Louisa Antwi...antwilouisa45@yahoo.com

by Albert Fell

I am being scammed at the moment by a very pretty 32yo born in Ghana to a Canadian mother and West African father who were both killed in a vehicle accident 2 years ago with her 18 yo brother (who was born in Canada) in Ghana and all their belongings were stolen.

Luckily she was not with them. He He. Leaving her the sole beneficiary to 150kg of gold in a storage shed in Accra-"Carl Safe Homes Ltd" with only a P.O.Box se245 (Ref CA/0154) address and Ernest Agyemang General manager and have to pay storage fees on $1920 to release.

Her fathers attorney lives in UK and is handling all the paper work-all looks legit but nothing is adding up. She is a university graduate and a nurse but never worked as a nurse. Wants to marry me and live in Australia if I send money for her passport. Money for a new phone and a laptop so we can chat better. Money for food and internet. She works cleaning the building she lives in on the weekend and nothing during the week.

I have sent A$200 to her for food and she sent it for her passport which costs more and she wants another A$200 or she will lose what she has sent. When I say I do not have the money she cries and says her life is not worth living. Her mother-Amanda Adasi was born in Canada-her email still being used amandaadasi32@gmail.com by her daughter to obtain funds thru paypal. Her fathers name Prince Antwi.

Very demanding and very impatient but loves me and wants to be with me. She borrowed a friends laptop so we could use cam and see each other. No where here where you can add pics or files.

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Feb 21, 2021
She Was Also Janet Adamson
by: Biggles777


Same woman was Janet Adamson last year except the scam was different. She had an inheritance of 5000 ounces of gold from Menzgold Ghana.

The picture you have of her holding gold is a photoshop. If you wish I'll post one from another gold scam aimed at men.

Ghana, a single attractive female asking for help. Dump her as fast as you can.

Feb 21, 2021
Look on "Antii-Scam Forum"-Mary
by: Anonymous

Wow-she has been doing this for years. Check it out fosuahmary68@gmail.com including the video in the shower.

Feb 20, 2021
by: Albert Fell

How do I add to my story ?I now have close up pics from her and I asked her what color eyes she has. She replied blue and brown in the pic. I am playing her along waiting for the big expose. She has sent another pic holding one of the gold bars in her hand and an invoice from the storage firm for the rent. All looks regit. They have done a good job-but plenty of flaws.

Feb 20, 2021
by: Anonymous

This has scammer written all over it. BLOCK HER immediately. Block her on all sites she has had access to contact you. Do not engage any further. She knows she sucked you in. That is how their scamming sucks in their victims.

She lied to you and she will continue lying.

Please do not send her any money. Facts are not adding up because they are not facts. Good luck. If you post a photo I will research it for you and inform of what I found.

Feb 20, 2021
by: Anonymous

So if you know you’re being scammed why are you still dealing with her? Do you enjoy the abuse? Take action on what you’ve already acknowledged and BLOCK IMMEDIATELY unless of course you’re into pain and losing money.


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