Stacey Lambert Gemologist / Date of posting: May 10, 2023
by Samantha B.G.
Phony gemologist
Phony gemologist / Jewellery and gemstone appraiser scam
Name / Alias: Stacey Lambert
Supposed Credentials:
* On her phony website, it is noted: 'CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST AND JEWELRY APPRAISER. The website also indicates: 'Stacey Lambert is an independent gemologist and jewelry appraisal expert with 20 years of experience..'
Where one can find the facial image? Homepage of Stacey Lambert Gems website
Date that website was first registered: 2023-04-21
Website domain registrar: NameCheap
Website hosting provider: Cloudflare
Physical addresses cited on website:
200 2nd St, Kaycee WY 82639
8376 menorca St,Navarre FL,32566
Phone number cited on website:
+1 (929) 430-3621
Does the area code of the phone number correspond to either physical address?: Nope, not even close. The area code is for New York, whereas the addresses are for Wyoming and Florida.
Email address cited on website:
Also to note:
* The phone number and mailing addresses would appear to be unique to this iteration of the jewellery appraisal scam site, but that could be subject to change at any moment.
* This may be part of a Smith lineage of the jewellery appraisal scam sites. This may pertain to Sandra Smith Gems -- a site that is still active as of the time of this posting (more info below). For instance, one URL, of many, from which the 'About' page draws content is:
Nevertheless, the Sandra Smith scam site, in turn, appears to be of a lineage from a Royal Glamour Gems site (another scam site, more info below). Plus, there are a number of differences between the Sandra Smith site and the Stacey Lambert site, so the Smith reference may not mean much.
Content for Stacey Lambert Gems site served up by Amazon AWS?: No
While some related websites featuring the image of the same woman's face have had content served up by Amazon AWS in the past, this website does not appear to do likewise.
This woman may attempt to reach out to men on dating / social networking sites, under whichever alias.
After having supposedly busted her laptop, she may attempt to get someone to send her a replacement laptop to her, in Turkey, where she claims to be working temporarily. Given the high number of websites in question, it's hard to say how many angles there could be for different targets and how many people and/or organizations may be working behind the websites and their presumably related profiles on various dating / social networking sites. However, one possibility is that a proverbial targeted victim is being recruited, via a romance scam, as a conduit to ship other people's jewellery -- from the U.S., in this case -- off to Africa and/or the Middle East.
It's possible that people may send their jewellery for appraisal, possibly to a home address listed on a jewellery appraisal website. (This would be the supposed business location.) The 'jewellery appraiser' may have an address located somewhat close to the person who wants an appraisal. The romance-targeted-victim, netted via the romance scam, may then, in turn, ship that jewellery off to their loved one, under the context of doing her a service, as she is temporarily traveling abroad. The romance-targeted-victim may then be facilitating a theft against a jewellery appraisal customer. In doing so, the individual shipping jewellery out-of-continent may be an unwitting accessory to a crime. Once the jewellery reaches Africa or the Middle East, it won't be coming back.
Other related scam sites, which feature the photo of the SAME WOMAN'S FACE, but each under a different alias, including some sites with corresponding Watch for Scams report pages, are as follows:
Lauren Angelo -- New site, registered via NameCheap on March 18/23
Julie Cooney -- see -- Somewhat new site, registered via NameCheap on Nov 9/22
Melisa Emma, Allure Gems Lab -- see - New site, registered via NameCheap on March 17/23
Reenie Hanson -- see -- New site, registered via NameCheap on April 19/23
Cornelia Williams -- New site, registered via NameCheap on April 21/23
Carola Kemp * Carola Kemp site still online, as of May 6, 2023.
Emily Layla, Exquisite Gems Labs -- see * Exquisite Gems Labs site still online, as of May 6, 2023.
Cynthia Lewis, Royal Glamour Gems * Royal Glamour site still online, as of May 6, 2023.
Andreea Sasser -- see * Andreea Sasser site still online, as of May 6, 2023.
Sandra Smith * Sandra Smith Gems site still online, as of May 6, 2023.
Claudia Denise Wallace * Claudia Denise Wallace site still online, as of May 6, 2023.
Naomi Pat Collins -- see * Naomi Pat Collins site appears to be down, as of May 6, 2023. All the same, you can find an archived copy of the homepage of this scam site (which includes the image of the same woman) via the Internet Archive at:
Julia Dimaggio -- see * Julia Dimaggio site appears to have been down as of Jan 21, 2023 and is still down as of May 6/23. Archived version of site available at:
Sandra Hall -- see * The Sandra Hall site appears to have been down as of Jan 21, 2023. As of May 6/23, the homepage seems to just offer links to searches. Archived version of site available at:
Zaee Harris -- see * The Zaee Harris site appears to have been down as of Jan 21, 2023 and is still down as of May 6/23. Archived version of site available at:
Carola Johnson -- see * Carola Johnson site appears to be down, as of May 6, 2023. Archived version of site available at:
Martina Paugh, Universal Gems Diamond Experts -- see * Universal Gems Diamonds Experts site appears to have been down as of Jan 21, 2023 and is still down as of May 6/23. Archived version of site available at:
Another recently-created jewellery scam site, involves a woman wearing a medical mask:
Suzanne Sasser - Somewhat new site, registered via NameCheap on Nov 11/22
Yet another jewellery scam site, which does not presently appear to feature a photo of the supposed jewellery appraiser, is GemPro Lab -- - Site registered via NameCheap on March 24/23.
For more discussion of this romance scam interfacing with a jewellery appraisal scam, please go to the aforementioned Watch for Scams page for the now-defunct Sandra Hall site: