Fell For It
by Vanessa
(United States)
This was back in 2002, so the details are a little sketchy. The salesman came to the door, I was home alone with my two small children, ages 1 and 4. The 1 year old was terrified of vacuums and cried and hid the entire time.
I thing the price might have been $2500 back then but I'm not sure. Anyhow, I got sucked in and agreed to buy it. My husband came home from work and was livid that I had bought it. I contacted them the next day and had it picked up. When he came, he said "I know you really want the machine. What if I could sell it to you for $500?" I stood firm and said no.
The guy went to his car and allegedly made a phone call. He came back in and said his manager said I could have it for $750. I said no, and he took the vacuum with him. My husband came home from work and I told him what happened and he said, "why didn't you buy it?" So he called them back and they brought it back over.
I got to say, it's a darn good vacuum. That crying 1 year old is now almost 20 and that vacuum still works great.