Oil Rig Engineer - Mason Ryan

by Brittany

The story starts as all others. Connected on Instagram by commenting on one of my stories. He lives in CA but leaving shortly for an 8 month contract on a rig in a sea outside of Turkey. He was a widower and has a young daughter.

He seemed legit and within a few weeks asked for a gift card as he forgot to leave for his daughters gaming account. Yet he has pictures traveling the world and a Rolls Royce, full time caregiver for his daughter, and no way to get $500 to his daughter.

I am curious if anyone has dealt with this guy as he has over 12K on instagram?

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Jun 25, 2024
by: Anonymous

This is a scam. The man in the picture has nothing to do with this. Nigerian scammers find pictures of handsome men and build stories around them. The oil rig is one of the oldest.

Wife died and he's raising a daughter that needs money because for some reason he can't access his account. They know exactly what to say to get you hooked.

Take it from someone who lost a lot of money from these crooks...THIS IS A SCAM!

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