This is my story ..

by Marina Perez
(Laredo, Texas 78045 USA)

I started talking to a man by the name of John Von Stengel on eHarmony. He stated he was living in Houston, Texas.

He stated he was in New York trying to win a bid for a hotel to be built in Dubai. He won the bid, and immediately flew from New York to Dubai. He stated it would only be a few short months. We kept in contact over the phone, Skype and whatsapp!

He stated he was robbed and needed a laptop for his work. I sent an apple laptop to Dubai. He was robbed and there went his credit cards and money.
I provided money for his expenses, to pay the workers hotel etc.

According to John he got paid cash, sent his cash in a safe and didn't pass customs. He needed 50K to pay for additional paper work for his package needed to be released by customs in UK.

We had a disagreement when I could NOT provide the funds. We stopped talking for about a month.

We started talking again and he was in Africa donating two orphans,in Chad and in Ghana.
It was almost Christmas so John had his son flown from UK (his son was in a boarding school in UK)
According to John he was robbed again, he lost all his money, credit cards, etc..

I provided money for the plane tickets, on the way to the airport they were in a car accident. I paid for their expenses for medical expenses, blood transfusion etc..

According to John his son needed medical better medical
attention and needed to get his son out of Africa! I paid for his visa (it had expired) another plane ticket. I paid for a private nurse for johns son (before leaving to UK). I paid for guest house, food etc.

According to John he has been detained by customs many times, so I continued to send funds for bail, food, plane ticket (plane ticket money over and over again, according to John he kept missing his flights and his plane tickets were expired)

Attorneys fees., etc.

This was a never ending story. I started getting a very bad feeling. I made another account on eHarmony to check if my prince was on eHarmony!
I was absolutely stunned. He was on eHarmony!
With another name, different age, and living in Jonesboro, GA

I immediately contacted eHarmony and notified them of this scammer. EHarmony told me they would investigate!

I was notified by eHarmony that they removed the profile. Everytime I log on eHarmony his profile still pops up!


He also has profiles on our , and eHarmony ! Different Names, different color of eyes , different color of hair, different religion, etc... He states he is 57 yrs old (he is in his 60's)

Username on eHarmony ARSH in Jonesboro, GA

Username on match msnh777

Username on our time mmsre777

His real name is JOHN VON STENGEL from Berlin, Germany.

I lost count of how many thousands and thousands of dollars I sent to this person!

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Dec 28, 2017
Thank you!!
by: Anonymous

Your story saved me, thank you so much. Reading it, I realized there were enough similarities that we were probably scammed by the same guy, mine was also a "John".

I had a new Apple laptop on its way to Ghana that I had paid for, but seeing that your John also wanted an Apple laptop was the tickle I needed to stop shipment.

Thank you for sharing what happened to you.

Feb 20, 2017
by: Sharon Henson

Marina, I am so sorry this happened to you. How long were you communicating with 'John'? It sounds like quite awhile. It must have been difficult for you. I hope you are doing well. Everyone on this site has been so great, very kind and caring.

Use that to help you, if you need it. Do you have any pictures if him that you can post?

Take care, wishing you the best.

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