Nigerian Dating Scam - Andrea Neil Tonelli - same profile picture on Facebook under Fabrizio Tonelli

by Lizzy
(New York, USA)

I received a friend request from Andrea Neil Tonelli the day after I joined a closed Facebook group called Pitlove. When I accepted his friend request he contacted me through Instant Messenger.

He claimed to be Chief Pilot/Chief Instructor at Copa Airlines and to live in Los Angeles, California. First time we chatted he claimed to have been raised in an orphanage in Los Angeles and to have no family or siblings around him. Also claimed to have lost two sons, a daughter and his wife in a grocery store shooting, and had one son left, Henry, and to have a strong religious belief.

That day he also gave me two telephone numbers for him and forwarded pictures of him and his son. That same day we switched to text messaging and phone calls. Within a week he started calling me by pet names and professing an undying love and requesting promises that I would never leave him, would never hurt him, and would be with him forever.

Shortly thereafter I received a couple of nude photographs. He then claimed that he flew to South Africa where the airplane he was flying experienced mechanical difficulties. As he was an "independent contractor" with Copa Airlines it was his responsibility to pay for the repairs.

That's when the requests for money started. He claimed he only took $1,000 with him and used most of that money to buy an i-Phone and get a new cell service because the one he had wouldn't work there, and to pay his motel bill. We started talking on Whatsapp then.

He asked me to send money for the repairs ($5,150). When I said I couldn't do that, he said "we" could pay it a little at a time. He also requested money for food and his motel bill. He wanted money sent by Western Union or another carrier to be picked up in Nigeria by Emmanuel Gidah since Andrea didn't have a government issued ID and wouldn't be able to get the cash himself.

When I questioned whether he was a scammer he became angry and asked what I thought he would get out of scamming me. When I began talking to him again he claimed to have attempted suicide when I accused him of being a scammer and stopped talking to him. He asked me to marry him and promised to make it legal when he got "home".

He told me that if I stopped talking to him again he would commit suicide and his blood would be on my hands. A little over a month after we started talking, I stopped responding to him and blocked his numbers. His page is still up on Facebook and I discovered another page under the same name with different pictures of the same man, and the same profile picture is being used under Fabrizio Tonelli on Facebook.

Andrea also has or had a listing with Badoo dating site.

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Sep 07, 2024
Roberto Ace Alejandro
by: Anonymous

He just told me Monday that he had to go as the pilot was flying from California to Italy to rest then to Nairobi Kenya to deliver a package. Delivered packaged and got a hotel room and early morning hours they were robbed and the co pilot was shot and in hospital in critical condition.

All their possessions were taken and he needs an iPhone to get his plane report. Went to the embassy and was told he has to come back in two weeks. No money or phone for plane report. I told him to have the plane report sent directly to the airport and he claims they can’t do that.

He sent me flowers and had me text his manager who told me he blocked Roberto and that he was no longer his manager.

Manager name supposedly Gonzalez. Phone number Roberto and is using is 310-628-1183 and has a son Reuben in Italy with nanny only 9 years old.

Feb 12, 2024
He is still at large
by: Anonymous

Roberto Alejandro can also be Roberto Walters on Facebook

In Africa at this time and just got robbed 2 days ago. Money needed for plane repairs. Has no money for food or shelter. Son lives with nanny in Naples.

Even sent me a picture holding a sign with my name on it. Video of him taking off. Co - pilot got shot. All of this has been very trying to say the least. Sons name is Ruben.

Just wow what a story. Feel bad for the real guy.

Dec 17, 2023
"uses the name Brett Alejandro "
by: Anonymous

He connected with me on Facebook dating under the Name Brett Alejandro. Said he was a private pilot living in LA. Has a son living in Italy with a nanny. Started calling me babe and my love after only about a week. Sent me flowers, said we would be together for the holidays.

After a month of talking he said he was flying to South Africa. Once there, I get a text telling me that they were robbed in the middle of the night and his copilot was shot. Then he tells me that something was wrong with his plane and needed 3000 to fix it.

When looking at some of the pictures of he and his son, they didn't add up. It was supposed to be the same day, but the child was 2 different ages. When I told him that I refused to send money until we talked face to face he had all kinds of excuses.

When I called him on it, he said he couldn't believe I thought so low of him.

The phone number he used was 585-202-9237

Aug 27, 2021
Roberto Walters
by: Anonymous

I have been speaking to this man a couple of weeks now, very respectful and kind. I will be careful because of previous comments. Perhaps he has changed. He said his wife was killed in a car accident 7 or 8 years ago. Has a son in Naples. Italy being raised by a nanny child's name is Ruben has been living here for about 12 years

Jul 20, 2021
Insight Timer
by: Anonymous

I am on the meditation app "Insight Timer" and "Donald Proudfoot" sent me a friend request on May 28, 2021. I accepted and we message a bit on the app, then moved to Gmail and then google handouts/chat. His gmail address is: and the phone number he originally gave me was 857-297-8564.

We messaged for a few weeks and he proclaimed his undying love for me, etc. He told me which country he was flying to next throughout June and July-it was a different one every week. I had researched his name and phone #, but came up empty. On Friday July 16, we had a phone conversation through google chat, during which he told me that when he was in the Air Force, he and some fellow co-pilots "found some gold". He kept and he was desperate to get it out of his safety deposit box in England but was unable to due to being under contract with the airline. He did not ask me for help or for money, but I knew it was just a matter of time. I decided to see what happened next. I didn't hear from until today, 7/2.

On google chat, he asked me to text him on a different #, 754-444-1688 because, he said, "seems I'm able to text with it now internationally". I did not reply, blocked him on my cell, gmail and google hangouts/chat and dove into research.

The 754 number showed up as fraudulent on several sites and was shown to be a landline originating in Florida. With a little deeper digging, I came across this site which has several pictures of him that match the ones he sent to me.

This is definitely the same guy. Naturally, after I blocked him, he sent me several "don't leave me in my time of need" type of messages and I did not reply. I have let Insight Timer know, but from what I can tell, this con artist has been at it quite a while and needs to be stopped asap. Who knows how many people he's bilked or harmed?

Jul 20, 2021
Insight Timer
by: Anonymous

He contacted me through Insight Timer under the name of Donald Proudfoot. His story was that he was orphaned as a teenager when growing up in Portugal, his wife died in a car accident and he has Brad, a 15 year old and Nick, a 6 year old.

The pictures he sent me of Nick resemble the boy in the picture posted above. He sent me a very similar picture to the pilot picture and is undoubtedly him. He professed love very early on-within two weeks of us chatting. He asked that we use Google hangouts and claimed to be a pilot with Emirates and would be gone for a 8 weeks overseas, flying to a variety of countries.

Several days ago, he told me that when he was in the air force, he and his fellow pilots "found some gold" that was in a safety deposit box in England and that he was desperate to get it out, but still had three more weeks on his contract.

He hadn't yet asked me for money or help, but clearly, that is what was coming next. He said the gold had been in bar form, but was then made in to gold dust, etc. It was then glaringly apparent this was a scam.

I thought I'd wait a day or two to see what was next, and, sure enough, today he asked me to text him to another number 754-444-1688, because "seems I'm able to text with it now internationally!"

With a little sleuthing, I came upon this site that has several pictures that match the pix he sent me.

I've informed Insight Timer and Google. To echo another anti-scammer site, if someone asks you to go off the site they've originally contacted you on to use Google hangouts/chat, beware.

Stay on a trusted site & do not give out personal information.

Jan 24, 2021
by: Anonymous

It seems to me that this man has quite the reputation. Funny thing is all those names belong to other people not the one in the picture. Scammers find a face and proceed to build a profile that suits them and then put it out there to see if there are any love starved women that are wanting to hear the words that they never had in their lives.

The man in the picture has nothing to do with or even knows about what is going on until someone tells him. He is a good looking guy with a job that is enviable of most everyone. He has and exciting persona and lives the good life, but in reality which the love starved women have fallen for, the guy is a family man that works hard and is being destroyed by the ones that believe he is a scammer.

The scammer gets the women’s money and the innocent man is ruined and the scammer gets rich off the ignorant women that throw themselves at someone they don’t know.

Jan 24, 2021
Vito Nichola
by: Anonymous

I know him with the name Vito Nichola. I have talked with him now for 2 months and I'm not sure if that is his real name. I tried to check him in Yandex or google pictures but I found nothing.
I would like to know his real name

May 20, 2020
2020 Andrea Tonelli also active as Giovanni Francesco
by: Anonymous

On Instagram, his username is giovannifrances_ (underscore included)

A few days ago, it came up in my notifications that he was following me. I glanced at his profile, and saw that it was private. (To branch off for a second: that should already be a turn-off for anyone, guy or gal, even if the person seems to be real. If they know you, they should have the common courtesy to send a message and let you know who they are and how they know you - not leave you wondering because you need to follow back in order to see their profile. Ridiculous.)

Anyway, I decided to google the name and the word "pilot", as his uniform was visible in the photo. I scrolled through images. Lo and behold, this post of yours came up even though the name had no hits. It was startling to see a bunch more photos of this person who has apparently had their identity stolen.

I blocked him, and would not have followed him back either way. Seeing your post got me motivated to take this extra step.

If he's still around, it means he's been successful in finding vulnerable victims.

May 18, 2020
Stolen identity
by: Anonymous

I have not found any posting for this Andrea Neil Tonelli that are new. There are hundreds of stolen identities that come from Nigeria and Ghana on a daily basis.

The pictures of the pilot were a big surprise for me as I know this person well. No accent or attitude whatsoever. Those pictures are old ones. He is proud of his profession and is a dedicated person.

It is a terrible thing to have your identity stolen and used for personal gain. It has happened to me also. It can ruin your life in ways you can’t even imagine. Photo shopping is done so well nowadays that unless you are the one that does it there is no way you would know the head didn’t belong on the body. I happen to think modern technology has put us all at risk and given the bad guys to much information.

I have gone through 5 years of hell as a victim of a Nigerian scammer using several names

Apr 30, 2020
Giovanni francesco
by: Scambuster

Met him on messenger as Roberto Walters chief pilot for sky bird air out of LA. Then he told me his name was really Giovanni Francesco from Naples, Italy and had a son that lives there with a Nanny by the name of Karlee. Sons name Marcos age 9.

Nov 09, 2019
Andrea Neil Tonelli
by: Anonymous

Sounds like some some Nigerian scammers stole this poor guy (the pilot) identity. How hard is it to understand?

Apr 06, 2019
Irish pilot
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know about John Power who has been on the matching site over 15 years?

Oct 30, 2018
More information please
by: Anonymous

Can you provide me with his telephone number, email address and the name of his friend?

Oct 30, 2018
Harry P Donald
by: Cindy

Yes I know Andrea as Harry Donald. He talked to me on Hangouts. He claimed that he was in the military and was in Kabul. Then he told me he was going to West Africa to train some solders there. He asked me to recieve a package for him and then after that I found out I would have to pay almost 4,000 dollars for it.

Then he claimed he had a friend who had a tablet and he wanted me to send 600.00 to him for that. I asked him to send me a pic of him in his army outfit and let me see his name on it. Of course he couldnt do that cause he was lying. The 600.00 for the tablet he wanted me to send it Western Union. I found out before he asked me to do that by a friend that he was not who he claimed to be. So I asked him about being a scammer and he said he wasnt but I knew in my heart he was lying.

Since I didn't send money our relationship changed. The only one thing about this is I am in love with the character Harry Donald. My heart is broken and he says very soon that he is going to materialize to me that he will come and I will see he is real and I will be sorry for not believing him. I just know now that I have trust issues now worse than before.

Hope one day that he might actually get a heart. He needs to be praying to God. He hads permanently damaged me. I dont hate him but forgive him.

Sep 17, 2018
Lorenzo Moteo Greco
by: Anonymous

He is also under this name, I googled his name but could get nothing, so I googled the e-mail name, and there he is. At least we were just starting to text. Thank God it did no go that far, he is blocked on all my devices now.

But he also says he is working for Skybird Aviators. He also said that he were adopted as a child and that I am to tell no one about our friendship!

Watch out girls!!!!

Aug 15, 2018
Response to Italian Comment
by: Anonymous

He has a very strong accent, but I am not sure it is Italian. I have read that Nigerian scammers use Italian photographs because the accents are similar. Another person who heard his voice commented that he believed the accent sounded Jamaican.

Pay close attention to the messages he sends you. I believe more than one person messages based on the differences in the texting style and spellings. I also once had a message that he wanted to feel me inside of him. He also frequently repeats the same phrases and will ask the same question multiple times within a few minutes. His responses don't always make sense in the context of the conversation.

If you pay close attention you will also see that he frequently contradicts himself and his stories don't always make sense.

Aug 14, 2018
by: Anonymous

Does he have an Italian accent?

Apr 21, 2018
Pervert pilot?
by: Anonymous

Which airline does the predator work for?
Another perpetrator from Shamrock? A married Irish pilot has been searching women posing as a single man for a long time on the vegetarian matching site. A cabin crew was arrested in Florida last May for sexual assault. Also, multiple ground staff had been engaged in human trafficking over years at Dublin airport.

Apr 01, 2018
I was almost scammed!??
by: Anonymous

I met this man on messanger. His name was Christopher Dhracy on Jan. 2018. He said he loved me very much and was going to buy me a house etc,

He asked me for my bank account number, credit card, username, password. I blocked him on messenger.

Gave him nothing. So ladies beware who you click on messanger.

Mar 23, 2018
Sexual Predator
by: Anonymous

This man is a sexual predator. He sounds very nice when messaging on WhatsApp and sends nice messages of how much he loves you. He also sends videos about sex, basically grooming you to have sex with him. He communicates with many women at the same time on dating sites and makes friends with them, eventually luring them into having sex with him.

After having sex with them he dumps them and moves on. He is a danger and could spread diseases as he does not use a condom. He uses the dating sites to get multiple women to have sex with him.

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