Emily Layla Gemologist exquisitegemslabs.com / Date of posting: Jan 21, 2023

by Samantha B.G.

Phony gemologist

Phony gemologist

Name / Alias: Emily Layla

Supposed Credentials:
Emily Layla, AGS-ICGA, ASA
* On the Exquisite Gems Labs scam site, it is also noted: 'Emily Layla is a G.I.A. Graduate Gemologist with over fifteen years as a fine jewellery and gemstone appraiser.'

Website: https://exquisitegemslabs.com

Where one can find the facial image? About page of Exquisite Gems website at https://exquisitegemslabs.com/about )

Date that website was first registered: 2022-08-01

Website domain registrar: NameCheap
Website hosting provider: Cloudflare

Physical address cited on website:
US address -- 23046 Avenida De La Carlota, Laguna Hills, CA 92653, USA

Phone number cited on website:
+1 619 736-9607

Does area code of phone number correspond to physical address?: It is a plausible match. The area code corresponds to the State of California, in the area of San Diego. The Laguna Hills, California phone number is in the area of San Diego.

Also to note: As of Jan 21, 2023, the phone number is an exact match for the phone number that displays on another jewellery appraisal scam site -- https://sandrasmithgems.com/ The Sandra Smith Gems site supposedly involves an independent gemologist named 'Sandra Smith.' But if you look at the 'About' page -- https://sandrasmithgems.com/about/ -- of the Sandra Smith website, you will find that the facial image is that of the same woman as 'Emily Layla,' as featured on Exquisite Gems Labs. The 'About' page for Sandra Smith largely parallels the 'About page for Exquisite Gems Labs -- https://exquisitegemslabs.com/about/ However, the physical address listed on the Exquisite Gems scam site does not match with the physical address listed on the Sandra Smith Gems scam site.

Email address cited on Exquisite Gems Labs website: info@exquisitegemslabs.com

Content served up by Amazon AWS?: No
While some related websites featuring the image of the same woman's face have content served up by Amazon AWS or have had content served up by Amazon AWS in the past, this website does not appear to do likewise.

This woman may attempt to reach out to men on dating / social networking sites, under whichever alias.

After having supposedly busted her laptop, she may attempt to get someone to send her a replacement laptop to her, in Turkey, where she claims to be working temporarily. Given the high number of websites in question, though, it's hard to say how many angles there could be for different targets and how many people may be working behind the websites and their presumably related profiles on various dating / social networking sites.

Other related websites featuring the same woman's face under different names, including multiple sites with corresponding Watch for Scams report pages, are as follows:

Naomi Pat Collins naomipatcollins.com -- https://www.watchforscams.com/naomi-pat-collins-gemologist-naomipatcollinscom-date-of-posting-aug-14-2022.html
* The Naomi Pat Collins scam site is still online, as of Jan 21, 2023. The homepage of this scam site features the image of the face of 'Naomi Pat Collins,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.'

Julia Dimaggio juliadimaggio.co -- see https://www.watchforscams.com/julia-dimaggio-gemologist-juliadimaggioco-date-of-posting-june-20-2022.html
* The Julia Dimaggio scam site appears to be down as of Jan 21, 2023. It used to feature the image of the face of 'Julia Dimaggio,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.' All the same, you can find an archived copy of the homepage of this scam site (which includes the image of 'Julia Dimaggio') via the Internet Archive at:

Sandra Hall sandrahall.co -- see https://www.watchforscams.com/sandra-hall-gemologist-sandrahallco-date-of-posting-may-19-2022.html
* The Sandra Hall scam site appears to be down as of Jan 21, 2023. It used to feature the image of the face of 'Sandra Hall,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.' All the same, you can find an archived copy of the 'About' page of this scam site (which includes the image of 'Sandra Hall') via the Internet Archive at:

Zaee Harris zaeeharris.com -- see https://www.watchforscams.com/zaee-harris-gemologist-zaeeharriscom-date-of-posting-may-19-2022.html
* The Zaee Harris scam site appears to be down as of Jan 21, 2023. It used to feature the image of the face of 'Zaee Harris,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.' All the same, you can find an archived copy of the homepage of this scam site (which includes the image of 'Zaee Harris') via the Internet Archive at:

Carola Johnson carolajohnson.co -- see https://www.watchforscams.com/carola-johnson-gemologist-carolajohnsonco-date-of-posting-may-19-2022.html
* The Carola Johnson scam site is still online, as of Jan 21, 2023. The homepage of this scam site features the image of the face of 'Carola Johnson,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.'

Carola Kemp carolakempgems.com
* The Carola Kemp scam site is still online, as of Jan 21, 2023. The homepage of this scam site features the image of the face of 'Carola Kemp,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.'

Cynthia Lewis, Royal Glamour Gems royalglamourgems.com
* The Royal Glamour scam site is still online, as of Jan 21, 2023. The 'About' page of this scam site features the image of the face of 'Cynthia Lewis,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.'

Martina Paugh, Universal Gems Diamonds Experts universalgemsdiamondexperts.com -- see https://www.watchforscams.com/martina-paugh-projectconsultant-manager-universalgemsdiamondexpertscom-date-of-posting-may-20-2022.html
* The Universal Gems Diamonds Experts scam site appears to be down as of Jan 21, 2023. It used to feature the image of the face of 'Martina Paugh,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.' All the same, you can find an archived copy of the homepage of this scam site (which includes the image of 'Martina Paugh') via the Internet Archive at:

Andreea Sasser andreeasasser.com see https://www.watchforscams.com/andreea-sasser-gemologist-andreeasassercom-date-of-posting-june-27-2022.html
* The Andreea Sasser scam site is still online, as of Jan 21, 2023. The homepage of this scam site features the image of the face of 'Andreea Sasser,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.'

Sandra Smith sandrasmithgems.com
* As noted above, the Sandra Smith Gems scam site is still online, as of Jan 21, 2023. The 'About' page of this scam site features the image of the face of 'Sandra Smith,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.'

Claudia Denise Wallace claudiadenisewallace.com
* The Claudia Denise Wallace scam site is still online, as of Jan 21, 2023. The homepage of this scam site features the image of the face of 'Claudia Denise Wallace,' which just happens to be an exact match for 'Emily Layla.'

Comments for Emily Layla Gemologist exquisitegemslabs.com / Date of posting: Jan 21, 2023

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Jan 16, 2025
She's Still At It . . .Now as 'Jessica Oliva Rossi'
by: Anonymous

Divine intervention saved me once again.

Forewarned is forearmed as the saying goes. 'Jessica' found me on Silver Singles.com. I was trading emails back and forth with her/him/them when just by accident or I prefer to think, divine intervention, I was looking at one of her photos and double clicked at the bottom box/icon and what should appear?

Watchforscams.com. Thank God.

In reading the posts my experience was identical. I even played along for a while to see when the laptop story would appear and BINGO.

Just like clockwork, 'I fell at work and dropped my Apple laptop.' I might play along for a bit more just to see what the follow up looks like. This is looking more and more like a Nigerian or Russian scam that must work to some extent or why do they keep repeating it?

Thank you to previous posters for saving me from myself.

The best to you.....

Dec 07, 2024
She now goes as Marceline White
by: Anonymous

Same scam...as she didn't ask for any money to start with, I trusted and shared my e-mail, no big deal...didn't ask for money yet.

Dec 07, 2024
New name
by: Anonymous

Lezlie Cooper is the new name of the gemologist using the same broken computer trick and claiming she lives in Birmingham.

Website and the video is the same as with the other aliases

Sep 19, 2024
My reply to her request for AppleMac...
by: Anonymous

Hi Nicolyn,

I am so sorry about your MacBook and the plight it is causing you.
Did you try and contact Murat for assistance, as he always seemed helpful to me, and friends I have in Didim and Marmaris always spoke highly of him.
You say that you have been to the local Apple store to try and get the issue sorted, which one in Istanbul did you try?

You can sense that I am rather skeptical about this, as I have heard about there being a scam similar to this going on, and there are reports of it on the web. As I mentioned from the start, and again in my last mail, I have been scammed previously, and I am extremely cautious, about people I have not met requesting money. It would be different if he had a physical relationship, but this has all been digital so far, and as for transferring money to a third party, that is something that I would not entertain.

I am not being drawn into a long game for anyone, my apologies if this seems harsh to you.
I am sure if you were paying for the mining and other services you would have contingency plans in place for BAU in case something like this happened, I know I would, and have relevant insurances too.

Hoping that you manage to get one of your friends to help you out of this predicament.

Since then... Nothing back from her, I suggest people use a similar message as a reply

Sep 16, 2024
And at last, what she was after...
by: Anonymous


I am so upset and feel sad right now. I went to the work site to inspect and check the materials that were just delivered to the site today and while at the site, I slipped and fell on my backpack. My backpack fell and it contained my MacBook Laptop and my iPad pro which I put a graph of all my work and designs on. The floor was so slippery and I fell really bad on the floor which made my laptop badly damaged and I injured my ankle.

I have a backup of my work inside my external hard disk drive so I had everything installed on the iPad so they could temporarily work using my iPad which didn't work because the iPad and laptop are both damaged. I have been to the Apple store here to purchase a new laptop but I don't know why my credit card was declined. I have contacted my bank and was told that it was blocked because Turkey has been flagged as a suspicious country due to security reasons. I have used up all the cash I have with me for paying the miners and buying my ticket back home.

Honey, I am only asking if you can run an errand for me by going to the computer store to get me this Apple MacBook Pro (16-Inch 512GB SSD or 1TB) and have it shipped to me or better still send the money to my translator to help me buy the laptop so I can finish my work here and fly back home to your arms. Thank you so much for your concern and I promise to pay you back as soon as I get back home as you know I have already booked my ticket and I do not want anything that will delay me from coming home to be with you.

Sending you special kisses and warm hugs today as always.
Love always,

I'm going to tell her I don't have the money and see what happens...

Sep 09, 2024
Leslie cooper
by: Anonymous

Well , having read all the above comments regards this, so called lady, I took the liberty to do some checking as I have a suspicious nature, her English was poor, her deep and connected love for me was somewhat of a giveaway, and not the brightest shiny stone in her box of tricks.

From the above comments, my communication with her was almost word for word the same as others had . Her husband died of cancer, she's been alone for five years, no family blah blah blah - what a bitch.

She's asked for nothing as yet so I'll play along and have some fun. She's going by the alias as Leslie Cooper. Still no idea what she's after. I've told her I have no money so I think it's more about contacts she can use somehow?? Feel a bit sorry for her but not to much but it's sad, living a life as a conning bitch, but definitely feel more for suckers who don't do a bit of research on women from the net.

99% of women on the net can't be trusted so do some homework boys.

Sep 01, 2024
Nicolyn Amari
by: Anonymous

As of 1st September 2024...

Sound familiar?

Good morning, how are you doing this morning? It's always a delight to read your emails and write back to you is one thing I love doing everyday. I am glad that our writing days will soon be over.

Our feelings are mutual and I'm looking forward to having you in my arms spending forever with you. I am working overtime to meet up with my schedule so I have been very busy lately. I love reading from you.. Ever since I've been single, I haven't had this great connection with anyone and it makes me happy that we are connected to each other.

I always look forward to your email and I can't wait to meet you when I get home, I want to ask if you can pick me up upon my arrival. I will be done by next Friday, I will be so glad to see you at the airport..., which Airport is closer to you? I will let you know when I get my flight itinerary.

I have to tell you this from the bottom of my heart and I am opening my heart for you now; you make my life so complete darling and I will forever cherish and adore the bond we have managed to create between us these past couple of days..

I keep thinking about you and I am missing you so much. You also make me feel so special, your sweet words are like medicine for me. I can hardly believe it as each day went past and our love for each other was growing. You're truly a blessing, please, never forget. You've taken my heart and made it wake up.

You could as well send your mobile number, so I can keep it to interact with you when I get to the airport..

Thinking of you,

Aug 14, 2024
Further personal correspondence with Nicolyn
by: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090137242691

Nicolyn Amari
Aug 10, 2024, 6:55 AM (4 days ago)
to me

Hi Charlie,

Good morning, how are you doing this morning? It's always a delight to read your emails and write back to you is one thing I love doing everyday. I am glad that our writing days will soon be over. Our feelings are mutual and I'm looking forward to having you in my arms spending forever with you. I am working overtime to meet up with my schedule so I have been very busy lately. I love reading from you.. Ever since I've been single, I haven't had this great connection with anyone and it makes me happy that we are connected to each other.

I always look forward to your email and I can't wait to meet you when I get home, I want to ask if you can pick me up upon my arrival. I will be done by next Sunday, I will be so glad to see you at the airport..., which Airport is closer to you? I will let you know when I get my flight itinerary.

I have to tell you this from the bottom of my heart and I am opening my heart for you now; you make my life so complete darling and I will forever cherish and adore the bond we have managed to create between us these past couple of days.. I keep thinking about you and I am missing you so much.
You also make me feel so special, your sweet words are like medicine for me. I can hardly believe it as each day went past and our love for each other was growing. You're truly a blessing, please, never forget. You've taken my heart and made it wake up.

You could as well send your mobile number, so I can keep it to interact with you when I get to the airport..

Thinking of you,

Aug 14, 2024
Terrible misfortune appears to be her nemesis.
by: Anonymous

Here I provide details of the beautiful lady whose luck appears to be her nemesis... NOT.

Nicolyn Amari
Attachments9:34 AM (9 hours ago)
Hi Charlie, I am so upset and feel sad right now. I went to the work site to inspect and check the materials that were just delivered to the site today and whil

Charles Stevenson
7:15 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Nicolyn

Hello sweetheart, I'm really sad for you as luck doesn't bide you well particularly as your apple mac often appears to to be self destructive. Lots of love and hopefully you're in my arms as you often promise others xxxx


Aug 13, 2024
Still scamming as Nicolyn Amari
by: Anonymous

She has contacted me on FB been emailing each other back and forth. Supposedly living in Glasgow. Scotland. UK.

She was supposed to have booked a flight into Glasgow airport for Friday 23rd August. And now came up with the same scam with the fall in the mine and breaking her laptops and wanting me to either go and get one and ship it over or bank transfer the money to her Turkish interpreter 😂😂.

Even though there's no shipping address. Will wait to see what other scam comes over the next few days

Jul 30, 2024
At it again in July as Nicolyn Amari
by: Anonymous

Not a particularly great scammer. The video sent and the excuse for the accent not plausible. Also for a post graduate alumni her grammar and use of the English language leaves a lot to be desired.

However I think she probably has a moderate level of success as she has the most beautiful eyes. I shall miss conversing with her especially when there isn’t anything worth watching on tv!

Jun 19, 2024
Using the name N Amari
by: Anonymous


Using this website and the name N Amari and claiming to be in Turkey

May 29, 2024
This lady has been sending emails as Lezlie Cooper
by: David Jones

I received this email this morning,

Hi My Love

I am so upset and feel sad right now. I went to the work site to inspect and check the materials that were just delivered to the site today and while at the site, I slipped and fell on my backpack. My backpack fell and it contained my MacBook Laptop and my iPad pro which I put a graph of all my work and designs on. The floor was so slippery and I fell really bad on the floor which made my laptop badly damaged and I injured my ankle.

I have a backup of my work inside my external hard disk drive so I had everything installed on the iPad so they could temporarily work using my iPad which didn't work because the iPad and laptop are both damaged. I have been to the Apple store here to purchase a new laptop but I don't know why my credit card was declined. I have contacted my bank and was told that it was blocked because Turkey has been flagged as a suspicious country due to security reasons.

Honey, I am only asking if you can run an errand for me by going to the computer store to get me this Apple MacBook Pro (16-Inch 512GB SSD or 1TB) and have it shipped to me or better still send the money (1,950 euro) to my translator to help me buy the laptop so I can finish my work here and fly back home to your arms. Thank you so much for your concern and I promise to pay you back as soon as I get back home as you know I have already booked my ticket and I do not want anything that will delay me from coming home to be with you.

Sending you special kisses and warm hugs today as always.
Love always,

Mar 18, 2024
She sent me a video
by: Anonymous

The same one posted and I told her I wanted a personalized message as well her holding up a news paper out of Turkey with that days date. By this time I knew it was a scam cause I had read online about it.

She says She is from Jamestown north Dakota. The second I read her first message I knew it was a scam. None of her sentences made sense. s

So be careful. Mind you never give out money to people. They don't ask unless they are losers

Feb 14, 2024
Candace (Claire) Banks
by: Anonymous

I am being scammed from a person calling herself Candace (Claire) Banks. I first met her on Facebook Dating app. The photos and video she has sent me coincide with many aliases on your scam site.

Alias names such as Julie Cooney, Emily Layla, Sandra Hall, and the list goes on and on?

The website she sent me was gemprolabs.com

I am still in contact with her and awaiting her next email.

Feb 11, 2024
by: Anonymous

They are still scamming. They got my dad!!! I am so pissed!

Jan 28, 2024
Emilie Layla operates under Natalie Blanco
by: Anonymous

Emilie Layla operates under Natalie Blanco mining for zultonite in Turkey. At first she asks for money for a broken Mac computer, then asks for help in a fine of 53 000 USD because of an expired mining licence.


Jan 10, 2024
"Emily Layla" FB Dating Profile Goes Male
by: Anonymous

The Bogus Emily Layla, Lincoln, Kansas dating profile has now been converted to a male profile, using the name "Austin." Other than the gender flip, with concurrent flip of pronouns and pictures, all the phony "gemologist" content has been retained.

I assume this will also be happening with all the associated phony profiles, and that the fraud ring behind them is shifting to target women. Probably because the word has spread so extensively no men are being taken in by the scam.

Dec 14, 2023
Natalie Blanco
by: Anonymous

Now operating on Facebook, as Natalie Blanco, and Natalieblancogems. She claims to be mining Zultanite in Turkey etc.

Nov 16, 2023
Candice banks
by: Anonymous

Yes she contacted me through Facebook dating says she thought I was the perfect guy for her and I thought Holy shit she knows nothing about me and these women that think I’m just going to lay open my wallet and give them whatever they need is comical.

I sometimes have fun screwing with them but in the end I basically tell them to take a hike.

Oct 27, 2023
Reply to Not Sure Yet
by: Anonymous

Sent me the exact same pictures and videos. Contacted me through Facebook dating, used the name Candace Banks and had a supporting web site.

Wise up and either lead her on or forget about it.

Oct 27, 2023
Reply to not sure yet
by: Anonymous

Yeah, I got those same videos and she started out "nice" lol 😒🙄

Oct 26, 2023
Not sure yet
by: Anonymous

Emily Layla has not asked me for anything yet and seems to be congruent as this point and she has reached out to me on a dating site (I will leave that anonymous for now). I have read the previous comments and see what happens.

The photos she has sent me are real and also the videos as well. So she is who says she is....Time will tell.

Oct 21, 2023
Joyce Sally Scammer
by: Anonymous

Going by Joyce Sally....website joycesally.com gem specialist. A scam site

Oct 07, 2023
Kathryn Craner
by: Anonymous

Scammer! Going by Kathryn Craner and says she is living with a military man and his wife and needs money to fly to visit! Lol

Oct 07, 2023
Emily Layla is a con artist
by: Anonymous

Stating she is a gemologist. I found it suspicious that her grammar was so poor. Haha I immediately started to throw some keywords out and sure enough, this website came up.

Some people are truly trash.

Well I am going along with the story and I will scam the scammer and see if she falls for my tricks. This will be fun.

Oct 06, 2023
Emily Layla Mine Picture
by: Anonymous

"She" sent me images of workers copied from images actually taken at the zultanite mine in Turkey. The real workers all have bright orange coveralls with a double reflective stripe. The purported image of "Emily" in mining clothes shows a blond woman in grey coveralls with a single reflective stripe.

Behind the woman, a Cyrillic caution, "CTON" appears on an electrical box. This is not a Turkish mine. A Google Lens search with the image shows the original image dates from 2012, Makeevka Mine in Ukraine. In the fraudsters' altered version, the head and neck of the dark-haired Ukrainian miner have been digitally replaced with the head and neck of the blond woman represented as "Emily."

The most recent communication is asking me for a Macbook Pro 16-inch, 512 GB SSD or 1TB.

No shipping address yet provided.

Oct 05, 2023
Emily Layle
by: Anonymous

"She" is using a different woman's picture now. The "posts" appear pre-written and generic. I am guessing same posts for all men targeted. FB dating profile identifies home as "Lincoln, Kansas." "She" requests email and mobile phone contact information, as well as local airport ID so "she" can book a flight several weeks out.

Asserts ownership of an office in Florida with intent to sell and retire upon completion of current zultanite mining project in Turkey.

Sep 20, 2023
Once a scammer always a scammer
by: Anonymous

She also started up with me via Facebook dating site. She used the Melisa Emma profile and the gem stones & working in Turkey bit. After a few emails she came on really strong about her alleged interest in me.

I decided to investigate.

She didn't ask for anything. Rather than play along I'm shutting it down. Not worthy of any more time from me.

Sep 19, 2023
She’s still scamming
by: Anonymous

She contacted me on Facebook dating and I was suspicious from the get-go. She hasn’t asked for anything yet so I’m leading her along with very open ended but intriguing replies.

I know she has many aliases so I’m being careful but I’m having fun scamming the scammer!

Jul 12, 2023
by: Anonymous

She even went as far as to book a airline flight and I am guessing she will say that she needs me to pay for her flight home because of a credit card issue or something to that affect

Jun 12, 2023
Also uses name of Candace Banks
by: Anonymous

Also uses name of Candace Banks and GemPro Lab based in LA. Contacted me through Facebook dating. Says she's in Turkey returning to the US June 30. Had an unfortunate accident and needs me to buy her an Apple MacBook Pro so she can finish her work in Turkey and return to the US where we will live happily ever after.

Using all the same images as are posted on this page.

Apr 20, 2023
by: Anonymous

She tried to get in touch with me by asking me for my email address, but I didn't follow her trap, being suspicious by nature, I researched this person so I reported her profile on the dating site.

Mar 06, 2023
Marcelina White
by: Anonymous

She posted as being in Turkey and asked me to pick her up

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