Watson Corentin Oil Rig Maintenance Engineer

by Biggles777

Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers

Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers


Watson Corentin is in the game Words With Friends as Watson C. He approaches you by starting a game and then gets talking. He doesn't say much and asks to go to Hangouts.

Once on Hangouts he again doesn't say much. He asks the Nigerian scam script questions and says he is widowed with a 12 year old daughter called Lisa. No age but birthday June 18 for him He is a vandalized pipeline maintenance engineer on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. He doesn't flout his wealth but does say he has a Range Rover.

It seems to be a young man seeking gift cards. But I go along with him.

That is not much to go off. I asked age, oil company, where he is from and more but he avoided answering. That should tell you something isn't right. We get into a discussion and keep in contact daily. He continues to ask the usual questions while starting to turn on the love. We go like this for weeks and Youtube songs are flying along with loving graphics and emoji's from him. He does add a little about work;

Him: I work as a drilling contractor and supervisor

Him: I work with island operating company

Him: Am currently working on a contract that will be done June 28th

Him: I have 20 workers that work with me

Okay, maybe I've misread him as he has been making an effort. Then I ignore him for a few days as he is repeating his questions, I come back and I think he wanted something;

Him: Have really missed talking to you sweetheart

Him: Honey yesterday was Lisa birthday and you don't even wish her happy birthday

That's the first I've heard of it. If you want me to say it, tell me when it is. We go on, then;

Him: Baby what are you going to get for your daughter Lisa as a present on her birthday?

He clearly wants gift cards but I'm ignoring him for not telling me anything about who he is.

Him: What about Lisa our daughter, what will you get for her baby?

Him: Lisa said she want a gift from you baby

Me: Oh!

Him: Yes baby, so what are you getting for her

Me: I'm not sure

Him: Why baby??

Me: Well would you agree the truth is important?

Him: Yes baby

Him: What do you mean by that?

Me: Well you have not been truthful with me and I am disappointed

Him: I don't understand what you are talking about baby

Him: Where have I not been truthful with you baby

Me: I'd like you to answer a question or two

Yes I've just hit him with it like he's hitting me for Lisa's present.Edit and move on.

Me: Who is Fernando Gurrola?

Him: I don't know him

Him: Why do you ask?

Me: He is a man from Spain

Him: is he your friend

Me: He is also the man in the picture you sent me claiming to be you

He goes into a flap. He never said much about himself so I've mainly got the photos to use.I repeat my questions. He flaps. Then it all ends with the following;

Me: Well say what you want. It is all fluff. Be honest with me and I'll be fair.

Him: Okay baby

Him: Do you love Nigerians ?

Me: I respect Nigerians

Him: Okay baby

Him: Am from Nigeria

Edit out some noise

Me: I don't need that. Please tell me your name, you know mine

Him: OK

Him: Godspower Efemena

Me: Nice to meet you and how old are you?

Him: Nice meeting you too

Him: Am 23 years old

Me: Oh wow

Me: Are you in Lagos?

Him: Yes I live in Lagos but still in warri

There you have it, another young Nigerian man owning up to what he does. I don't believe what they say at this point. I don't trust them.The closest to the truth is where they are so I push for a photo and he wants me to still love him.

He's smart. Soon a photo arrives but he is wearing a mask. I'll settle for that and haven't responded since.

Email still active


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Jul 24, 2020
by: Anonymous

My Clifford Chavez was an oil technician in Austria and the company name was OMV. He had a 12 year old son. I wish I could send you a photo.

I’m trying to upload one but it won’t let me. Do you have an email I can send to you.

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:


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