Independent Contractor, Oil Rig Engineer for Chevron

by Lori
(Louisville, Ky.)

This guy contacted me from meetups. The picture he uses as his profile shows him lying on the carpet with two light colored yorkshire terriers. He is 54 years old and has a daughter 20 and a son 24 and live in Washington, DC. He stated that he moved from Italy to the US when he was 13 years old and grew up in Ohio, where his Mom and kid sister lives. He met his late wife in Italy when he was there on vacation with his uncle. She died in a car crash four years ago.

He claimed he went onto Louisville, Ky. meetups because he is relocating to Kentucky (was supposed to be 3/20/19) but he is renovating an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico for Chevron. After a little over a week, he said he had inspectors come and he e-mailed me a copy of a check for $408,000 which was the initial payment.

He claims that he can only text when he is out on the deck and can only make voice calls when climbing up the tower. Before going on the rig, he had sent normal-looking videos to my e-mail showing him dancing with his dogs, dancing with his daughter to a dancing video game, and his daughter doing a video that puts heart graphics around those in the center of the video. They all seemed legit.

The first time he surprised me and telephoned after weeks of texting, the connection seemed very poor, and he was very hard to understand. Not sure if the accent was Italian. He claims to have 24 workers with him helping him complete his contract to renovate the rig. He had equipment to be delivered this week, but there was an issue with customs in UK.

"Duties" totalled $28,000 US dollars. (He had expected them to be around $11,000.

His agent "Mike" can't get the equipment released until the duties are paid and starting today, there is $800 per day charge for storage. Two days ago, he was attempting to get "friends" to help him out with loans but he didn't ask me for any money. He later texted me and told me about some pretty severe health conditions have have come on due mainly to stress and was pretty elaborate on the medications that were prescribed and for what the various conditions. (see below)

"I've been on Hydralazine and Nicardipine Hydrochloride Injections which helped to widen and relax my blood vessel and now i feel quite better even though i still feel quite weak, atleast i'm still able to send my baby a message. He has also put me on some pills too which i have to take regularly until i complete the prescribed dose, Zofen (which will help regulate my blood pressure), Diurex (which will help increase my urine production and get rid of excess salt and water), Atenolol (which will also help in slowing my heart rate and reduce blood pressure."

I received a few more texts after that but none yesterday and today he has attempted to call me three times. I'm tempted to continue this to see just how further he goes but just feel that I should distance myself from him.

I hope this helps someone.

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Apr 25, 2022
Do you know this man
by: Anonymous

A similar thing happened to me. Jamie from Denmark
who lives in Birmingham UK

Jul 22, 2021
What is the name of the man whose pictures are being stolen?
by: Anonymous

Anyone know the name of the man whose picture is being used?

Jun 21, 2021
Harris is a scammer
by: Anonymous

Accent was Nigerian, not Italian.

Mar 17, 2021
FB Dating
by: Anonymous

Connected on FB dating with Anthony Hilton. All the typical scam methods in this one. Glad I googled it. Just seemed off. Sad for the real guy that had photos stolen.

Mar 17, 2021
Person identity
by: Anonymous

Does anyone else know Clinton Pagee? He says he is an independent contractor

Jan 02, 2021
Does anyone know of a James Thornton
by: Anonymous

Claims he is an independent contractor on an oil rig in the Indian Ocean. From England, has elderly mother (Debra), daughter (Katrina)?

Says he is an underwater diver. Had photos on social media (OurTime)

Sep 06, 2020
Same story with me
by: Anonymous

He connected with me through Meet Mindful dating app recently. I’m in Charleston WV and he said he lives in Charlotte. Same story, lost his wife in a car accident 3 years ago, has two kids, same pics sent to me, same video with him dancing with his dog, same pic with his daughter with hearts, same story on the oil rig, satellite phone, short phone calls, very heavy accent, same email with pic of check -dated 8/20/20.

He had not yet asked me for money, however, the part he was waiting for was supposed to be delivered yesterday.

He text me this morning, and I called him out on it, and said he was a heartless piece of crap and that I knew what he was doing. Needless to say I blocked him.

Thanks for the heads up, and be careful out there everyone!

Aug 26, 2020
Same exact thing with me in Aug 2020
by: Anonymous

He is out in the Gulf of Mexico on an oil rig with Hurricane Laura!!!! In some safe room! Said he moved to Wichita.

So glad I saw this!!!

Jun 29, 2020
Harris the scammer
by: Anonymous

May 2020 this guy messaged me on Meetup saying he is moving to Detroit from North Carolina. He sent me pictures that match those on this site. Same story, 58 yrs old, wife died in car accident 4 years ago, 2 children in early 20s. 2 Dogs. Retired from Army, now a "drilling engineer". Grammar a little off, we spoke on phone once, very heavy Italian accent.

Said he grew up in Italy and moved to the states at age 13. He started sending me texts daily, and increasingly told me all the flattering things, etc. It started to sound fishy so i requested that he cease all communications. I have also reported him to as a predator.

Ladies beware! Only converse with people you have met in real life. It was also fishy that he was a member on meetup but had attended 0 meetup events. Said his name is Andrew or Antonio Harris, but he goes by "Harris".

Jun 28, 2020
Harris the scammer
by: Anonymous

This guy private messaged me on metro Detroit meetup. He claimed he lived North Carolina but would be moving to Detroit in July 2020. His first name he claimed was Andrew or Antonio and his last name is Harris. He said he grew up in Italy and moved to the states at age 13. He said he was 58 and that his wife died in a car accident 4 years ago.

He immediately was texting me daily and wishing he could gaze into my eyes. Much to much and it started to sound fishy and creepy. Ladies beware and only meet people in person in public places. I dodged a bullet!!

Ps..he said he was a retired army sergeant and was now a "drilling engineer". 2 little dogs and 2 children - Charles and Susan.

Jun 23, 2020
Harris Williams
by: Stephanie

I met him 09/19 on Zoosk. It was very strange a man claiming to work for him said Harris saw my profile as he was looking online and asked if I would send an email to Harris. I was flattered so I did. Almost immediately he started emailing me and then texting me. He said he had one contract to finish in the Gulf of Mexico and then would be relocating to Louisville to work for a reputable firm here.

For days he professed his love for me and sent me videos and pictures. After 2 weeks the issue with customs came up. He needed $8,000. We prayed for a resolution and I told him I would search for help. I never did.

Huge red flag but I decided to play along just to mess with his head. Our last conversation he said he was dying. I told him I would come to his funeral to be there for the kids. Yeah right!!!

Ladies, please I implore you never send these guys a dime, no gift cards, and please don’t ever give out your bank account and routing numbers. We have to be smart when it comes to these jerks trying to ruin us!!! Be strong

Mar 24, 2020
Harris is a scammer
by: Anonymous

"Harris" tried to scam me about a year ago. He is currently on LinkedIn as Harris Nathan Dwayne. He’s also been Robert Harris, Harris Williams, and Osborn Jeffery Harris. My storyline was very similar to yours. That is 2 months of my life I’ll never get back. So much texting. He is a scammer.

Don’t waste your time. Block him and move on.

Feb 11, 2020
Thank you for the head's up!
by: Anonymous

Oh jeez. I'm so grateful I looked for info on this guy. "Harris" contacted me today with nothing more than a statement saying he likes my smile on Meetup Denver.

Blocking him immediately. I appreciate all of you taking time to put this out there for other.

Thank you!

Oct 04, 2019
He scammed me since Marco/2017 to November /2019.
by: Mari

This guy has scammed me for more than 200,000.00. It happened to me because i never had learned about fraud before. He told me he lives in Dallas TX and he had to travel to Italy urgently because he had to ship 19 cars (mercedez) to Italy and after that he started to ask me for help.

I have his photos. but I do not know how to send.

Jul 06, 2019
Block this scammer
by: Anonymous

I was in your shoes. He’s definitely a scammer. Don’t send him money and block him immediately.

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