south african badoo car thief

by connie
(south africa, johannesburg)

I met a heartless man in 2016 who called himself Jacky Chiloane from South Africa. A week after we started chatting on badoo I had to attend a funeral in Limpopo and he insisted he wants to travel with me to meet my family.

A very handsome man who claims to work for platinum mines. I was not comfortable travelling with a stranger for several hours and worst of all he insisted we use my car..I refused though we continued to chat. Each day he would send me biblical quotes and claimed to be a church goer..then one Saturday he visited me and spent the day with me and my two five year olds and left before it got dark claiming he stayed in springs. He was driving a ladies car and when I asked of the Audi he claimed he owned he told me his crazy ex girlfriend had put sugar in the engine so it was in for repairs.

We made an appointment for the following week on Friday and he was coming for a weekend. He calls me on Wednesday and asked for the boys pics as he missed them and I sent them to him. A few minutes later he calls and says he would like to go to the mall with my boys when he comes as he wants to buy them toys. When I asked to come with him he refused and said I should stay home and prepare supper..I didn't like the sound of that so I said no.

On Friday I was driving from work and I think he saw me pass because he kept calling me non stop until I answered. He was waiting at a garage not far from my house saying his car had gotten stuck not far and that it had just been towed for repair.

I met him at the garage and he wanted to drive saying we should go get something for supper from one of the big malls in Soweto. Knowing it was month end and the queues were long I was reluctant and asked we go to a local shopping complex next to my house but he insisted. I drove to the house and changed and he insisted he drive to the big mall..when we arrived there we walked holding hands in the mall and we walked into different shops choosing the clothes he was gonna buy for us.

Getting into PNP I wanted to get a basket but he insisted on a trolley so I could buy lots of grocery for he kids. He was going to pay. He picked a few items and threw them into the trolley but then he said the queue was getting long and suggested I continue shopping whilst he joins the queue.

It was about ten minutes later when I decided to join him but he was nowhere to be found. His phone was off and he had blocked me on WhatsApp..I quickly ran to the parking lot and there was a different car parked in my space.

The security could not help much as I had willingly given him my car keys and sent me to the police...I opened a case of theft under false pretense.

After a few days I decided to go to the media as I had a lot of his pics on my phone..his face was in the papers and Facebook on Wednesday and on Thursday night I received a call with a private number and it was him telling me he had dropped my car at a garage next to my house.

He is still on the run. I'm happy I got my car back but I will not rest till this man is arrested. I want justice to be done.

Ladies out there just be careful.

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Feb 20, 2017
by: Sharon Henson

I am so thankful that you and your children are ok. Also that you got your car back. I have not heard a story like yours yet. Those type of people are scary because they actually interacted with you and your family.

I pray they catch him soon.

Be safe.

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