William Jackson Oil Rig Scam

by Biggles777

A Stolen Image of an Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers

A Stolen Image of an Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers


William Jackson is William J on the game Words With Friends. Like all he approaches you and starts playing the game. He tells you some information on the game and you move to Hangouts. Once you do he immediately blocks you on the game.

He says he is 53 turning 54 of May 23. He has been divorced for 6 years and lost his only child in a bicycle accident. He tells an emotional story of his lost daughter. He must think I'm daft as later that day he suddenly has a son called Dave. So which is it?

An American from Houston who says he is a contractor currently working offshore for an oil and gas company called Rowan. He specialises in the production of crude oil.

Him: Doing fine, but stressed out again, my drilling machine is truly giving a lot of headache

Me: Ooh no what is wrong?

Him: Since my machine starts giving stress some days back I abandon it because if I keep using it without fixing the problem it might get damaged and I don't want it to get damaged because it cost alot to get another one, that's why I'm using another method of drilling the oil but the it truly stressed me

Me: Ooh why can't you just fix it? I guess your contract covers it?

Him: Yeah I will be the one to fix it myself because by the terms and conditions of the company is that anytime a machine get damaged I will be the one to fix it because I'm the drilling engineer here and the supervisor also, but when the contract is over they will add the money I fixing the damages to my contract payment

Me: But you have to be productive and drill your quota

Him: Yeah

Me: Well you have to get your production back

Him: Yeah I need to call a technician to get it fix

Me: Well let me know if I can help

Him: Oh thanks

Him: You sound nice and I do appreciate you about that

Him: Though I don't like asking help from a lady because I suppose to be the one happing her, I don't know how you will feel if I ask you for a help and I also don't want to get disappointed cos it hurt me so bad Take note, I'm going to hurt this criminal

Edit out as conversation continues about fluff. I learn from this. A long term scam, they don't ask, they guilt trip the woman victim into offering money.

Him: If I may ask, do you still remember were I told you I'm currently in working?

Me: Yes you are having problems with your drilling equipment and that affects your ability to meet your contract, right?

Him: Your are right about my machine, but I don't think you remember the location I am in for the contract

Him: Are you there?

Me: I don't think you ever mentioned a location I do recall you said you're offshore with a company called Rowan

He avoids an answer and reverts back to normal fluff. So an oil rig scam and he can't even name where he is.

Him: You are right about the company I worked for, but you didn't recall about the location

Me: I'm sorry we got lost on the game and that is where you said but I recalled the company and offshore. He should know that is me saying you blocked me on the game

Him: Yes you recall about the company and offshore and you are right about it

Me: Are you sure you're okay with work? (I push him)

Him: Yes I'm ok

Him: But without the drilling machine it makes me work hard and that really get me very exhausted when am done working for the day

Me: Well shouldn't you do something about your drilling machine? (I keep pushing)

Him: Yes I will, I need to call a technician to come over there in the offshore to come and fix it and that's cost, but I have no choice then to fix it because it enables me to work fast

Me: Yes you need to keep production at your contracted quota How does a normal woman know this?

Him: Yeah

Me: Well I hope you can sort it out

Edit out as we go back to love fluff and typical Nigerian scam questions. As you can see a relationship has developed. Now twice they have sounded me out to see if I'll pay. The scam weighs on our discussions.

Him: This issue of my machine is really getting me unhappy

Me: I'm worried about you and your machine.

Him: ****** you don't have to get yourself much worried about my machine because I'm going to look for a way out to fix it and you have already said you will be here for me

Edit out as I start another time wasting story of tears. It's all been one way, time to turn it on them. Just two lines to show they are working multiple women and forget my story

Me: Read what I just wrote I don't think you are listening

Him: I'm listening and I understood you now

Edit out back to repetitive Nigerian scam questions. I've also started baiting them. The pace slows and who I am talking with changes. The grammar changes to very good English. I change my online status and start ignoring them. They become insecure as I show a loss of interest.

Him: Do you know how it feels for someone to lose he's / her child? Not just child, only child They've forgotten their own story

Him: I asked a question and you didn't get me an answer about it

Me: Are you an insecure man?

Him: No I'm not... Just want to know your opinion about it

Me: Then what have I said that would make you ask such a question?

Him: Nothing ******! I'm just asking to know because I don't want to lose communicating with you Now I've got the upper hand and am wasting their time

Me: Okay so what makes you think we'll lose communication here?

Edit as we go on

Him: I said Soo because I want to hear your own opinion

Me: Opinion on losing contact here?

Edit out as we continue with my time wasting and ignoring them when I am clearly online.

Me: Hello how are you doing?

Him: I'm doing fine

Him: Just miss chatting with you. I hope all is well? (tearful emoji removed)

Edit out a lot more of that time wasting and time to really turn it on them.

Me: Oh come on! I’ve got to time my personal calls for you? You’re a control freak

Him: If you can read properly, I just asked you what time do I call

Me: I can read very well thank you. Seems you’re the who can’t

Him: You are brat.. Lol

Me: Beat's being a joke like you trolls are wonderful

Him: I want to hear your voice

Me: Not yet. You are the definition of fishy

Edit out. You get the idea on how this has all been nothing but a waste of time. Now for money

Me: If you so choose. Text your drilling problems and I'll listen

Him: I have asked about the cost to fix the machine and they told me it will cost $2500 to fix it because they will be getting a ASTM A194 HEX HEAVY NUTS

Me: Will that return you to your contracted production?

Him: Yes ******

Me: And you need $2500?

Him: Yeah

Me: With Rowan right?

Him: Not from Rowan, I applied for an technician who is based in drilling machine from another company

Me: Is that due to Rowan not paying?

Him: Rowan have no business about that because I have been awarded the contract, so anything that goes on here are my bills till the end of the contract then they will count it to my contract payment and pay me all of it Rubbish Rowan pay

Him: That's the terms and conditions giving to me before I started this contract and I agreed to it, I have told you all this before More rubbish

Me: Okay I forgot where your drilling sorry He still can't say where he is

Edit out talk about payment to cover the same story I'm using with others

Him: Why didn't you make the payment yourself because I will be needing the receipt of the payment so I can send it to the company for confirmation of payment

Me: That is fine he'll give me the receipt and I'll forward to you Receipt request is definition of a scam







Shame on you JP Morgan for allowing a fake account at that branch

Edit out talk about payment but they are not happy as I've basically said my way or the highway

Him: But this suspicious

Me: So you want me to stay up until they do what you ask? I just agreed all you asked and that is the thanks I get?

This is now edited as I am character limited. I'd love to share it all but what has been said so far is a classic oil rig romance scam. I said I'd hurt him now it's time to do just that. Receipt time!

Me: Why did you make me do that?

Him: Because I do need it so I can continue making drills of the oil, and you understand me that's why you did it

Me: My banker Lloyd, suspended the transaction as the account you gave me is flagged for Grand Larceny and money laundering. Why would you do that to me?

Him: What do you mean?

Him: Please stop

Him: The account was a company account ok

See where this is going? I spend a day throwing eggs and agree another account

Me: Well what’s the name of the company you have to pay?

Him: Stafast


Account name: Su*** Hin*** Vir*****
Account number: 49403****
BSB : 112-***
Bank : St George Bank Limited

Me: Okay. It is 8:40 pm here and it may or may not go through tonight

Him: Pleads don't make me think something else about you He's in a flap

We argue for over an hour about how I'll pay, him pleading and me lie after lie. A new day arrives!

Receipt time again.

Me: Hello, you did it again. Another spurious account. I do not know what company you're dealing with but at 1 am I got a call from the Australian Federal Police as to why I wanted to make a deposit into the account you gave. I really wanted to help you. All you've given me is trouble and made me look like a fool. Good luck sir

Him: Alaye

Him: You just dey waste your time

Him: You dey find person account when you one hack abi

With that the language can't be repeated as they go into a complete meltdown and I throw eggs. I really don't know what dialect they speak in Lagos but I know I must have been abused very well. The person changes and now mentions cards and again, the language can't be repeated

Avoid this email


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Aug 28, 2020
Dylan Rodriguez
by: Anonymous

Pipeline Engineer from San Diego. Goes by the name of Dylan Rodriguez, 51 years old. Never asked for money but asked for my financial situation.

Claims he is a widower with a 17 year old daughter named Jenny that stays with close friends when he’s away. Said that he was in a project in Lagos, Nigeria

I wish I knew who the real person in the pictures is! He’s to die for!

Aug 27, 2020
by: Anonymous

Oh my goodness it looks like the same type of scam I am in. Wants a card for connection for the internet on a rig in the North Sea and will be coming back to the states in 2 weeks. Sounds like he is from Africa but says he lives in California and came from Turkey when he was young.

Go another person in his game and it’s a child. His wife supposedly died 10 years ago and his his 14 year daughter is home in California with the nanny

Jun 15, 2020
Nice one!
by: Jan

I’m too scared to go on WhatsApp or hangouts, or even email. Just string them out with WWF as much as I can.

Jun 12, 2020
Love seeing the scammers time wasted!!
by: Anonymous

I sooo LOVE reading these conversations!!! You go!!

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