Several names Andrew Walker .Steven Martin ..Walter clark

by Ldawn

Meet on words with Friends and so many alias and sites who wants to chat on hangouts. Asked for iTunes and gift card, was a widower with daughter 15 in Chicago. Works on oil rig so beware. I would love to find the poor man who's pictures are used everywhere.

Walter clark
Jacques stephane
Andrew Walker
Andrew waiker
William antonio robinson
Steven C Martin mobile us wonder dating..age 52..age 63
Morgan24 wonder dating Miami FL.age 60
Chris Noah alderman
Doug Blevins
Jeff Blake
Jeff Blak.

That's about all I have found out so far but there are probably lots more.

Comments for Several names Andrew Walker .Steven Martin ..Walter clark

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May 29, 2024
Scam artist to the max
by: Anonymous

I know him as Mark Williams and he has a fb page and came to find out he's also, Steven Herbert. Once he asked for an Apple Card and that was it.

He is in New Caledonia, as a miner. He has an 18 year old daughter in Dallas, TX going to school for nursing. Very sad about this man. I wonder where he got all the pictures from.

I hope he finds himself in jail one of these days.

May 17, 2024
He is on Facebook as John Ryan
by: Wendy

I'm very honest man

Works at Independence general contractor

Studied at University of Sulaimaniyah (US)

From Plant City, Florida


I wish to know the secrete behind your beauty, do you use any special kind cream or it’s in your family blood line ....

I knew it was a scam!

Dec 30, 2023
Talked to him
by: Anonymous

Wow. Told me his name is Erik Morten from Omaha, Nebraska. In Alaska right now putting up cell and internet towers. Be there another 2 weeks. I think he said was originally from Canada. Always calls with a different number and has several email addresses

This is the one he is using right now

He wants a woman who will stand by him if something goes wrong so he as of right now can get money from her. He always says trust him he will never hurt me. He can't keep promises he makes either.

I wish someone could tell us who the real man is that owns the photos. I have searched but don't get anywhere.

Nov 29, 2023
Time to add a new name to this list of aliases
by: Anonymous

Contacted me out of the blue on Facebook, and is using the name. David Scott and says he's in Ireland and works for Chevron.

Dude was totally love bombing me and that immediately sent my spidey senses into overdrive.
Very needy and today asked about gift cards.

Yeah, I dropped him like a hot potato

Sep 22, 2023
Eric Mason Werner now
by: Anonymous

He is back, Eric Mason Werner, on WWF. Lost his wife & daughter 6 yrs ago. Has a 7 yr old Grandson. He has a Masters in Chemical Engineering.

Working in Scotland for 4 mos. Moved from Jacksonville FL. He is a charmer, beware, he is good.

Asked for money for iTunes, I said "No Bye" Anonymous

Jun 07, 2023
OK, He's back in 2023
by: Anonymous

This time on Instagram as David_Will345.

May 24, 2022
Messaged me on Scrabble April 2022
by: Anonymous

Name used: Jamie Hanson
From Texas
Daughter in college in Canada
Working on oil rig

It didn't last long because I wasn't looking and he was too desperate. 2 weeks into brief talking he was talking about coming to see me and taking me to dinner. He wouldn't talk on the phone.

I ended it and his response was evil. He said he hopes I die a slow painful death and some other sick things. I blocked him.

This man is pure evil. I feel bad for the man who's image he is using. Unfortunately I still get a sick feeling when I see the picture even though I know its not him.

Nov 23, 2021
Adams Smith on FB is this guys pic
by: Anonymous

Adams Smith on FB is also this guy in pic.

Oct 31, 2021
by: Anonymous

Currently spamming on Bingo Blitz facebook page under the name Patrick Wilson

Jul 16, 2021
Real name of this scammer
by: Holly Sours

The real person is Doug Blevins. A gay politician in Fla. Not looking for women. Also another fake Facebook account under the name of Martin Albert

Jul 03, 2021
Andrew Walker aka Mark Williams
by: Anonymous

Met on Facebook. Definitely a charmer. Started calling me his wife within a few days. Supposedly in Gulf of Mexico. Hasn't asked for anything yet but sure he would. I just confronted him and no response.

Mar 13, 2021
Andrew Walker
by: Anonymous

Uses the name Andrew Walker. He says he is from California, and is working on an oil rig off the shore of Venezuela. He kept telling me he is almost done with his contract and wants to get home to see his son. The trouble is he cannot fix the machine that is broken to finish out his contract.

He kept asking for gift cards and money to help fix the machine. After telling him I cannot send money, he lost interest. Met on Scrabble Go. Very persistent at first and very much a charmer.

Mar 10, 2021
Andrew Walker
by: Anonymous

Scammer used the name of Andrew Walker but a different photo, and said he was on an oil rig in the Persian Gulf and worked for Shell Saudi Arabia. A real charmer, sent a link to a Barclay bank account to show he was "honest" but then started asking for money! LOL

He supposedly lived in Glasgow, Scotland but I realized he was using a USA phone #, checked and the area code was for NEW YORK, USA! Said he was a widower for 8 years and that his wife Bonnie had died of cancer and he was left alone to raise his daughter who was 4 years old when the mother died.

I had fun messing with him or her, but enough is enough, and when I wouldn't give him money he was no longer interested. I reported this to both Barclay for the fake bank account and to the Glasgow police.

Mar 05, 2021
Another name
by: Anonymous

Janis Donald from Germany, sent me his passport to prove he is real.

Mar 05, 2021
by: Anonymous

Twitter under Werner Hummel. Walt Mason on Instagram. Walter Clark on Facebook. ericjayden99899 on and Chris Duplan 58 from Abidjan.

You can see from all these names above and what others are saying here in threads they make up names and use the same pics.

You see any pics that whoever has stolen block them immediately and report to the site they contacted you on. Also file report with Internet Crime...FBI and FCC.

All they want is money and will drag you along and then if you don't send money or gift cards etc they will threaten you.

Feb 14, 2021
What a Charmer!
by: Anonymous

Also know as Michael Stewart from Southgate MI. Says he a contractor for ExxonMobil in Long Beach CA. Has no children, no step children, been married twice and is divorced for the last three years. Has a sister in Southgate MI. He has a heavy accent. He said he was raised in Brail with his mother. He is a charmer!

Feb 08, 2021
He also goes by
by: Monica

He also claims to be Miles Knowles, lives in Georgia but works as contractor works on oil rig in Alaska and has a teenage daughter and a son.

Jan 26, 2021
by: Anonymous

Just got an Instagram request from davidjeffrey365 using this picture.

Jan 08, 2021
Now he's "Charlie Leo"
by: Anonymous

Sent me a friend request on FB. Traced his photo to a mayoral candidate in Florida.

Jan 08, 2021
Romance Scammer
by: Anonymous

Started scamming me on Facebook back in 2017 under the name of James Polk. Lost $3,000 and then broke it off. The scammer had the guts to contact me back in April. Told him to go away. Now he's using the same photos and requesting me to accept his friendship request on Facebook. BE AWARE.

Jan 06, 2021
Scamming on Yahtzee with buddies and Dice with buddies
by: Anonymous

Challenged me three different times with three different profiles. Told me his "sad" story and I blocked him. The second time I told him he'd already told me the same story before. Blocked them and reported him to the games management.

Dec 29, 2020
Scammer alias
by: Anonymous

This man also uses Aaron Johnson

Nov 04, 2020
Another name he used
by: Anonymous

This man also uses the name Miles Knowles.

Oct 23, 2020
by: Anonymous

Contacted me on the Facebook dating app. Said his name is Raymond Robert. Wife died 6 years ago. Has daughter age 30 and 3 grandchildren. Has not asked for money. Very smooth. Weird that he can never talk via FaceTime or any Video calls.

I kinda thought it was weird. Strange accent for being from Wisconsin. Am gonna continue to see if he really comes back to the states. Will not send him Money.

Oct 11, 2020
Brad Collins is another name
by: Anonymous

This loser promised to marry me. He has taken $40,000 from me. He is nothing but a scam artist. The name he called himself was Brad Collins.

Oct 09, 2020
by: Anonymous

I am at the moment being scammed by this man calling himself Aaron Johnson employed by EXXON Mobil and has a 17 year old daughter named Sarah. He is very sweet, handsome and a habitual liar. We had been talking daily for about 4-5 months and now he is supposedly in jail and needs money to get him out! $375.000

Every photo is photo shopped. He is showing a check for $25 million dollars that he was awarded from EXXON Mobil.

I hope he rots in hell in a real "PRISON"

Sep 22, 2020
Also Scammed By The Man Behind These Pictures
by: Anonymous

I was approached by the scammer behind Mr Blevins' pictures on Scrabble Go also going by the name of Peter Riley!!! He used the exact story as the lady who posted on Aug 2nd described, down to the money amount she lost from him!!!

I no longer communicate with him after learning about his scamming me. He has contacted me a couple of times asking me to unblock him, but I'm not going to fall into that trap again!!!

Sep 22, 2020
by: Anonymous

I was recently contacted by a scammer using Mr Blevens picture, which I hopelessly fell for. The scammer was calling himself Ben Piccio working on a rig in Calgary off Canada.

He asked me if he could send me something in the post, which I thought was odd!!!! Then later he asked me to buy him a iTunes 100 pound sterling phone card so we could talk.

I did not fall for this and never sent any money, but was promised so much and am heartbroken atm. He even sent me pictures of him (mr blevens) working on a rig and a video too!!!!

How do they do this I wonder??? I'm intrigued by it all and my heart hurts so much now.

Sep 12, 2020
Scott Wade
by: Anonymous

Scott Wade is another name, he said that he's from Houston, Texas and that his wife died of cancer and he has a 10 year old daughter. He needed money to buy a machine. His accent was weird and through his phone prefix I discovered he was calling from Nigeria.

He always made up an excuse when I asked him to show me his face. I caught him in a lie since he told me he's at work when it was a holiday in America - Labor day. I had to block my whatsapp, email, Facebook and Instagram. I'm still scared he'll find me one day. By the way this all started from just a simple game wordzee.

Be careful everyone xx

Aug 02, 2020
Also scammed by the man behind the picture
by: Anonymous

I am being scammed by the man behind the picture. He started chatting with me on Scrabble. Said his name is Peter Riley and that he is a widower and a father of 17 year old twin sons, even shared their picture with me. He said that he is an independent contractor on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico in Alabama. We chatted for about a month before "falling in love".

He asked me for money to help him with repairing his drill. Have the name and type of drill too. Needless to say I'm out $50,000 and he is still trying to get more out of me. I'm trying to keep him hanging to see if maybe there is some way that he can be caught.

Aug 02, 2020
David Lyon
by: Anonymous

Had contacted me on Wordzee. Says he is 55, born 9 20 1965. Claims to have a 16 year old daughter that lives with his elderly mother. Says he is from Austin, Texas but is currently working in Canada. Was a fool and sent him a picture without checking his first but when I did a reverse photo search found out what this person is all about.

He sent me photos through an email of Photos looked staged so I did a search and found I had been scammed. Funny he always uses Doug Blevins photos, they should be able to find him and shut him down.

Wanted to chat on WhatsApp but I do not do that. I have shut my email down and closed my social media accounts.

Jul 14, 2020
Another alias
by: Anonymous

Now using name Gregory Davison and just starting chatting to me on scrabble go. He says he is about to retire from the oil industry and has a 16 year old daughter and apparently found his wife in bed with his friend.

I was suspicious as his written English doesn't make sense sometimes, and wondered if he was using a translater??

Jun 09, 2020
I never trust
by: Anonymous

Well I figured it or he was too good to be true. He was using the name Barry Williams and possibly Mark William. I don't trust anyone and with just a little searching I see it's not even him.

May 11, 2020
Kenard Luca's
by: Kim

He sent me a message on words with friends. His name sounded a little unusual so I reverse image searched him and see that he's been busy!

May 02, 2020
Currently on Scrabble Go as John F
by: Anonymous

Claims to be from "Maimi" but I think he means Miami

Jan 30, 2020
More names same images
by: Another victim

He contacted me with the name Jeff Blake but also used the name Kenneth Duncan a lot and Jefrey norman and Jake Waller and Micheal Pena and Doug Blevins11 on Twitter. The real man Doug Blevins is a realtor in Fort Lauderdale FL USA and he knows about this. He is very guarded and somewhat rude to victims. I personally talked to five or Six victims and the scammer has got many hundreds of thousands of dollars using Doug's pictures off Facebook.

Mr Blevins also has YouTube videos but it is a crying shame what has been done to many women including me and some victims have bigger losses than others but it hurts all the same.

If you are a victim please report it and get help from groups or Facebook has groups like SARS and Scam Haters and more antiscam groups.

Good luck to all of us as healing is needed and peace and to live and move on from the wicked evil scammers.

Good luck.

Love to all of us

Jan 30, 2020
Same images
by: Wiser Now

This man as Jeff Blake came to me as a oil rigger engineer story and said he worked for BP off Shetland Islands working for BP as an engineer running a crew of 44 men building platforms. He said his machine broke [the crane] and he took me for 30k and broke my heart.

Still paying off the debt he left me with. If you know this image contact me on here as the real man is Doug Blevins of Fl

Jan 30, 2020
Jame Allen
by: Anonymous

Also goes by James Allen, I was playing the Ellen dice game when he started communicating with me. it's nice to be able to have these scam websites to search this stuff.

Jamesallen64 on Ellen dice game.

Just be careful out there.

Jan 07, 2020
2 days of endless love
by: Anonymous

Scammer by the name of Anthony Benjamin Walker stated that he was from Smithfield NC and was a Registered License Pharmacist by trade. Got his degree from Idaho and was currently working for USAID for over 20 years. Getting ready to retire.

3rd day of this endless promise of a spectacular future he asked for me to send him a gift card so that he could put minutes on his phone. I declined and the conversation has died down tremendously, but I still enjoy listening to his endless stories of the future. Not getting any money though. Beware People!

Nov 19, 2019
Pic is being used again
by: Anonymous

Be careful out there. The poor soul above is being used again

Here are a few more that scammed

Sep 11, 2019
New name
by: Anonymous

Today he is Christopher Morgan on WWF

Aug 30, 2019
Another name...
by: Anonymous

Eric J Norbert was used on another dating site and was on there less than 24 hours. I busted him out and asked him if the photos were really of him. He replied No! I advised I was going to report it to the site.

I did and then did image search!

Aug 28, 2019
by: Anonymous

He just requested my mom and says he lives in Houston Texas, and his name is Fred Williams

Aug 27, 2019
WWF _derrick07_
by: Anonymous

WWF _derrick07_

He obviously got found out today, his account was removed by WWF. Sent me a photo that was traceable here.


Aug 21, 2019
Werner hummel
by: Anonymous

Now using name Werner hummel

Aug 10, 2019
Derrick Catalano is the name he gave me
by: Anonymous

Met on Words with Friends. Says hes a lumberjack from Pisa City been in US since the 90'
WWF _derrick07_

Aug 09, 2019
Owner of face
by: Worder

I have located the owner of the face. His images were stolen off social media over 2 years ago. He has contacted FBI, but the scammers are operating out of Nigeria. They use voip phones, and untraceable. My research says that they run a type of phone room. Files on each person they are scamming.

The owner of the face is Doug Blevins. He is a good man just wanting to live his life. Please be respectful to this man. He has endured a lot

Aug 08, 2019
More names
by: Anonymous

Werner Hummel
Romney Hull
Alex Comwell

Aug 01, 2019
Mark Robert is another name
by: Anonymous is his email

Jul 12, 2019
Another profile at pof
by: Anonymous

This scammer has another profile at pof, his ID is Jhdhyy77

Jun 20, 2019
by: Anonymous

Michaelmanchester19 Instagram now

May 24, 2019
by: Anonymous

Eric J Norbert is another name

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