Nigerian Dating Online

James Palermino

James Palermino

This man broke my heart and ruined my life. It's the same exact story as everyone who's posted to this site, except this time I walked right into a nightmare.

1. He's in the military and can't send pictures of himself on an iPhone because its forbidden on the base being special ops and everything. Cos ya know their supposed to be secret - I believed this cos I'm convinced I watch too much tv.

2. He has a daughter Mary around the same age as my kid who lives with James' mom. Cos ya know, he's deployed in.... yep, Nigeria - Since I have a kid, I felt empathy. It really tugged on my heart strings.

3. Wife died from cancer - My sister died from cancer so I could relate. It hurts typing this out btw. This story will make all you ladies feel better cos I got scammed.

James said I had to pay $500 or his commander would cut off our communication because we need to be on a secure line. So I paid.

James said I had to register as his wife which cost $500. So I paid.

James said he would invest in my business. He also said he's going to retire from the military but he needs me to pay a penalty fee to release him at $3k. He has no access to his bank account so I had to do it. He said if I paid his Commander John Blake then he would release James. And when he gets home, he will invest in my business.

So I went out looking for space, created a website, got all my ducks in order I sent him the money. But then all of a sudden, he lands in Germany and I need to send him money so he could get a ticket from Germany to LA. Since he was no longer deployed he couldn't take the military air craft he needed $2K to get home. I said I'll buy you a ticket and he said I had to give the money to his commander to get him home as everything goes to him.

4. He would laugh at my jokes. I should've took that as a sign right there.

So if it makes you feel any better, I lost $4k and my business. All because this man made me feel good about myself and I believed him.

We were internet dating for 1 year. He kept my mind off my divorce I was going through. I didn't want my kid to see a man in my house. So internet dating was perfect for me. He would call me everyday how much me he loves me. Tells me how pretty I am. Tells me he wants to treat me like a queen. Tells me he will get me a Range Rover and a diamond ring. And when he would get home, we could all live as a happy family.

He fooled me and I have no money. I have no job. And soon, I'll have no phone and no home.

Beware of this man and his Nigerian accent.

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Jun 12, 2019
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know a guy named Kelly JACK as beware because I lost 125,000 from him pretending to be a American soldier deployed in Afghanistan

Jun 03, 2019
Shes a scammer
by: Heather Thompson/Rooks/Bailey

Do not trust this woman. She will steal your money. She will befriend your family members while stealing everything they have. She is a caretaker for a local health agency and will promise to meet you for dinner but will never show. I sent her money for a house she wanted to buy, I never got it back.

She is very persistent and sweet talked me into believing I was the only one for her, she only scammed me. When you see her on POF run! I blocked her email and phone number. One day a friend of her txt'd me telling me she misses me and needs me, again another lie. The stories could go on and on. Don't believe her notes she sends you either.

She goes by many different names, I think because she has been married over 4 times. Rooks I think is her real last name. She has scammed many other guys, she doesn't deserve to see the day of light. Jail would be her best option along with her kids going to foster care.

Jan 10, 2018
Update anyone
by: Anonymous

Stay away

Oct 07, 2017
Update anyone on pof fake
by: Anonymous

He contacted me again and again asked for money I said no

Sep 24, 2017
Update anyone
by: Anonymous

He is fake. Stay away

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