Nigeria sucker

by Anonymous

I met my Nigeria scammers through craigslist and I thought I found the one. Even though everyone was telling me this is fake and I had so many warning signs that something is not right. I was in debt almost $50,000.

Luckily they tried to get me to believe that I was going to get a big inheritance and they wanted more money for me to pay the taxes or to unfreeze the account.

Long story short I was dumb enough to give them my account information and they did put $60,000into my account which they wanted me to immediately put into another account. Instead I came to my senses and realized that this was all a scam so I did what I had to do.

I took the money they sent and paid off all my debts. And then I never spoke to the scammers again.

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Nov 27, 2018
by: Anonymous

I agree these scammers are dangerous. I would not take one cent from them either. They have connections every where.

They might find careful.

May 10, 2018
That's funny
by: Anonymous

I wish I would've done that. They're in Nigeria. They can't touch you.

May 09, 2018
Nigeria sucker
by: Anonymous

Are you sure that you have found the way to deceive fraudsters too or do you imagine that? Lady these cheaters are dangerous and I would never take just 1 cent of fraudulent money. They do not know mercy and you can see how they handle all of us so be careful.

Yes whether 1 year or 2 years, they come and get it again and they find you. They are criminals and we are not.
Never in my life more trouble with them

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