Robert Ferguson-Oil Rig Engineer/ Also goes by Robert Eiken

by Heather
(New Jersey, USA)

I met Rob on Instagram. Good looking guy and in good shape. Had a feeling from the start that he was a scammer, but he says all the right things. He is working on a Rig in Alaska about 3000 miles out. Connection often isnt good. T

his comes as no surprise since Im sure he needs the time to continue scamming others. He sent all kinds of pictures of him and of his daughter. It took a couple weeks, then he asked for itunes cards, then 4 months later Money.

Do not give him any money. You will not get it back.

Please be careful.

If it seems too good to be true, it is!

The picture this scammer is using is actually Rob Murgatroyd.

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Jan 26, 2025
Also goes by Alex
by: Anonymous

Same guy .. went by Alex on FB Dating

Dec 06, 2022
Bob Harris aka Eiken/Ferguson
by: Anonymous

Continued about Robert Eiken aka Bob Harris or Bob Haro or Bob Ferguson.

He seems to be doing this for years now. Claims to be Dutch or Danish and having moved to California. Working as an engineer on oil rigs in Texas.

Recently claiming to be living in NYC or Boston. Thick accent, charming, very attentive but never tries to meet in person.

Block your numbers, ladies.

Dec 06, 2022
Scammed by petroleum engineer
by: Anonymous

We met on Jdate. His photo only showed his feet but somehow we sent each other Likes. He was charming, said he was Dutch but then moved to California with a doctorate, and then East. Suddenly, he was off the site and so were our messages but by then, but he had my phone number.

His explanation was that he asked for his money back from Jdate because they had not properly uploaded his photos. I chose to believe that rather than seeing it as a huge red flag. But I did tell him I was concerned about it so he suggested we meet on zoom. Once he came on zoom, I was relieved that he was a real person.

He was fun to talk with, though with a very heavy accent. He used terms of endearment like honey, baby girl, darling. He texted me every morning and wished me good night every night, but never tried to meet up. When I said we should meet, he suddenly told me he was in another state. I said when did that happen, and he responded that I may have forgotten that he was there on business, but he’d never told me!

Finally, his giant oil rig contract came through (2 weeks into our chatting) and he suddenly had to be in the ship in three days so there was no chance to meet yet, but would I wait for him because he wants me in his life, or would I try to meet someone else to love?

I said we are not in love, we only like each other and this is only the beginning. I don’t even know your full name. Again, he tried to gaslight me by saying, did you forget?

I told you my name, Bob Harris: he never had.

That’s when I blocked him.

Sep 26, 2022
He is on Facebook Dating now
by: Anonymous

Goes by the name Victor. Says he is from Denmark but grew up in California. Didn’t ask me for money but I was the love of his life after a month!😂

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