Scammer using Charles Moore name from Coffee Meets Bagel

We chatted for 2 months before I realized I was talking to a scammer. He supposedly was from Orlando (though his profile said he went to school in Miami), but works in the same city as me, Boston, MA. But then he supposedly was sent to Abu Dhabi for work for a week which ended up being a month and counting.

He fits the typical profile of a scammer for the most part: works in engineering, tragic family deaths (his parents had both died), abroad for work, months pass and unable to meet, professes love without even meeting, said he was half American and half Australian but when we talked on the phone his accent was definitely neither (not sure what it was), when trying to Skype the connection dies quick so I only see him for a second, etc. A couple of things that were not 'typical' for a scammer: his written English was very good and we were both on our 30's (typically it's a younger scammer going after an older victim).

He was quite attentive and quite patient. I had no idea until our 'failed' Skype and then accent on the phone. Please be aware that Skype allows you to use a video as your chosen 'camera' so they can use a video and make you think you're seeing them on camera. Therefore they'll always say there were connection problems, or audio problems so they can use a video without audio. If you're not having an actual conversation that it's clear it's live, don't trust it.

I never waited around to see how he would ask me for money. At first I wondered if it was a lonely person just catfishing me, but as soon as he told me there was an accident on the work site, he had been in the hospital but was ok but his worker was critical and he had lost his work permit, I knew he was a scammer.

He knew I was suspicious by then and needed an actual Skype conversation to trust he was who he said he was - then that same week, this supposed accident happened. And also his phone supposedly died so he couldn't send me more photos cause he was using a temp phone, yet he was still texting me from the same number. I had enough proof then so I just stopped responding and reported him. Not sure CMB did anything about it though, so I decided to post about it.

Hopefully this helps others. It really sucks to be strung along thinking you have a connection with someone and it ends up being a criminal. It's like this person you were connecting with suddenly died - and then you find yourself freaked out wondering who on earth this person actually is. In reality this person really doesn't care about you or any of this. He would tell me anything to reassure me he was this Charlie Moore who cared for me and was soon to come back. He even claimed to be Christian. Thankfully, I realized fairly quick something was very wrong.

I have no idea who the person in the photos he used really is (still find myself wondering..). Early on I did a reverse image search and found nothing, which actually made me think perhaps he was real since I didn't find a post like this nor a facebook or linked in page that would tell me he's a different person.

I'm sure the scammer will soon change the name and contact info he uses, so definitely be careful if you find a profile with photos of this person. Make sure you meet first. And don't send photos until you do. He texted me photos and eventually I felt I trusted enough to send him some of me too. He even sent me a short video of when he supposedly left for Abu Dhabi (he didn't talk in it). Don't trust that.

Just like this scammer now has photos of me and probably a short Skype video of me from our 'failed' Skype call, this guy must have been someone that was scammed and thought he was sending photos and videos to someone he thought he was clicking with. As I think about it, the only time he really encouraged me to send him a photo was when I was at the airport. I can see how those come in handy.

He was using as his email, (407)906-3175 (orlando) as his phone and thecharlesmoore.84_1 as his Skype account.

Bottom line, don't fully trust anyone you haven't met in person yet and you should never ever give money to someone you haven't met and built trust with.

Good luck out there!

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Feb 15, 2021
Beware of Jackson
by: Anonymous

I was chatting with this guy who claims to be Jackson; he claims to be African American but looks to be mixed race. Says he is in the Air Force, Technical Sergeant deployed to Kuwait returning home in 3 months.

Apparently had a bad divorce 5 years ago and has a 9 year old son who is nannied by a family friend. He inadvertently called me and his accent sounded Nigerian or Jamaican. His texts were a strange mix of good and questionable English, he says he is from Riverside, CA and his area code is Syracuse, NY.

Professes early that he was just about to get off the site and then he found my profile, yeah right! I texted him about all the red flags including that his voice didn’t match his picture.

He went off about that and said I had a problem with his accent, blah blah blah he’s a scammer watch out!

Oct 01, 2019
by: Anonymous

I feel blessed to have found this page. I have encountered few on CMB. Lots were using fake Korean faces too. Wish I could upload photos but couldnt figure out how.

FRANK CHENG ph: +19204767847

Same story as posted by another lady below.
Very very sweet patient man. Except he's a fake!

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Apr 10, 2019
Frank Cheng
by: Anonymous

I been talking to this 44 year old Chinese American guy on CMB who supposedly born in Brooklyn, New York. His Father is from Singapore and Mother is from Malaysia who both died. We chatted for 2 months and he claims to work in Baltimore, Maryland. He professed his love for me in one week and wants to marry me when he comes to Singapore.

He is a smooth and sweet operator as he takes time to understand you and kept saying that his heart accepts you from the start even without meeting you. His phone cracked when he went to the bathroom and he couldn’t do video chat with you and he does not have time to fix the phone. He sent me a fake air ticket which stated he was coming on the 11 April.

Just 2 days before he arrives, he went to Wisconsin and was robbed. He mentions he is stranded there and needed me to send him $800 USD on Moneygram to cover his expenses home to Baltimore. I requested for a police report and a picture of his injuries but he denied saying that he will ask the hotel manager to take them for him the next day.

I sensed something Is wrong and I asked for the hotel he stayed in Wisconsin and called the hotel but there was no hotel guest under his name. I told him that and next he said he has found a solution. I soon realised it’s a scam and I blocked his number and contacted CMB, tried to Google image search and BeenVerified to get his details but to no avail.

The scammer : frankcheng +19204767847
Email :

Be careful as he is a really sweet talker but his command of English is bad and knowledge of many things are very general. He only knows how to say Honey, sweetheart, dearie and type am not I am.

PS: I am glad I did not lose any money but I am worried about my photos being used to scam others

Oct 10, 2018
Donald McCoy Singale
by: Anonymous

I'm talking to one right now for more than a month. I almost believed I was talking to the real person! He's a 35 year old US Army guy in Afghanistan. Engineer! Divorced. Has a daughter that lives with mom. Coming back in the US in November. He totally fits the profile. He never asked for money but started talking about how his mom is having money problems.

That was the red flag that had me google him. Then I came across these online dating scammers! I never really knew about them. Now I know. I confronted him. He stopped texting for 3 days and he's back again. I wonder how can I catch him when he asks for money.

I already reported him to CMB and Kik.

Aug 19, 2018
Nigerial scammers
by: Anonymous

Charles Moore or Rob Carrington or whatever is a scammer who operates on dating websites with a bunch of other Nigerian scammers. He sent me the names of people whom I could transfer money for him and if you look them up online on social media, they are all Nigerians. I guess this is the way they make money over there. What a shame and so disrespectful to your own self, the guy seems to be well-educated but what a destiny. Here are the names he gave me, they all have been reported to FBI and police:

Biodoumoye Boloko
Shekwonya Samuel
Mulikat Ilesanmi
Beta Idigo

Aug 19, 2018
There are other similar scammers
by: Anonymous

I met someone on CMB, who is an Asian Guy who is Chinese, but relocated to UK at his very young age and once we had the phone call, the accent was very strange, not London accents, like Indian or Middle East person. So be careful, not only one Charles Moore.

Aug 18, 2018
Still on Coffee Meets Bagel
by: Anonymous

This guy is still on Coffee Meets Bagel using a different set of pictures but still with the name Rob. None of those pictures come up on a Google search but he just texted me a new picture that did. Have to say I'm a bit disappointed.

Thought I had finally found a "real" person. I swear, this is the 7th scammer on C.M.B., don't they even verify their users?

Jul 13, 2018
Rob Carrington
by: Anonymous

As of July 2018, pictures of this man and story match exactly to profile for "Rob Carrington".

May 26, 2018
Happened to me, too
by: Anonymous

Same exact story as above, but his ‘home’ base was Greenwich, Connecticut. After I ended it he had a asthma attack and sent me a phot of himself in the hospital. He asked for money to try and get his work permit back. Definitely a scammer and so glad I am suspicious by nature!! Wish I could add photos to this post. He sent me quite a few. Wish I hadn’t sent any. :-/

Apr 17, 2018
Yes, he is a rogue
by: Anonymous

Thank you for sharing! I spoke with him too, met on Clover App last summer (2017), same BS story. On the phone he sounded like an older man from overseas with an accent. He is definitely a rogue using somebody's else pictures. Feel disgusted.

Feb 22, 2018
Glad this post is helping already
by: Anonymous

I only posted this about a month ago and I'm really glad it's helping so many already. I agree all of his photos should be posted, but this site only allows a max of 5.

Maybe others can post about their experience too and add photos different than the ones I was able to post here.

Feb 22, 2018
Friends guy didn't seem right
by: Anonymous

Friend has been talking to this "guy" for months. He posted on Coffee Meets Bagel in Seattle. Had her do a reverse image search a month ago. Nothing showed up. And the whole story of an accident in Abu Dhabai is what she was told.

All the same contact info as posted above. I would encourage people to post all of the pictures of him so that they show up in reverse image searches from now on. I was glad I found this post and was able to share with her and she has now reported to the FTC scams and blocked him.

Feb 17, 2018
Same thing
by: Anonymous

I had the exact same story and videos occur last year. I constantly questioned and even had a copy of the passport (which I finally figured out was also fake). His stories are consistent with those above. Be aware he is a total fake.

Feb 02, 2018
Charles is still at it
by: Anonymous

I ran across this profile in Washington State. We matched. Talked for a couple weeks. Same story as the one above. He even sent me a picture of a passport to prove he was who he said he was. We were supposed to meet last weekend but he had a medical issue due to asthma. Fast forward to this week. He called me last night and his voice immediately gave me red flags.

It seemed higher pitched than you would expect and just like the person who wrote this, his accent didn't match what you would think for someone who is half Australian half American. He claimed later thru text that it was his stutter that made him sound off. When I expressed my concerns today, as we were supposed to meet this weekend, he mentioned a last minute business trip to NY that he just found out about.

Glad I listened to my inner voice and continued researching him.

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