Watch out for: Oliver Lombardi aka Peter Hajdu

by Anonymous

Watch out for Oliver Lombardi aka Peter Hajdu. Don't believe his LinkedIn Profile. I have reported it, but it is still up. We met on OK Cupid/ he had a paid membership, and I have never ran into a scammer there.

Gave me a sad story about the last girl he met being married. I fell for it! We messaged and talked on the phone for over 2 months. He supposedly lived very close to me and even gave me a physical address, but one crisis or another would cause him to not be able to meet.

Sick Fever, one was his 'fake' daughter (pic of Peter's actual daughter) had COVID and he had to go be with her. Another was due to a contract he just was awarded and HAD to leave immediately to attend to. His grammar was perfect and he understands technical programs (R/Python)....which was why I believed him.

The 'contract' he got involved an actual/real person at a real company. He sent me the letter from 'her'. The 'job' was in Northern Cyprus. He sent videos of the drive to where he worked, the marketplace, his stove! When he was finally ready to be done, he asked me to pick him up at the airport. He sent me his flight info, which included a birthdate!

SO real! It was around X-mas and his kids, who were in boarding school, were going to come to Hawaii to see him. I was even the 'back-up' to pick them up, if he got stuck. Holy crap, I bought the fake kids and fake guy presents even. I eventually gave the gifts to other needy kids, so it's all good...but dang.

Anyway, on his way to the airport the driver had an accident. Details, details, details...thats how he got me. The driver wanted to take a short-cut, but it was a one lane road. I thought to myself, we
don't need to take a short-cut, I am not late'....anyway, his 'driver' had a head-on collision. The driver died, and a boy died in the other car (he talked about how sad it made him). The driver of the other car was in a coma. He kept saying he wanted to talk to the family of the boy, but was advised that it would not be safe to do so as they would blame him.

The accident led to his laptop being stolen, then his bank accounts being closed because of fraudulent activity. I was still buying all of this! UNTIL...duh, I image searched on the pics and video he sent of the accident. It was from 6 months prior. From there I image searched him/ and the many photos he sent.

That's when Peter Hajdu came up as a known scam. Wowza. I was blind sided. Oh, and it was X-mas. I confronted him, to which, he claimed he was Oliver AND Peter. "Peter is fake, I don't have a baby, it's all fake". I recorded an hour long call with him, to which I told him I believed him (I did not), and he asked me for money to pay for his apartment/food.

I then 'faked' having COVID, to which he shared his ginger tea recipe, lol. A few days later he stopped communicating. What a waste of time and emotions. I mean we never got to 'I love you' or anything close, but we did share a lot and have some very nice and frequent conversations.

Oh, I did ask him to take a photo of himself, at one point, and it turned out to be a pic of a tiktok account. He would not send me a photo with the days newspaper or do a video call.

This has been a complete mind F*ck! Hopefully, this will help someone, as I haven't seen 'Oliver Lombardi' anywhere.

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Feb 05, 2025
Someone else got scammed by this guy for 50K++
by: Anonymous

I was following 'Oliver' on IG when I got a message from someone asking me how I knew him. LONG story, 'Oliver' scammed this person for nearly $50,000! She is super smart, but he is super smooth.

We conspired together to bring him down. She filed FBI complaints, but there has been no action. I think he finally came clean with her and said he was 36, and lived on the Ivory Coast.

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