Gerry Smith, Romance Scammer

by Wismer Dane
(United States)

He has been working dating sites both gay and straight looking for victims for many years, uses an alias of Mark Clark also Claims to be a civil engineer stranded with no cash, frozen bank accounts and tax and fraud issues. Asks all to send money to his cause via a Peter James in Nigeria.

I am 38yrs old, Self Employed Civil Engineer also into Interior Decoration, Disease Free, Hairy, Versatile (More of the Top) Single, Living alone. I like traveling as it requires in my profession, also Cooking just like you i hate to eat out unless when so necessary , Gym, Music, Movies, Cooking, Swimming and Reading are my way of relaxing. I like good things in general, i hate lies, and insincere person.


To start with i have to say how sorry i feel for all the troubles i have taking you through in the past weeks. It's a big shame for me meeting you under this circumstances it should have been in a better time and space. Thank you very much sir for the support. I have known through Mark that you are a selfless Person who wish happiness for everyone and nothing.

I have to say thank you for the measure you took the last time by writing James on my behalf, i will never take that slightly, i hold it high to my life. Thank you very much, when no one could stand up for me, you stood Why you did what you did is really not necessary but rather i am grateful to you for doing that, it changed a lot. I have realized through Mark that you are a Man of Peace. Peace will never cease in your life.

Also i must thank you for willingly accepting the pay pal payment by James which from what i heard has brought up a government tax issue against you, i will never take that for granted, it will remain in my memory forever and will forever be grateful.

I really wish theres a better way i can express my gratitude to you but definitely it will be when i'm fortunate enough to meet you in person soon. Hopng that meeting will change some perspectives my current problems must have left you to believe. Thank you very much Sir.

I have been informed about Money Gram decision to resend the money back to you yet again. It's truly worrisome and difficult this is happening i have tried relating it with Andrea newly acquired ID but it doesn't correlate and doesn't make sense but i will let that puzzle slide as my ultimate aim is traveling back home. If james get's to know about the recent happening he will never be happy with me and will concluded quickly that i am not a serious minded person. I truly want to be home if possible arrive the States same day as him. His view and thought about me need to be a good one and that's what i truly desire now.

Please Sir, i have dicussed with one of my School colleagues and he has agreed to pick up the funds from Money Gram if sent to him then help me do the needful. I don't know how to say but please help one more time because if you decides to stop now it means my problem just started, James view about me will be totally dark and it will be very hard to regain a lost integrity and respect.

His Names are :

Michael Spencer.

Spring, Texas. USA. 77373

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Apr 09, 2018
Fake photo
by: Anonymous

His pictures are stolen.

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