Jason Duncan. jasonduncan010@yahoo.com, DOB 11~01~1969
Met this scammer on Facebook. Geological engineer, left Shell in 2003. Moved back to SLC Utah with his son Freddy. He is a widower, wife died from breast cancer. He now works for himself.
He donates his services to a local clarity org.
We communicated several weeks. He secured a lucrative contract in Nigeria. Works out of the country 2~3 times a year.
Credit card gets compromised,there are mechanical problems with expensive equipment(needs funds to complete the extracton) he gets hurt at the site, but the extracton is completed. The contracted company wants Mr.Duncan to pay lab fees. Starts asking to borrow money to wrap it up and get home (tells me about his bank accounts, (it was a fake internet bank "gtiua," owns his home and forwards a copy of his passport)
Needs to pay the workers, pay hotel bill, pick up a few gifts and plane ticket home.
Then comes an arrest on the way to the airport, needs a lawyer and is fined, gets robbed, gets ill, needs surgery, hospitalized, arrested falsified again.
I'm contacted by the Dr and the lawyer.
The lawyer named Omele Femi, Dr Jide, another Dr, an American SS worker Vivian Smith. This goes on for 6 months, CPS takes the child because he is gone so long. His bank account is now frozen because he didn't pay his taxes and he's still being detained and fined.
To say the least I am financially destroyed, emotionally broken!