Facebook Jason Duncan Nigerian Dating Scam
by Mikki
(Eastern US)
Jason Duncan I met on Facebook. I had his page shutdown. Nigerian Scammers. They have reopened the page with the same stolen photo, different city. Previously said he was from SLC Utah, the new page says Chicago. They changed schools attended etc...
Jason Duncan says he is a widower with a son named Freddie. Claimed to be a geologist, went to Nigeria for a lucrative project. As the project ended the drama began and the crisis never stopped. He is also on Google circle & google chat.
He used the email jasonduncan010@yahoo.com.
Now I know the script. These scammers are on every social, professional and dating sites. They are savy and are master psychological manipulators.
They are Sociopathic, amoral thieves. Although other words come to mind.
Financially I'm ruined,I'll never recover.