The blonde with the Gold Inheritance

by Steve
(New Jersey, USA)

I was contacted by a young lady wishing to become involved in a relationship with an older man. After only a few days of exchanging messages, this young lady started to send me photos of a beautiful blonde woman purported to be her.

The unusual things about her messages included:

1. her claim of having an MBa in business, although she used broken English in her typing

2. Another claim that she was a miner (who lived in California) and that her late father, a Ghanaian national, had left her 6 gold bars with the contingency that she must first marry in order to cash in her inheritance. Photos of documentation of the inheritance, including one in which she received the Documents from an attorney while visiting Ghana.

3. The woman claimed to be a US citizen and white, despite the fact that her biological father was black.

4. Upon attempting an initial voice message and video message, a distinctly African male voice, including sounds from many children in the background were heard. Her reason behind this was it was her neighbor (a nice black man) who was helping her to fix her connection.

5. A follow up Voice call was received, but the transmission was of poor quality and no audio could be picked up.

6. Woman sent many photos of herself, most appearing to have been professionally done and of high quality. I commented that she should have been a model,and her reply was I'd rather not work with anyone.

7. In recalling one chat about life goals, she stated that she wanted a man who would treat her like a queen. She also would constantly refer to me as her "king".

8. She tried to pressure me into marrying her because she could then claim the gold and it would be of great help in our marriage.

9. After telling her I wasn't ready to move so quickly, she backed off but continued being very romantically interested in me.

10. Finally one day, she told me of a birthday party she was going to be attending and how she wanted me to buy her a lovely green dress. When I explained to her that our relationship hadn't become that serious yet, she became furious at me, saying things that I didn't love her, or wouldn't take care of her.

She was sorry she wasted all her time on growing a relationship that was going nowhere.

11. Coincidentally, after I checked into the message site the following day, her profile picture changed from a blonde to a brunette woman.

The new picture was clearly more African-American in appearance.

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Nov 23, 2021
Chloe James
by: Anonymous

Inheritance scam. She said she didn't have a banking account and she needed my boyfriend to cash checks for her and then send her the money and then after that the next check he could keep.

The 1st one was $15,000. I thought it was gonna keep all the money. But he's so infatuated with this woman that he ended up sending her $5,000. He tried to send her $1,000 but wells Fargo wouldn't do it.

It doesn't matter what I say. He believes her and said he had feelings for her. Never talked to her or FaceTime so go ahead dude.

Your going to get played and maybe even wire fraud. Time will tell.

Please karma come through!!!

Sep 12, 2019
Gold Coast Gold Scam
by: Anonymous

I was approached on a popular dating site by a young 31 year old woman claiming to be in Sydney. Shortly after we started talking on Gmail she flew to Texas for her ailing Grandma and to finalize her late fathers will. I knew it was a scam from the start as she said she worked in a salon in Sydney and lived in The Rocks, when pushed she said in a big apartment building, when pushed further she said by the museum. Well I got no address and there are no large apartment buildings except one in The Rocks and it is the other side of the suburb from the museum her name is Janet Adamson or "Mimi" So I played along with her having had three other gold scams attempted on me from that site. Soon it was her father had left 5000 ounces of gold but it was with a company that could be found via Google to be seized by the government of Ghana. She claimed she had been given permission to access the gold and is on her way to Ghana to claim it. I am currently deeply in love with whoever it is talking to me and the pictures became more erotic as we "fell" in love. I'll give them credit as they are taking their time and investing a lot into me and they are taking my bait. But they are making mistakes. The images of the woman have been used before! The photo proof of the gold can be found on Google with a bit of effort. But the big one was when I was questioning the gold they slipped up and started saying "you mean here in Ghana" and the like when they were supposed to be in Texas. They slipped up and spoke directly from Ghana. I'll update when I dump them but I am sure they'll be not happy when I do!

Jun 22, 2017
Scam in Ghana with gold
by: Anonymous

Same thing to me in Ohio. Same women from Ghana. Sandra sale = watch her scam

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