Harrison Mack aka Arnold Anderson Nunaoil Oil Rig Engineer
by Biggles777
Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
Stolen Image of an Innocent Family Used by Nigerian Scammers
Stolen Image of an Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
"Mack" Harrison is on WWF2 as Mack H. He is short on details but says he grew up in Belgium and is now from Florida, working in Denmark. He has a son named Derick cared for by a nanny in the USA. He dropped from the game and I lost some details. You'll now see oil rig scam red flags one after the other. I've not waited for the money and you'll see why. .
You'll also be left asking just how can they be so ignorantThe following are some quotes where he talks about himself.
Him: I’m the chief mechanical engineer my job is to ensure that works are taking properly.. I have colleagues that works with me...
Him: My last contract was in Gulf of Mexico which took over 5 months
Him: One can’t fly back home to visit his family.
Him: I’m on a different mission with others we have various departments here..
Him: I’m so lucky to get this contract because it cost me all my effort to apply for this..
Me: Well that is good who is it with?
Him: I work with Nunaoil..
Him: Nunaoil is the national oil company of Greenland In Denmark
Him: I bet is one of the best in the country
Edit: Okay so he has a story and knows who he works for. Then he asks to change the email he is using with my alias. From his "work" one to "personal" account.
By doing this you're given the biggest red flag. He changes his name Why would anyone do that, ever?
Him: This is my business email and I don’t always stay online hope you don’t mind we text on my own mail than company email...
Thanks and don’t text me over here again thanksEdit: To the new email
Me: Why was your work email @gmail.com and not @nunaoil.gl ?
Him: That’s my personal work email I bid for contract and work in conjunction with Nunaoil.
Him: And beside I’m not the owner of Nunaoil so I don’t think my email should be tag with the name.
Edit: What a load of rubbish, another red flag. He now has two names;
Harrison Mack
Arnold Anderson
I decide to ask a simple question.
Me: What is the name of the oil rig you work on?
Him: Maersk Drilling based in Lyngby, Denmark.
Edit: That
took some time. It's a town in Denmark, not an oil rig and it appears there is no drilling in that town. I know I am talking with someone young. He throws the emoji all the time. The scripted questions are there but he was told my alias was not looking for love. When he starts with the romance it's rebuffed or I ignore.
Like them all he has an air of confidence, arrogance and what you say doesn't register..
Him: Another day is a gift, so don’t forget to share it with your loved ones. Good morning my dearest friend
Me: Thank you and a good day to you I’ve been busy with my work schedule but I’m taking tomorrow off
Him: Are you at home now
Me: Yes:
Him: So any special plans
Him: Would love to talk to you more
Me: A quiet evening for me and I just got home after dinner with some friends
Note thatHim: Hope you’re not tired?
Me: I am a little but that’s fine I’ve 3 days off now
Edit out a few lines
Him: What do you have for dinner?
Me: Quite a nice Italian meal
Him: You eat alone ?
Me: I just told you I was with some friends
Twat! It's common. They just don't pay attention and ask the same repetitive questions. Let's see if he understands this one. No disrespect to the 167 lost souls. After the next exchange he thinks my alias is smart and I learn just what an idiot he is.
Me: I guess you’re not really enjoying the weather and onset of winter?
Him: Like you read my mind
Him: I don’t and I miss my hometown (Emoji removed)
Me: Well it does get quite cold
Me: If I recall
you’re on the Piper Alpha oil rig right?Him: Smiling emoji
Him: You're fun
Me: Oh at least I’ve my memory
Him: Yep
Him: You’re that smart
Me: That’s great now you go do a Google search and have a think about that
Him: Lol I will
Him: Call me Mack
Him: And you?
Me: Okay Mack I’ll be back in a few minutes
He is absolutely clueless. He just agreed he works on the Piper Alpha oil rig, destroyed in the largest modern day oil rig disaster with the loss of 167 souls.
What a disgraceEmail used: