Leonard Nelson - this guy is smooth

by Anonymous

Started chatting with Leonard Nelson, leonardnelson410@gmail.com on words with friends. Was just general discussion, I stated I do not provide personal information. He Lost wife/daughter and is raising grandson Daniel, with the help of a nanny. Marine Engineer lives in Houston Texas. He asked me to go to whatsapp or google hangouts. Told him I would only chat on Skype. He started to profess his love for me and wants to marry me early on. Very smooth talker and says some very sweet things which seem believable at times. Meanwhile if I would state something generic going on in my life he would ignore the statement.

He stated he was in Holland and he returned back to Houston for a few weeks. He got a contract in Germany. While in Germany he forgot to pay for his 8 year old grandsons excursion to Australia (really how many 8 year olds go on trip to Australia without parents). I need to send him $1200 in google play cards. I refused and called him a scammer, he ensured me he was not and we continue chatting. He said I should send him money as we are to be married. Told me he was 65.

He starts chatting with my friend on WWF, grandson now 9 and wife/daughter died 10 years ago (okay that makes no sense). He tells friend he is in Holland while he tells me he is in Germany. Tells my friend he is only 60. Told both friend and I he is en route to India for another contract. He just started chatting with friend thru generic email address last week.

After a couple of emails, he asks friend her salary and how often she got paid. Next email he asked her for $1500 for grandson to go now to Canada. Friend refused, he told her okay I don’t need full amount $700 will do.

Told me a few days before that he was stuck in Togo Republic en route to India and forgot his credit card back in Germany and needs $650 thru Western Union as they will not allow him to board the plane without a credit card. Meanwhile he told my friend he is in India. Friend looking at time stamp of emails says he is in time zone 4 hours ahead of USA EST. India time zone is 9.5 hours ahead of USA EST.

Reverse image search the images, are of Miguel Tempone of Argentina. He told my friend his phone number is 1-740-807-3264 and wants to just send texts, she refused to give her find number.
He is no longer talking to my friend and I, probably since we refused to send money.

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May 29, 2024
Now posing as Dickson Williams on Twitter
by: Anonymous

Recently contacted me on Twitter (X) using the name Dickson Williams. Widowed with a young son and living in New York he alleges. Bombarded me with messages, declaring his love for me, and telling me he wants to marry me, even though we’ve never met.

He doesn’t know my real name, he doesn’t know what I look like and doesn’t know where I live. Claims he’s a contractor working on an oil rig in Dubai.

Asked me to use Wire Messenger for future conversations, which I declined. He follows thousands of women, liking and commenting on their posts.

Attempted to scam me but I saw through him immediately.

May 29, 2024
Now on Twitter using the name Dickson Williams
by: Anonymous

He contacted me on Twitter (X). Has been sending me numerous messages. Says his name is Dickson Williams and he lives in New York.

He's a contractor, working on an oil rig in Dubai apparently.

Apr 03, 2024
Romance scammer
by: Anonymous

Met this guy on dating site who went by Hugo. He was an engineer on business in Argentina. Never could meet. Hit all the romance buttons and ready to marry me and start a life.

Fell for his sweet talk but when he needed money and I said no he disappeared. He's really smooth ladies...beware!!

Dec 28, 2023
Sugar daddy
by: Anonymous

He contacted me on TikTok 😂 asking if I wanted to be his sugar baby 🥴. So he asked me if I have telegram. He said he is in Italy on vacation. That he has to much money and wanted to give it away.

I’m still waiting for him to ask me for my bank account or asking me for money 😂😂 he will be surprised.. I’m poor. 🙄

Jan 29, 2022
He went by Nelson Leonard
by: Anonymous

This man did the same thing to me. He stated he had a daughter name Venessa who was 5 years old and has a nanny. He also stated he wanted to marry early and professed his love for me very quickly. He also stated he was working in Germany.

He pretended to be an African American/Brazilian 44 year old male. His time zone difference would be off and he would lie about that. He also tried to duo call me with that same African Americans man’s picture fixed on the screen as if he screen recorded him talking or screen recorded this man’s reels or stories on social media.

If I could ever find that man whose pictures he has I would be glad to let him know how he uses his info. He stated he was working on a contract for electronic devices?! The phone number he used was 1(281)603-3386.

He first in boxed me on Instagram, and I responded because of course it seemed innocent and the fake page he put together was a very attractive guy. He stole pictures of myself and my son from my page of course by screen shot and my Instagram is private so I regret accepting his follow request.

He also lied and sent me cropped photos of pictures of gifts that he stated he bought for me and all he needed was my address, email, and full name. Well lets just say he got a fake name, fake email, and no address.

And this is when I sounded the alarm.

May 01, 2021
Same guy different name
by: Anonymous

I was scammed. This time he said his name was Richard James Taylor. I fell for all his words. I was very vulnerable because I recently lost my husband. He said he was an engineer.

I feel like such an idiot because I actually believed him. Thank the lord I got suspicious and investigated him.

Mar 28, 2021
POF in Denver
by: Anonymous

I reverse searched his photo since they seemed too slick and not in Denver. He's using the name Derek Wilkinson.

I asked if anybody ever told him he looks like Miguel Tempone. Bet he blocks me.

Dec 12, 2020
Miguel Tempone
by: Anonymous

Well here’s the bottom line. This man is a scammer. He had checks sent to me from different women to post into my bank account and forward to him. I told him I was not going to do it! I gave him too much personal information on my life and then I told him to take it down the road.

Shortly there after I called him a scammer and he admitted to me that he was and asked if I would want to work with him. He then Facetimed to me through WhatsApp and he is a black man that lives in Africa supporting his son. Please beware he’s done this to a lot of people. I asked him why he did it and he said that he had to survive because it was the only thing he could do to support his son.

I was shocked when he FaceTimed me. He told me that Miguel Tempone was a gay man and lives in Argentina.

Nov 29, 2020
Now going by James Scribnerr
by: Anonymous

Yep. He contacted me on POF saying he wanted to help me out. Damn near had me too. This is after I told him I am a stay at home mom who just had to send my fiancée to jail for beating me. It doesn't get any lower than this scum of the earth. If it seems to good to be true....

Nov 12, 2020
Emmanuel Dave on tagged
by: Anonymous

He has screen shots of pictures from a Instagram account named Miguel.tempone. Something told me to google him well because it seemed too good to be true.

He messaged me on tagged but I didn’t respond. I wanted to google him first. Thanks everyone for spreading awareness

Oct 11, 2020
Miquel Tempone Scammer
by: Anonymous

I too was scammed from Miquel. I met him on POF in 2019. He said he loved me within days of meeting on line. His name was Harry Smith from Arizona. After a few months when he was going to fly me to meet him.

He all of a sudden said he had to go Europe. After a few days he contacted me to say blah blah blah and asked me to send him money.

That's when I got suspicious. Long story short --- Why hasn't he been arrested?

Sep 29, 2020
Glad I Googled his name
by: Anonymous

I just started talking to this guy by the name Miguel. Something tells me there's something not right so I Google his name and it brought me to reality that this guy is a scam.

This guy is very smooth and knows his game. If in doubt, google their name. It's hard to trust nowadays.

Be safe everyone.

Sep 28, 2020
by: Anonymous

He was on the zooke dating website and contacted me wanting my phone which I refused and he told me that his mom and daughter live in Italy and that his wife died 5 years ago and that he would give me anything I wanted.

The place where he said he worked I rang and they said they never heard of him. I found him on Instagram and he is either gay or bisexual. I told him he was a P.O.S. and that I hope women figure him out. He isn't even good looking

Sep 06, 2020
I don’t know if it is the same man though
by: Anonymous

I think there are many scammers who may use his pictures. Miguel Tempone has a public Instagram account and posts many pictures. I met a lady who says that Miguel runs this scamming ring himself, but I am not too sure if this true or not.

I am so sorry that they are trying to scam your deceased child’s profile as I think these scammers stop at nothing as long as they get rewarded they don’t care.

Sep 06, 2020
He is using different names
by: Anonymous

He is going under Dave scoot and Justin Williams. He went into my deceased child’s profile and wanted to be my child’s sugar daddy. I went along with it and he said he worked as an engineer for turner. Well the funny thing is my husband works for turner and is a supervisor and we strung this man along to see how far he would go.

This man is unreal. I am going to try to find out how to report him to authorities this week. I did an image reverse on him and his story did not match up right away. I think he is banking on young girls and when he came to my child’s page and we both work in this industry and for the company he claimed to work for he was thrown off.

What a piece of scum

Aug 27, 2020
Miguel Tempone
by: Anonymous

I just got scammed by this guy yesterday on Twitter. I feel so dumb not knowing he is a scam. He sent me a check but he wanted me to send him some of the money back and for me to keep some of the money. When I tried sending it back it wouldn’t go through and I realized my account went on hold and I phoned my bank and they had told me it was counterfeit money and that it was fraud and that this guy was a whole scam so I blocked the guy.


Report this guy!

Aug 26, 2020
by: Anonymous

I got scammed by this guy on twitter. He sent me checks and then after they went through had me apple pay his "grandma" and after I sent money the checks bounced back. It is a felony to send a bad check, I am hoping to find other people who got scammed to nail this guy or organization down

Aug 20, 2020
Miguel Tempone A.K.A. ?
by: Anonymous

The names change, the stories change but it is always Miguel Tempone of Mar Del Plata, Argentina. This is his business and he may have an international gang working for him. I have been in contact with 7 women around the world who have been scammed by him in various degrees. We would like to stop him either by a class action suit or similar. His crimes are committed mostly from Argentina but some while in other countries.

Mar 09, 2020
by: Anonymous

He scammed me for 3 weeks. I caught him a day too late. He was a friend of a FB friend of mine. He said he was born in California but was raised in Greece. He worked in Texas for 17 years and was married to his college girlfriend who was addicted to drugs that lead to his divorce and later his ex wife committed suicide. He started flirting like within 4 days and fell in love in 2 weeks.

He is very good at smooth talking and the false feelings of true love

Sep 24, 2019
He also uses Marcus or Mguel Tempone ar Coast Guard Academy
by: Anonymous

Same guy tried to talk to me on wwf as miguel tempone. I immediately blocked him. I would never give any stranger money. How people can be so dumb is mind boggling.

Aug 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

Do you have a link to his profile on match.com
He scammed one lady out of several thousand dollars. She posts all the places he shows up on her Instagram page

Aug 23, 2019
Leonard Nelson
by: Wendy

He is on Match.com too. I blocked him. He did not use this name though.

Jul 07, 2019
Miguel Tempone
by: Anonymous

Evidently person in this picture is Miguel Tempone from Argentina. He scams many woman utilizing many different profiles and names. Has several people working for him, from what I have been told.

Please beware, and do not send any total stranger money in any way shape of form, whether gift cards, western union, bitcoin.

They promise to pay it back l, but you will never see the money.

Jul 04, 2019
Definitely a scammer
by: Anonymous

They favour engineering as a profession because they do not expect women to know about that.

Glad neither of you sent money to him.

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