Scammer from many platfroms okcupic, facebook, ilikeyou...

by Anonymous

He approved me on a dating website. 50 years old, name Henry Raymobd Erme from Turkey and living in London now (it's his name on okcupic, other name as Gary on facebook, David from Autralia on ilikeyou and some other platforms). He's an engineer on an oil rig as a contractor. Has a 10 years old daughter and has his own successful business.

Lost his wife by car accident 4 years ago (not died by cancer as others 😄). A single son of his dead parents. Has a big house in London, and travels a lot because of the nature of his job. He spent 6 months talking with me (the longest time in my list of scammers, other scammers usually take 1 month and then ask for money) to build the relationship with me. He always texted me in the morning, lunch time, evening and night during the 6 months, I mean 180 days, and not miss even 1 day haha. He's very sweet, handsome, nice, and kind words. Updates me on his activity every day. Look like a sweet man who fell in love with me, right? Lol

He said he can't wait to see me in person, he wanted to hug me in his arms, feel me beside him. and he booked the flight ticket to see me in my country. He even showed me his passport. My heart missed a beat, because I know the game will be going to the final round. And one week before his flight, he informed me happily that he won the biggest contract at Dubai, this was his last contract before he moved to live with me for the rest of his life with my kids and his daughter.

And I'm this lucky because after seeing me he won many lucky things. Very sweet thinking from him. A very happy life waiting for me haha. Though I always protected my heart with him, I had a real feeling towards him that was uncontrolled. I felt so sad when hearing about his trip. I knew I will see his other face soon, his truth face, a scammer.

He did his trip to Dubai. Still kept talking everyday. It's ok for me. And the scam was happening. He said he's in the dangerous state there and he must submit all his current money to keep his life safe. But It's not still enough and he asked my assistance with money. I asked him to give me more details to submit the money on behalf of him.

He gave me more details to do a transfer of money by TT, with the bank account in my country (awesome). After I got all this information, I told him I will submit it to the police and his embassy there to save him. Very funny, he's worried and asked me don't do that if I wanted him safe. Just make the money transfer. After he's safe, he will solve the problem and come to see me immediately.

I told him he is a scammer. He said he is so sad and hurt because I think that. He swore on his honor. Oh, does he have a honor for swearing? Crazy.

I didn't give him any bad words. Just wished him to be a good person in the future and he won't treat woman or play with their feelings. He said he will prove his truth to me. Then he disappeared. I haven't lost my money on any scammer, except my belief in love and life. My heart becomes stronger and harder too. Currently, if a man or scammer still comes to me I still talk with them without any feelings, just for a chance to practice my English more and more. It's really useful for my English 😁

DO NOT let your heart go far with a man who you haven't seen in person. DO NOT ignore your premonition of the sweetest honey from a strange man on the net. Of course, NO MAN CAN GET YOUR MONEY. You are not a ATM. You are a valued woman who deserves to get a better life with or without a man.

Be strong and happy always women!

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Dec 14, 2020
I recognize this picture from someone
by: Anonymous

I recognize one the pictures from another guy who said he lives in Canada and this is his brother on the picture and he said he will send me Christmas gifts with laptops, iPhone and jewelry.

I am still waiting to find out his acts and then block him.

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