Nelson Harry U.S. Army United Nations Afghanistan
by Biggles777
Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
Stolen Image of an Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers
Nelson H is on Words With Friends as Nelson H. He has very little interest in telling you anything about himself. All he wants is love. It's all he really talks about and when asked, he deflects any questions about himself. He says he is in Afghanistan as a surgeon with the United Nations. He can't say where in the country.
This is an arrogant young Nigerian. He only knows love and how to talk about it. He asks all the questions and no matter what you ask he just avoids giving an answer. I guess the scam is the leave. He is with the United Nations and on retirement he's coming to join you with a daughter he doesn't name or say the age of. You have to assume where he is from and what nationality he is. He won't tell you.
Him: I stay with my uncle in North Carolina who later died during Iraq War
Him: My uncle was a strong man. Great soldier. He register me to united State military academy as a doctor.
Him: It's okay. I really pray hard for my retirement to be accepted soon. Then I will leave here to relocate to other country.
That is as much as he can give you 2 days into being on Hangouts. He's annoying with his childish approach. Loving GIFs are sent daily. Emoji and you're were his "beautiful Queen" his second message into it on Hangouts. But he always asks the same repetitive Nigerian rubbish;
"What time is it over there"
"Have you had (insert appropriate meal)"
"What are you doing"
"Are you busy now"
"Are you preparing (insert appropriate meal)"
"Am I invited" and "Can I join you"
"Send me your picture"
Soon I tire of it after the 2 photos he sent me. One is very popular and obviously a scam.
Me: I think you're fishy
Him: Story fishy for showing you love and care??
Him: I really don't understand what you mean
Me: You figure it out. It is fishy
We exchange fluff for a while and I just drop it. But I've very little patience for him;
Him: But am not satisfy with it
Him: You are not giving me the attention I need yet. Maybe it's because you are too busy for work
Me: Well if you don’t like it I wish you all the best!
I lose interest and he just decides you're in love with him. I say he's a good friend but he wants all the love and throws it at you. I decide it's enough. But he persists and comes back for Steam cards fir his daughter.
Him: I was talking to my daughter and she's asking for me for steam card and I cannot get it.
Him: I cannot get it here. There is no way I can get it here
Me: Hmm yes I guess it is kinda hard over there
Him: Yes baby
Him: I'm afraid to ask you babe
Me: I know about those, they are like really popular in America.
Him: On Her birthday day she ask for a new phone I couldn't get it
EDITMe: Look at what I just said
Him: She said $500 babe
Him: I don't know what she wanna use it for.
Him: She haven't ask me for such thing before babe.
Him: And I ask her she wanna use it for something important.
Him: Her mom was the one doing all this before babe. I'm just confused babe.
Look at the atrocious spelling. I fluff him off on cards hoping for the leave and a sign of a proper military scam. All he can do is throw love and not answer any question about where he is or what he actually does. But like all scams, he implies he has money and talks about buying a house;
Him: Don't worry. Let me see what I can do when I come to you.
Him: 2 to 3 million will be fine babe
That's the first he has mentioned money aside from wanting Steam cards. If he has that much cash he can buy the cards online if he asks again. He also wants to buy a Mercedes sports car sending images of a model worth around $1 million. Talking driving with him and he has no idea what a speed limit is.
Edit all the fluff. Enough is enough as the pandemic means no one is going to travel anywhere and he somehow understands that but always mentions his retirement needing UN approval. He continues to throw the love
like a kid does time to end it and poor English trips him up. Next is an edited very long quote of his love for you;
Him: Raping expression from me to you.
Him: Raping have been one of my hobby when I was young.
It was a long loving text and it's obvious what he meant but if you're language is that poor.
Me: You rape? WTF?
Him: Of course babe
Him: When I was young, I and my colleague do rapping competition lol
He got it rightMe: You’re confused there’s a ******* BIG difference between rape and rap
Him: Oh, sorry babe
Him: Did I say rape?
Him: Maybe its a typing error babe
Edit as I beat him up on it and walk away. He still wants all the love so I ask a very simple question that he should be able to answer. But he accidentally sends this to me;
Him: If you have experience like this before. I'm not like that. Trust me. Honey. Everything will be fine. I have to send you the money if you cannot accept through the company. I will credit your account directly by Paycheck. (It was in Spanish and looks like he/they are scamming a woman there)
Him: Sorry that message is not yours.
Me: You’re in the Army right?
Him: Of course
Him: Why are you asking babe?
Me: The United States Army?
Him: Yes babe
Edit and as you can see I'm asking and he is agreeing.
He is not forthcoming with any information about what he does for a living or his work. That leads to a simple question but he is not happy with the way I've started to ask.
Me: What rank are you?
No answer Edit: He still can't answer
one simple question His rank. I'm sure any service man or woman in the United States Army would be able to answer that before irritating the one they "love" so much.
Him: When you are ready to calm down
Him: Ask me any ******* question. I'm here to give you a reply
Him: Whatever questions you wanna ask,
Him: You can go ahead and ask
Me: I told you to **** off now you do just that cause you’re full of bull****
Him: But I cannot answer you now because this is not how to behave.
Him: You need,to change from your behavior.
Him: You have to work on your character
Me: You can’t answer cause you don’t know
Me: 25 minutes and you can’t say your rank
Is it really that hard, are my expectations too high? I don't think so. If you can't state your rank along with everything else he's missing you are not in the United State Army.
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