Todd Richardson

by Sue
(Perth Western Australia)

He said he was Australian and went to the UK to invest in gold then went to Ghana and sold the gold and had a bank account with $8 million in it and he said to me to transfer money to your account and he gave me the username and password.

The transfer was pending and I contacted the bank to see if the account is real and to know if the account has been suspended. The bank contacted me and asked me to call them and they will look into it for me.

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Sep 14, 2020
Todd Richardson
by: Anonymous

he won't give up
I blocked him and he had another number and after 4 days he messaged me and said he was moved to another detention centre
he also tried to get money out of my daughter
she called him a scammer
he is in Brussels Belgium airport detention
He said he had 2 gold bars in his luggage
the authorities, he said they thought he was trying to smuggle the gold bars
Now he has to pay for the insurance to send the gold bars back to Australia
he wants $5k for the insurance, all up he wants $15k
I said to him shipping and Insurance is included for the $15 million is $15k
I asked why would it cost so much for $300K
he first said he would get the money from his friend
then after the 4 days he said his friend let him down
I told him, he is high Class scammer. i only wish theses scammers would be caught and locked up forever and throw away the key

Apr 28, 2020
Todd Richardson
by: Anonymous

Never get involved with men’s bank accounts.

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