Sheikh "Razza" Hamdan Dubai Royal Family Scam

by Biggles777

Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers

Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers


You are not going to meet a Sheikh known to be worth 4 billion dollars seeking charitable contributions for orphanage's on the game Words With Friends. Search the name below;

Hamdan bin Mohammed al Maktoum

That is who this scam claims to be. You meet on the game and over to Hangouts you go. Whoever this is stands by their claim to be the man mentioned above. They send pictures of him. Speak of life in Dubai and call themselves Sheikh "Razza" Hamdan. The whole scam only takes a week. They're so confident they ignore anything I say as I bait them and just throw the love. They really like to use a lot of emoji's too. I send an email after a day texting on Hangouts;

Title: You Desperate Nigerian Peasant

Me: That is what you are, pretending to be something you're not and you'd sell your parents for a $50 Steam card

Me: Thanks for the greatest laugh of the year

Him: What do you mean I don't understand what you trying to say please explain better

That stopped them for a day and back they came. On Hangouts I've had a real go at them too. But they persist and I stop my outrage at their audacity and decide to go along and find the scam.

Me: Look you seem like a lovely man but I'm sorry you can't be who you claim you are

Him: I am not claiming anything dear

Him: I am Fazza

Him: All this are strategy to fish out more personality about real woman

Him: I took risk, because it is forbidden in the royal home

Me: Oh it is this morning all over again

Him: I wanted to keep quiet for a month to see if you really care, had tolerant and patient

Me: I think I am being very tolerant and patient

Him: Remember despite any status or money I am a real man who want real things?

Me: I think you have an unforgiving boss. You poor man

Him: Don’t use such words on me again okay

Him: I am a good man not poor man

One we go and I decide I'll play along and show some feelings. This is what they want and the love flows. But in the process they give away their scam;

Him: I have over 30 orphanage home around Africa, Asia and Arab countries

Him: I love children

To their credit they do finally ask about the email I sent

Him: Okay

Him: Why did you send that email to me concerning eBay card or whatever

Me: Razza I haven't sent a thing to you

Him: I will never ask you for any card As it turns out you're going to ask for a lot more

Me: Razza, why would I send a man worth 4 billion an eBay card?

Him: Please don’t say that because money is not everything

Me: Well I'm stumped Razza cause I'm clueless about eBay cards

On we go and he wants more photos of me and I start sending them

Me: This is called capitulation Razza

Him: You look very different Maybe because I'm now sending pictures of a different woman?

Me: I did say I've changed Razza. I can understand if I've scared you away

Him: I can't even recognise you again

Me: Are you not a man of your people Razza?

Him: Of course am a man

Him: Why do you say that?

Of course he can't and I get away with it. I've changed who I am in my pictures and if they searched I'm now a well known socialite. Now whenever they ask for a photo I just download from the web and send, just as they're doing with me. I turn it back to the love and soon it's time for their scam;

Him: Honey I would love you to support the children in the royal home orphanage home. I want you recognized as a team supporter by the entire family

Him: What do you think

Me: The children are our future Razza and we’re obligated to help them

Him: I will send the royal home management email so you could write to see how you could contribute okay

Me: Of course Razza you’re so thoughtful about the children I’d love to help

Him: The Dubai Royal Family use Gmail for this?

Him: Write them you would love to be team supporter to the children in organization

Him: Tell them we are very close to each other

On goes the talk about what a caring, loving and giving man he is. I send an email to the given address. I think it's the same man and the love flows on Hangouts while the scam moves to email and after 23 hours I receive a response

Dear ******

Thank you for your email, we will be glad to receive you as a team supporter to the entire royal family.

Send your location and address

Allah bless you

Over to my response

Good morning

Thank you for your response. I'm so happy to hear from you.

I'm in Sydney Australia and my address is as follows

273 Pacific Highway,
Crows Nest, NSW 2065
Sydney, Australia

Glory in the name of Allah!

They didn't search the address and reply almost immediately I gave a police station

Dear madam

We would love you to donate to our Australia organization.

Branch one?

Bank name: Westpac
Account Name: C**** O******
BSB: 734***
Account No: 655***

Account Name: C***** M****** O******
BSB: 923***
Account No: 30489****
Bank name : ING

You can send your donations to both accounts and send the payment receipt immediately?

ING, What are you doing? This is the 4th time you've failed the 100 point account verification process at this branch. Now it goes back to Razza on Hangouts for the sum to donate;

Him: Honey you can send $10,000 each

Him: Or more to each

Me: I do recall you mentioned you assist many orphanages my love. We must think of the children. I'd like to donate $20,000 to each account I'm not sending a dollar

Him: Okay honey

Him: Do that as soon as possible okay honey

Him: The entire royal family will be glad to receive you

Edit as the love flows about how wonderful life is and I've got Razza's undivided attention. He's pushing me to pay and send receipts but I've got the details of the scam. Then something of note takes place. This request is to hide money by ensuring bank deposits are below the $10,000 reporting threshold Where I am that applies to cash deposits but they are really trying to hide the movement of their money

Him: Honey have you checked your email again to confirm amount or limit to donation

The email

You can send $5,000 limits to each account at a time as regulated by the organization?

The only organisation they can be talking about is every law enforcement agency and banking regulator in Australia. If you are ever asked to limit the size of your payments it is organized crime asking you to help them avoid legal and banking regulations.

I wasn't going to send a receipt but Razza has asked!

Him: Hello dear

Him: You couldn’t respond to the royal office

My email receipt to the "royal office" and it all just ends for a day and then they start messaging but I don't respond.


I'm in tears may Allah have mercy on my soul! I weep for the children in need! I did as you asked and made 8 transactions to the 2 accounts you gave. The receipts never came, do you hear me? I never received them!

Instead the Australian Federal Police Cyber Crimes Unit has frozen all my accounts. 2 Federal law officers knocked on my door and spent the whole of last night asking me why I was doing 8 transactions under the $10,000 reporting limit to 2 accounts known for obtaining money by deception and dealing in the proceeds of crime.

What's going on?

There you have my first experience of a "Prince" scam. As fast as it started it stopped. The key points;

Claiming to be someone very well known who they are not.
Instant love on Hangouts
Using children to weigh on your emotions
The definition of the movement of money by organised criminals.

Emails used

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May 28, 2023
petition against Fazza scam
by: Anonymous

All the victims must sign the petition from called STOP FAZZA SCAM

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