Kirby Vacuum Scam-4/08/2015

DON'T LET THEM IN! Nothing is for free. We had to threaten to call the police to remove them from our home and still wouldn't leave.

They work in teams. First, they sent 2 young girls who pushed their way in past my boyfriend persuading him to have two rooms-carpet or hardwood floors-cleaned for free. No product sale, no advertising, they said.

They were opening a new store "in the neighborhood"-turned out Wilmington,MA, quite far from were we live-and were advertising their name by cleaning for free for a limited time. All we had to do was tell our neighbors our experience.

Right! Sounds too good to be true? Well, it is.

After agreeing, out of curiosity, we got this salesman-an African man with no skills whatsoever, and who barely spoke English-who started taking a vacuum apart and advertise it. He started by asking us if we want to see him open up a vacuum business in the near future.

What a way to start a sale!

We recognized a scam and asked him to leave. He told us he forgot his phone in his boss's van. We gave him our phone and he faked not finding the phone number, while he continued to tell us about the vacuum. I found the number, called them myself and asked them to come and pick him up. He still would not leave.

We threatened to call the police and he kept appologizing and taking tools out of bag and putting them back in, trying to talk his way back into business. I ended up shoving his things into the boxes and took them outside myself.I was reading later on that people spent hours with the salesman and large sums of money on products they could not return and could not get their own vacuums back-which were part of the sale.

And all after they were promised a half hour of free cleaning of 2 carpets-just like us.

My advice, don't let anybody in unless you are willing to spend hours of your time and a few thousand dollars on a vacuum cleaner you cannot return. We are afraid now they were checking out what valuable things we have in the house and break in at some point.


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Dec 06, 2016
No such thing as a free carpet cleaning!
by: Anonymous

There is no way a company is going to give away free carpet cleaning to generate business. That does not even make sense. A REAL carpet cleaning business wanting to "get there name out there" would offer rock bottom prices and actually make money. Kirby has been using this free carpet cleaning scam going back to the early 90's that I know of.

Never let strangers in your home! If they don't respect NO! the first time, don't let there be a second time.

Go ahead and call the police.

Don't just threaten to call the police, actually do it!

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