Jul 17, 2020
Mark Wootton 08
by: Anonymous

Hit me up on Instagram yesterday. I was suspicious because all his posts are from the same day. His photos looked like a professional took them. He told me he is an orthopedic surgeon in the war zone in Pakistan. He told me he is from New York and has lived in San Francisco. Googled his name and found this information.

I reported him and blocked him on Instagram. I had a weird feeling, so I trusted it. Always trust your guts. When something feels weird or wrong it is.

Jun 02, 2020
Player of sorts update
by: Anonymous

I wrote my comments about Mark Andersen two days ago and now his name is changed on his words w friends profile to Mark_Wootton8.

Mark Wootton is a fake name too obviously.


May 30, 2020
Mark Andersen is a player of sorts
by: Anonymous

I’m playing "Mark Andersen" on words with friends right now. He says he’s from NY, lived in San Francisco and is in Pakistan on a UN contract for orthopedic surgery and it’s very dangerous and he’s trying to stay safe, taking care of soldiers and civilians in the war zone. Thought things sounded fishy so googled his name and here we are. His WWF name is andersenmark68 and his profile says Mark A




Mar 24, 2020
Dr. Mark Andersen
by: Anonymous

Yup! Same Dr. Mark Andersen, befriended me on Word With Friends. Moved over to chat on Hangouts. One week in, and he’s in love with me, his soul mate, yada yada. Last straw to confirm he’s a fraud — he got approved to retire and go home to San Francisco except he needs $3,500.

He said: UN manager want me to pay off my tax rate bills and replacement fees home it gonna cost me $3500. He asked me to lend him that money.

Really? Confirmed SCAMMER!

Dec 23, 2019
Think he contacted me.
by: Anonymous

I was very suspicious. Googled his name and saw your article. I was right. Didn’t get past asking who he was. Said same thing about friend on fb. I am very cynical, too much crap goes on with all type of scams.

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