by Tmann
(Key West..fl..USA)
This all began in April 2011...
I was on Facebook when I recieved a message from a very attractive woman that goes by the name of Zusan Collins.
First of all a month previous to this I had met her on a dating site but at the time I was recuperating from cancer surgery and I just didn't follow through due to my condition.
Well she contacted me through FB and told me that she was an orphan who had joined the ministy in Alabama and was presently in Lagos Nigeria as a missionary with the mission helping the poor unfortunate orphan children & spreading the Word of God.
She then told me after several emails that she was leaving Lagos once the mission was completed..and that she was looking to settle down with a me & start a family..(a bit too soon to be talking like this)...
Everything seemed great at the time since there was no mention of sending any money whatsoever. I FELL IN LOVE...UNTIL about 2 months later when she asked if I could send her some money for medicine since she was ill & in need of medical attention.(malaria).
I began to get suspicious because her messages were not as well versed as previously before.
Well I was the fool ...She really sweet talked her way into my heart so I sent her $250.00.
To make a long story short everytime that it came to her flying home (to live with me & start a loving relationship)..something came up & she needed more money because she was unable to cash her checks which she claimed totaled approx..$35,000.
Needless to say I continued to send "the love of my life" money in order to get "my sweetheart home"...I sent her a total of $3,500.00 over a 7 month span ...
I finally smartened up and did some online research only to find that I had been scammed...(by a 29yo.beautiful woman I'M 59).
Now I am financially broke & morally bankrupt.
But I will survive...Lesson learned~~If it seems too good to be true ...It probably is... Believe it or not this is the short version ...but you get the point...