Tinder the Nigerian Dating Hot Spot - Scambaiting

by Lori
(central, Ca. USA)

First of all I will make it clear I am a scam-baiter. I enjoy the thrill of pulling these scumbags offline so they do not prey on other women. My list of Scammers is very long and distinguished and vary in the story line and execution of the Scam itself.

The Match Scammers have a very definite time frame to execute their scam. Usually between 3-4 weeks they will be crying for the money. I have found the Tinder Scammers to vary in their game I've had a handful say they love you in the first exchange online to the exact opposite slow and methodical.

I am currently gaming with 4 Tinder scammers. A portfolio Manager for Bain Capital, and I believe Alex Morgan, a Builder in Canada and an Arms Dealer.

My Match conquests include an Italian fashion designer I kept off line for 6 months. A Civil Engineer, Diamond Dealer, and a hand full of military scammers I knock off after a few conversations. All have some sort of VoIP equipment and there is the same rooster crowing in the background. A Short list of my conquests include, Salvo Antonio Giovanni, Rodrigo Mann-Recendez, Ben Clement, Steve Williams, Ryan Dyer, Steve Dyer, Tyler Barnett, Brian Simms, Thomas Care. Since I am actively engaged in a match with 4 scammers - on Tinder I will not call them out yet.

When I caught on to my first scam it became a game of wit. I troll the dating websites and target their profiles. I believe the Match Scammers have got wise to me, so I moved to Tinder for awhile. At any given time in the match I tell them I've Scam Baited the best scammers in the business but they keep on with the plot. It's quite amazing to me, one actually tried to threaten when he found out he was being played. I keep photo's, emails and save txt messages all have beautiful foreign accents. I really feel bad for those photo's that have been stolen that involve children in the pictures.

Yes the Tinderboys don't hold a candle to the Match guys, the match guys are a "little" smarter.. but not much. And I can hardly imagine someone being stuck in Istanbul, Turkey for 6 months with out money. It was hilarious the one scammer actually told me to google the time in Istanbul so I don't call when princess is sleeping. LOL.

I did have fun with him though. He was very well spoken, well written and never offered up obscene photos like most seem to like to do. I am glad I came across this because it confirms what a cesspool Tinder really is.

I never misrepresent myself, I am just as creative in the writing department where romance is concerned, in fact I think I have seen other scammers using modified letters I have written to my scammers. They definitely have shop hours. They tend to say they are working hard then when they end up overseas then the time difference comes into play where coordinating calls and txt's become strategic.

I am very proud to say none of them has got a dime from me, although I really wanted to continue one of the Matches so I did get an iTunes card to keep the match going. A small price to pay for the hours of enjoyment.

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Oct 19, 2020
by: Anonymous

I was unsuccessfully scammed by a Nigerian who called himself Joseph Aleksandre. Said he was originally from Sweden, and lived in South Boston. Claimed he was an artist-painter and sculptor.

He created elaborate stories and sent me art work that he claimed he created. He texted me every single morning for 7 months and called me every single night. I'm embarrassed to say I fell in love. Finally after all of this time, he made up a story about being in Dallas selling a lot of commissioned art work to a middle eastern oil man.

I got a call from someone else claiming that "Joseph" had collapsed on the street and was in the hospital and needed immediate heart surgery. I finally woke up to the lie.

I pray this doesn't happen to anyone else. It's been one month since this happened and I'm still gutted by the experience.

Sep 14, 2020
New scam from Tinder
by: Anonymous

Scam Alert

Met HARRY on Tinder, we got talking and he said he was a Nigerian but based in the UK. He said he is coming for his sister's wedding in October and would like to see them. We barely talked for 4 days before he said he is going shopping for this for his sister and asked if I wanted anything, I said I don't know.

He asked if I like surprises I said yes. Then said he would surprise me. This morning he sent a tracking number for a parcel coming to me

Password 00180747410

When I check the tracking the content included: 1 sealed box, 1 IPhone 8+ handbag, 8wears, 1Peruvian hair, 11.8k Gold chain, 4 pair of shoes, 1 TF perfumes, 1 wrist watch, 1 Female Make up kit, 3 Teddy bears and 1 rose flower.

I was given a number to call to 08092424853, and when I called the number, I was told the parcel was in Abuja Airport and if I wanted to physically come get it or if I wanted them to send it to me in Lagos.

I asked for it to be sent to Lagos. I was told it would cost N9,150 for it to be sent by transport or N19,000 for flight.

He sent me an account number to send the money to

Account number

After a while Micheal from the delivery service calls me and says the sealed box isn't being cleared by customs, they want to know what is in the box.

I told them i would find out from the guy that sent it. I sent a message to Harry and he says it was cash he had sent to surprise me that I shouldn't let them open the box. The next message I got saw that there was drugs in the box and I shouldn't let them open it that he would get into trouble.

Micheal then called me back to tell me that customs want me to settle them for the box to be sent to me. At this point I figured it was a scam.

This is the picture that was sent by Harry. I am almost 100% sure this isn't really him.

Please be careful out there these people are preying on people

Sep 19, 2019
Handsome Romanian private pilot
by: Anonymous

Has anyone spoken with Anthony Alexandru, Romanian. Says hes a private pilot then took off to Nigeria but not before asking for an apple itunes card. Then he got there and left his money at home. Kept asking me for food money then gets mad when I don't send anything. I was born at night, but not last night!

Aug 12, 2019
This thing is really messed up
by: Diamondforever

On behalf of all Nigerians, I apologize to anyone that has ever been scammed, as the hurt, money, time and energy wasted, there's no taking all of that back.

I pray you all end up finding the true love you all deserved in the first place, and its such a shame we have gotten to this despicable level.

Finding someone you love is truly deep and no one should use that as a tool of weakness.


Aug 03, 2019
Chris (Orton) - stolen ID
by: Anonymous

So I got approached on Tinder by a very handsome man, who calls himself Chris, 56, from Austin Texas. about 4 minutes into the chat I recognized that no native English speaker talks the way the scammer did, but I kept it going. Asked for more pictures and yep: more pictures of poor mr. Orton (who I have contacted to tell him someone is making money off his very handsome face).

Then when I got bored I asked how the weather in Lagos was and got just enough time to shame him and ask him what his mother would think if she knew her son was preying on vulnerable women online. He called me 'omo ale', which means 'b....d' ha ha and quickly blocked me.

He uses the phone number 1 - 737 443 9508 and pretends he is some kind of engineer working on oil rigs (so that is why he unfortunately cannot meet you) and has been widowed for 4 years with a 14 year old daughter who is attending boarding school in the USA.

Be warned!!!

Mar 21, 2019
Women scam Women too!
by: Luna

Just googled "scams on tinder" and came across this excellent article.

Me, gay woman, talking to "Karen" from Brooklyn via Tinder, then on the phone. Out of the gate calling me darling and honey and I was VERY suspicious. Foreign accent, called strange hours, phone connection sounded weird, claimed to be working all the time as a Civil Engineer. Then she was off to Turkey for 5 weeks to do a hotel reno...would try to stay in touch. Every time I asked questions, never got an answer.

So I get a call, chit chat, and then it comes...
Can you send me an iPhone so I can finish my project. Of course at this point, I'm now playing with her! Not worth my time or energy, blocked her number, 617 area code.

Fast forward, another "hottie" matched up with me and same story...short notes, NO answers to any questions, do I want to talk on the phone...same BS, different woman. They post photos of "exotic" looking women so when you speak to them it covers their accents. Do they think we are all morons?

I'm cancelling my tinder account because of the volume of scammers and there are those who start out aggressive then ghost. Waste of time, energy and money.

Mar 11, 2019
James Morgan
by: Anonymous

I’ve been scammed and I have stupidly sent money to a guy who claims to be a human rights lawyer from San Francisco working in South Sudan and asked me to pay through world remit and pay me back. I was just replying to him as he’s asked for more money and I thought I would google him and he has a Facebook page and has sent me pics of a very tall and dark handsome gentlemen.

His number is California so seemed genuine but then he told me his parents were Italian when I questioned him on his surname which was not very Italian. I got a little suspicious and I started speaking to him in Italian but he didn’t understand and said he left Italy when he was 18 and couldn't speak it anymore but surely that stays with you for your first language.

Anyway just about to block him on WhatsApp so be aware ladies I’ve been gullible and naive and now out of pocket

Mar 10, 2019
Tinder- Christopher Matt Taylor “DEA” Agent
by: Anonymous

Definitely a scammer. Lesson learned. Even has pictures of DEA ID! Thank you for everyone else who posts their experiences on here! Phone number is a VOIP number out of Dallas, TX, 972-638-7592.

Jun 08, 2018
In the navy
by: Anonymous

So I met a guy who said he was in the navy. I was duped as he said he has been deployed to Nigeria.. Wen he got there he said he had to pay for his WiFi and that I had to transfer £500 to him via money gram.

Stupid right?

Feb 22, 2018
2348101831895 - liberty pass
by: Marie

US army - Nelson Kartner - needs £145 for a liberty pass so he can visit me - we've been chatting for 1 day.

Jan 24, 2018
Tinder Nigerians by the dozen
by: Anonymous

I have come across many of them lately and finding it's becoming worse by the day. I am also wised up to them, and can recognize right away. I also play their game but don't have the patience or the stomach to keep it going for too long. I wish we could do something to stop them.

Jan 04, 2018
99% of tinder = scammers
by: Anonymous

99% of all profiles on Tinder are scammers, cat fishers and the other 1% are players.

If you play on tinder expect the scam story. Know it and learn it so you are not hurt.

Tinder is not the site to find a legit date. Its a joke. Go onto it knowing you will get the scam story.

Jan 04, 2018
Anyone know about this guy?
by: Annomous

I am talking to a man named Ben Lam. Spoke to him on the phone. Rooster in back ground. Does anyone know if he is a scammer?

Nov 13, 2017
New nigerian scammer
by: D

Name: nelson

Phone number + 2348101831895

Picture of a white guy by a swimming pool. Said he couldnt talk to me on tinder as it was playing up. Stupidly added him to whats app and he sent me a message saying he was half usa half english and both parents are dead.

He is in the USA army but comes home to Dorset. Yeh right.

So blocked...So deleted.

Just watch out for him

Oct 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

I know kelvin all too well. Yes hes on ghana and hes in his 30s and says there are no jobs in ghana. We spoke for awhile after he came clean..promised never to scam...yet I see hes still hitting it hard

Look at utube "scammers photos" there are literally hundreds of thousands of photos of the dream man profile photos and the scammers real photos. All make a huge profit on what they call
Magahas who are gullible, stupid white women. I dont know about you but it annoys me so I play with them in numbers. They stand in front of a camera bragging with there scammed money, cars and expensive technology.

Dont be fooled as the only thing they love is money.

They dont love anything but the money "You" choose to give them and they will beg and plea for more.

Oct 19, 2017
Kelvin Biggs
by: SerieA

This man tried and failed as I cottoned on very early on to his game but played along to see what he would say and do. He claimed to be an engineer living in London in the UK, chatted for about 3 weeks, he told me how he was intending on going to Ghana to collect his daughter as her mother had died out there and he wanted to bring her home to live in UK...blah blah, the usual guff....told me he loved me, etc, then after three weeks of being in Ghana trying to obtain the "child settlement visa" claimed he needed £600 to complete process...hahahahaha.

I did try to attach all the lovely pictures he has shared with me, however it seems to be a broken link? This is the third potential "Love interest" "Fiancé" "Man of my dreams" to try and scam me, and I'm surprised I haven't been inundated with more given the Dating Sites I am with. (Match.com, POF, Badoo) guess they are hiding from me!!😂

Sep 29, 2017
Charles Briggs
by: Anonymous

The other day my mother (57) told me she was in her first online relationship with a man named Charles Briggs. She said he was from Illinois and he had messaged her out of the blue claiming to be an old neighbor of our friend. Said neighbor had moved to Illinois, but claims to not know "Charles". I could not find his Facebook as he deleted it.

He had told my mom he was a 57 year old engineer that moved around a lot. When I looked up "Charles Briggs Illinois" I would find obituaries for a 57 year old man by the same name from Illinois.

"Charles" would talk to my mom through the kik app which was a red flag to me since it's untraceable. She claims they talked about money, but she did not send money although I wouldn't be surprised if she really did. So I looked up "Charles Briggs scams" and found this page and had enough evidence. I made a kik account and found him. The user photo was a regular old guy, white skin, and auburn hair.

So I messaged him. Told him who I was. He was rude off the bat asking me for pictures of my face. I refused, but offered to FaceTime, Snapchat, or skype with him. I told him the gig was up. After repeatedly sending me the same photo of the auburn haired man, he finally video chatted with on the kik app but he hid in the dark. The video sound was going on and out like there was bad wifi and there was some light in the way back.

I told him I knew everything was fake and he can stop the show and to never ever speak to either of us again. He would only respond through text and was very defensive. I immediately deleted him. If you want to add him his username is charlesbriggs.

Sounds like he's bad at scamming. Thanks for your reviews. Had I not seen them I wouldn't have known.

May 23, 2017
Nigeria oil rig contractor
by: Anonymous

He sends pictures, too dark to video, time difference huge. Has a Texas phone number!

Told me his name but has no email or contact other than phone number!

May 13, 2017
I got bored too quickly
by: An

I was onto this guy on Tinder pretty quickly. "Andrea" was using the very same MO as someone who scammed my brain- damaged sister for money and her Facebook account. It was funny how his photos morphed from a gorgeous buff Asian guy to an overweight light-skinned black guy.

Oh, he also said he was in the Navy in Oklahoma, while wearing a Marine Corps shirt. Came on strong with the "I love yous" very quickly. Just dumb. I wanted to punish him but tired of it quickly and told him off via text, said I was turning him in to the FBI. He used my 4 letter words to insult me back; it was funny because the curses were so lame compared to those we native speakers come up with.

I think there's another one texting right now. These poor people whose photos are stolen!

May 12, 2017
Austin Simmons/Jeffrey Schubert
by: Anonymous

So my friend in another country found out this guy is all over Tinder and on Watch for Scams and Found as Martins Kelvin and Harry Cole James Bill and Hays Batte.

Pics stolen from a British man named Dean Also as Gregory Giannu and Douglas Bohn. All on Tinder.

This one is also posing as Austin Simmons on Tinder.

I know I have just completed a 9 month match with Austin Simmons when I found Jeffrey Schubert on Tinder same man one a little heavier than the other. MY friend located Jeffrey Schubert on Tinder as Kelvin Martins and James Harry Cole.

I have photos on both cropped side by side. Im never too far from Tinder and monitor it pretty good for the frequent flyer scammers. Austin insists it is not the same person. I know better and poor Dean in Britain. I wish I could find him and tell him this story.

Apr 10, 2017
Scambaiting and already bored with it...
by: Rusty

I was contacted by a woman who claimed to be local and now she's in Kenya on a business trip.

I see all the classic signs of a scam - I'm thinking of engaging in scambaiting, but I'm not sure if I can maintain interest over a long period of time. Nor am I one for long, flowery emails and exchanging personal details with a scammer, even if I'm making them up...

It's too bad there's not an AI that could generate email to keep the scammers busy. It would have to pass the Turing test

Feb 16, 2017
Nigerian Scammer~
by: Anonymousbaiter

The plead/request for money is getting more forceful. You see he wants me to cash advance on my credit card and deposit to a B of A account. I said i will not do that. Even if I did he would have to pay back my account and the funds clear before I do any such thing. I let him know he has never done anything for me so whats my motivation in doing this?

He's crazy if he even thinks I will comply with his retarded request. He is getting increasingly impatient and says he will need to get firm with me if I do not comply. I just keep reminding him he does not do anything for me.

This match has been going on for at least 6 months and I would have thought he would get to the bottom line sooner. When I get nasty he seems to back off and I use the operative phrase which I cannot post.. yields his infamous 24 hour no contact.. I may need to pull that out as my trump card today to back him off some.

I swear I have broke up with him a bunch of times and he comes back for more. I love it~ I am sure there is a threshold that the scammer has to yield some sort of money from a match he is playing. I do not know how their pecking order works. I would be curious how there management structure works. hahaha ~

I got an email from a wonderful lady that reads my blog.. she sent me some photos and a story I found to be awful. I see she was able to post here as well. As many people share information and educate they are better off. Online dating is full of Players, Flakes and Scammers.

Feb 07, 2017
Tinder the nigerian dating hotspot-scamaiting
by: Someonewhocares

Thanks so much for writing all of this, for us ones that have been very taken and want to learn away from anymore scammers, and for me not only a scammer, but hacked into all my accounts and emails, and bank account.

Thanks for sharing this!

Feb 06, 2017
Alas parting is sweet sorrow
by: Anonymousbaiter

I have successfully baited numerous scammers from match, Tinder and POF, our time. I've had the who's who of the A list scammers. These are the matches that literally extend for months at a time. I'm currently involved in a very extensive match it went on for 6 months and I finally got the bottom line request for money.

He asked for $11,000.00 because his business in Nigeria is not going well. I've received a marriage proposal, promise of life love and happiness... LoL. And yes he thinks he is my dominant.. omg---seriously!!!

As this match draws to a conclusion, I do have another that is remotely amusing me..if it gets boring he will be dumped. I only like to play with the scammers that bring there A game to me. I do not believe there is real love so I enjoy the Romance of a relationship with the scammers as they are polite, well spoken and know how to appeal to my creativity and creative writing skills.

Some probably find it odd I don't. It's a hobby for me... LoL. My Canadian businessman in Nigeria alas must come to an end of a beautiful 6 month experience. And on to focusing my attention to the businessman in Ghana we've been talking for a month now.

Yes I play multiple matches a time.

Feb 02, 2017
by: Sharon Henson

Lori, I wish I had that kind of guts. I got my heart broken the very first guy I talked to. I don't intend on doing that again but good for you. If you can get some of those men offline so they don't hurt any more women, more power to you. You have lists of names and photos, ever get anyone from POF?

I was recently a victim of a man I met on POF, says his name is Steve Vig. I posted my story on here with pictures. I was wondering if you could take a look at them and let me know if you have seen those pictures used by another scammer under another name? Steve Vig - Oil Rig Engineer.

Have fun with your scambaiting.

Thank you.


Dec 08, 2016
Match scammers A game of fun
by: Anonymous

I really enjoy my matches with the match dot com guys. They are so smooth, and definitely not as obvious as Tinder scammers..i don't play with them if it's obvious they are what they are.. there is one of the Tinder guys I'm currently engaged in match with that is really smooth..but is now showing his spots.. so sad he has been fun.

I have a match scammer I've been engaged in match for a year..it's been amazing. Match names Tyler Barnett, Rodrigo recendez, Steve Williams. Ben Clement, Brian Sims, Steve Dyer, Mike dyer

Dec 08, 2016
Tinder profiles
by: Anonymous

I've baited at least a dozen on Tinder. They are pretty unintelligent. Reposting same profile photo with a different name. Robert Onile, Robert Come Monaco in tinder under George..lol- Anthony Bayley, Dave Hughes, Alex Freyman, Stefan Manos and Austin Simmons.

It's the short list all money grubbing scammers..

Dec 08, 2016
Charles Briggs
by: Anonymous

He tried and tried and first he said he was from a Texas business consultant and was leaving to work as a contractor in Germany. He had me switch conversations from Tinder to Viper and IMO. He wasn't very smart and asked me to send a gift card to his aunt for his nephews bday.

I stated you have a computer so you email a certificate. Than he wanted to get an apt where I lived but needed a way to get the money to the broker and wanted me to give my bank info which I said your American you have a bank account so you can use your own.

I knew it was a scam after the first couple of conversations because of the broken English in the text but I continued to play along to see how far he would go.

Beware of Charles Briggs who lost his wife and unborn child in an accident he can't speak about.

Very nice looking black man from photos.

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