George Peters - Drilling Contractor in Gulf of Mexico
by Stephanie S
George Peters. I too met an oil drilling contractor who works on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico. We met while playing Words with Friends. He pursued me and it was very flattering.
His story is that he was born in Germany and moved to Texas with his mum after his father died - he was 18. His mum has since died. He says he lives in Houston and is a widower. His late wife's name was Audrey and she died 6 years ago from blood cancer. He has a 15 year old son named Sebastian who is looked after by a full-time housekeeper named Kimberly while he is on the rig for months at a time.
As with others, it got very romantic very quickly. But there was always a nagging feeling in my head. He claims that the last company he worked for owed him $150k. He also had me believing that his drilling machine was failing and he needed to get a part that would cost $32k. He said he was trying to figure out how to raise the money for it. He also talked about having lots of money but he failed to activate his account before he left Houston.
I found that odd and kept pressing him on it but never got a satisfactory answer. He told me last week that he had raised $27k for the parts he needed and was still trying to figure out where to get the last $5k. $20k came from a friend and $7k came from his engineer James Wolfgang.
Today he said that the company that owed him money agreed to send him $14k. But since his account wasn't active, he asked if they would send it to his wife in another state. He asked me to receive the money and then send $5k to the parts company. He would tell me later what to do with the rest of the money. I declined and told him why. I told him I needed to talk with both companies before I would ever think about doing something like this.
BTW... I had no intention of following through with this part of his scheme. He got very angry but I stood my ground about this and he started talking about trust. He does have my address, phone # number and email - but my take is that this is public information and he could have gotten it at any time.
I did point out to him that I've been trying to find him and his son on social media and kept coming up empty. I even did a death notice search on Audrey Peters, but that came up empty too. I also told him that the address he sent me did not have him associated with it at any time in the history of the house.
I put the photos he sent me on Google images and nothing popped up. A friend did some behind the scenes research and pointed me to this site where I'm reading very similar stories. Yes this stings a little, but thankfully I have lost no money. As with others, I was on a high for a while but that nag was always there.
I said good-bye to him and he eventually stopped contacting me until last week. He's using text messaging now from 323-977-9807 and using reverse phone look-up, the number belongs to a man in Los Angeles. We've talked a few times and I've told him that I don't think he's the same person I originally interacted with. He begs me to love him again and I've told him exactly why that isn't possible.