
by Anonymous

Thank you Thank you Thank you! I was doing a little online research for a guy who I recently met through a mutual friend on FB. I am now about to unfriend anyone I do not know personally for the simple fact FB seems to have turned into a dating site for guys!

Anyway, I met the same oil rig engineer from Sydney, Australia; however, he told me he moved to the Pacific Heights area of San Francisco when he was 3 to live with his Aunt and Uncle or Grandparents, I can’t remember which.

As you mentioned, it is hard to get information out of him. He comes on very strong, very fast….stating how he can tell we’re meant to be within hours of talking!! Can anyone say "love bombing?!" Lol. So I am certain this is the same guy…

His name he used on his FB account (created in 2017) was Mark Roberts.

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