James Alrohan Gulf of Mexico Ship
by Biggles777
Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
Stolen Image of an Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
Stolen Image of an Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
James Alrohan is on Scrabble GO and not telling you much at all about who he is or what he does. Says he is 56 years old from the United States. No children nor can he say where in the USA he is from.
Didn't get to the money and no need. He has the script and won't answer any of your questions. He wants to ask the questions and tell you all his friends betrayed him. He trusts no one yet tells you, a person he just met online, he does trust you and you're all he has.
A little of what he says about himself
Him: 56 what about you how old are you ?
Him: This is my last contract
Him: Professional Structural Engineer and a contract Project Manager
Him: Well too much because we are renovating cabins out here
Him: I'm at the gulf of mexico coast offshore in the middle of the sea renovating cabins on a ship compartment will be relocating after I'm done here
Not much as neither of us are answering each other's questions. He;ll give you the loving emoji's and not much else. Once you go to Hangouts an image search of his profile picture returns a different man to the one he is sending pictures of.
Email in use: jamesalrohan@gmail.com