Team National a scam
by team green
(Kansas City, MO)
Team national seems to have found good deals and is charging a ridiculous amount of money for the convenience.
Team National Is a MLM multi level marketing company that provides savings off the retail price. In almost all cases you would be able to find the same discount or better by searching the Internet.
Team National Scam is what the company should be called. Team National complaints are all over the internet . The Team National website doesn't provide people with information because they know that that the only way that they will be able to make people sign up is to put people in the pressure situations in which they feel like they are helping out their family and friends.
800 dollars plus is a lot to help out the family. When I searched for information about them asking for a list of discounts I notice that it really doesn't tell you much. Every term that I've searched to get to know about the experience of other people (team national scam, team national complaints, team national pyramid scheme, team national review, team national mlm scam) have found that nobody seems happy with the company.
The discounts that they provide aren't exlusive to being a member of Team National.