Sharon Henson - My Story

by Sharon Henson
(Springfield, Oregon)

Me - Sharon Henson

Me - Sharon Henson

I was the recent victim of a online dating scam. You can find my story here - Steve Vig, Oil Rig Engineer. I shared my story not only in hope of helping others be aware of the dangers of online dating but also, just a little bit, in hopes of finding out who the man in the pictures really is.

I posted his pictures on this site, on Facebook, on a few postings on Craigslist and one other scammer site in hopes that someone may recognize him and contact me. He has many distinctive tattoos on his arms and I was so sure someone would know him. I wanted to contact him to make him aware that his image was being used in these scams, and that is true, I do want him to know this but I also just want to know him.

I know others think that you can't love someone that you never met, someone that you have only seen in pictures but I do love him. I want to know him, I want to love him, I want him to know me and love me back. That would happen in a perfect world, or my idea of a perfect world but in reality, and I have to live in reality, I don't know him.

I don't know anything about him. I know that in the pictures I was sent, he is not wearing a wedding ring in any that his left hand is visible but that doesn't mean that he isn't married or have a significant other. I was being selfish in wanting to find him. I was thinking of myself and not how this might affect his life. I can't be the one who causes him, or those in his life, any pain or problems because of what happened to me. He had nothing to do with what happened to me, and he shouldn't have to suffer any consequences because of it.

I wanted to make something positive out of this devastating experience and I thought making him aware that this is happening to him was a way to do that, but it could cause more problems for him than I really thought about. This experience has hurt me in so many ways but that was not any of his doing. I can't be happy knowing that I have done something to cause him any pain.

I do love him, in a way that I can't expect others to understand. I need to put this awful, painful, life shattering experience behind me and move on. I can't let my scammers win and they would be winning if I just stopped living and waited for a handsome, nameless man to come find me. I have to believe that there is someone out there for me to love and who will love me back. They will not take that away from me, they will not win.

They may have knocked me down but I will get back up and move on. I am not a very religious person but I believe in God. I am putting this in his hands. If He wants me to know this man, and I am hoping He does, then someday maybe our paths will cross. Until then, I will continue to live my life and hope that love will find me again. I will be more cautious and less trusting, at first, but I will never give up on trying to find my happy ever after, the man I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with.

No scammer is going to take that away from me ever again. I pray that the man in the pictures is healthy, happy, and safe somewhere in this big world. I have to believe that he is. I will make it though this. To everyone, men or women, who are going through this right now - please know that you are not alone. There are so many of us going through the same thing.

Find comfort in this, there are others out there that know what you are feeling and they understand. Find them, talk to them, start a friendship. It has been so helpful to me to have someone to listen to me and let me cry and just say all I need to say and not judge me in anyway because they have been through it, they understand.

I wish you all the best.

Be strong, you will make it through.

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May 13, 2017
Time has passed
by: Sharon Henson

Some time has passed since I last posted here. I would like to say I have gotten completely over this and have put this in the past but I haven't. I still hope and pray that somehow, someday I will know the man in the pictures at least to know he is happy and well.

That might make putting this behind me easier but it could also open more hurt but I want to know.

It has gotten easier but I don't believe this pain will ever fully go away.

Mar 22, 2017
Connor Knoblock
by: Sharon Henson

Thank you for your kind comment. I guess I haven't checked her for comments in awhile. I hope you are still 'scammer free' and have hopefully met someone real, who is not trying to take advantage of you. If you want to email me, I'm at or

Even if you just need someone to talk to, who understands.

Thank you again,


Feb 27, 2017
Connor knoblock
by: Anonymous

Sharon, I am not a victim as of today. I winked at a man on and he contacted me thru msg there asking me to contact him directly via email. I did. He gave me the name of Connor Knoblock and stated he is in Aberdeen Scotland on an oil rig.

He recently took a business trip to Dubai. I was skeptical upfront. I have not given him any money and I will NOT. I would love to hear more of your story and I will be happy to send you pictures he sent to me.

He has an acct on LinkedIn however I could not find a thing in my search other than that. I AM SO SORRY you went thru that. I will keep you in my prayers.

Please feel free to contact me.


Feb 26, 2017
by: Sharon Henson

Thank you for your comment. I'm sorry that you went through this. I wanted to find him, still want to, but maybe it's best not to know. My heart is broken enough. I hope you have others who are there for you, to give you support.

You can find me on Facebook if you want. You don't have to friend request me (unless you want to, can always use friends who understand), just send me a private message.

I could send you my email address through there. I believe we will make it through this, I'm not ready to give up.

Take care.

Feb 26, 2017
I feel the same Sharon....
by: Anonymous

Mine turned out in reality to be retired Sgt. Stuart James, age 50, 51, a pilot living happily married to his 31 year old beautiful wife and new baby in Tennessee.

As much as I wish him and his young family all the best, the reality for me is so painful....I fell in love with his image. I will repair in time.....and time is what we as victims need.

What makes me crazy is WHY did he have all those pictures online in the first place? Does he have an inflated ego or something similar? It does not matter, but they are all still out there being used by scammers.

Anyway,...I will never know and I must focus on myself.... I cannot let this destroy me. Thank you for sharing your story Sharon....together we will all heal in time.

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