Wilson Rosenthal Jerry - Ourtime scammer

by Mrs. Snook
(Selinsgrove PA USA)

I was scammed by a man calling himself Wilson Rosenthal Jerry. He said he worked at PCL Construction in Austin Texas and that is where he was from. He said he owned a large home in Berlin & was raised there but then moved to Texas.

He told me he came home from work one day and found his wife in bed with his best friend - Don't they all)! He said he never took his wedding band off as he didn't want other women to hit on him while he was in Dubai (UAE) as a Construction Manager for an Oil Rig Job. He even showed me (what I knew was fake) the contract to the job that he "said" he financed himself.

I told him that it was good to find someone with in my financial bracket and then he asked me what bracket was I in but I caught him on that one and said "that's my business, not anyone else". He did what every scam site tells you and immediately asked me to join him on a chat on Facebook which dummy me did.

He kept asking me over and over again to swear I would be faithful to him because his poor old heart couldn't take being used again! PLEASE. I am a widow with no children; of course scammers know how to push your buttons or feed on your tender but still upset heart and believe me he laid it on thick!

He told me he told his daughter "Shantelle" all about me but only the parts that were special ONLY TO US! Yeah right! He said that she wanted to speak to me and would I mind writing her so dummy me did because at first I thought he was genuine! Da. He told me that after he finished his job in July he would be retiring and buying a home in Hawaii (another sign) and he wanted me to live there with him on the ocean!

Yeah, to die probably! Lol.

He also told me he was then going to invest his money in a GOLD MINE COMPANY IN LIBERA....! Still I was semi-hooked! He asked for my home address and did I like flowers (and again, dummy me gave it to him) and today I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers, chocolate and a "white" teddy bear; I am a caucasian woman. But something didn't sit right with me because I had worked for an Export Company as a Manger and spoke to people all over the world and I also worked for an Architect and knew how the men worked on CADs but when I asked him if he used one he didn't say anything for a few minutes and then replied YES, I have one in my office.

I said "where" in your office cause you have a picture on FB with you sitting in your office and the only think I saw was a small laptop. He hesitated again and said NO it is there.....it goes on and on and on. I laid a land mine for him and then he stepped on it when he wanted to know if I wanted "his" money for a yard sale I was having, I bet he didn't even know what a yard sale was!

That was it, I blocked him on FB & my cell but my house phone doesn't have the capability of blocking people so I had to put it on quiet for 8 hours. Prior to doing that to the house phone he called me about 25 times!

PLEASE ladies BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL! He talks like a very romantic person but with a very strong accent. I caught it right away but it sounded Hispanic to me; however my niece heard his voice and told me she could tell he was Black. I don't care if he was polkadotta - what he did to me was horrid but thank God I wisened up and stopped it.

WATCH YOUR BACK should you run into someone named Wilson Rosentha Jerry!

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Feb 16, 2020
The real Jerry Wilson
by: Anonymous

Whether the middle name is Gunther, Rosentha, or Rosenthal, the photos used by this scammer tell a different story. Whoever middle name this joker uses, the photos he has used are not him.

Here’s the real guy in the photos German Entrepreneur Rolf Sorg. Once you see check the following site you will know the truth,


Feb 14, 2020
Jerry R or G Wilson Stolen Identity
by: Anonymous

Jerry Rosenthal Wilson aka Jerry Gunther Wilson has stolen the identity and photos of a public personality and founder of a fitness company in Germany. I googled a logo on one of t-shirts in a photo Wilson sent me. It took me straight to the FitLine company website and a picture of its founder and CEO. Wilson told me the photo was of himself. It was actually the CEO, who is German.

I met Wilson on Our Time. I reported his fraud on that site as well.

Aug 22, 2018
by: Joshua dan chambers

My grandma is currently in the middle of this exact situation. A man even sent her flowers the other day. She was using OurTime and now she is "talking" to this guy who goes by the name of "Chris".

I’m really worried about her because she literally just received a contract from the guy she is talking to. He wants her to fill out a next of kin form and send it to him. She hasn’t even met him.

Please tell me this could be real? I love my grandma so much and she has been through so much.

Oct 28, 2017
He back, Jerry Todd Wilson
by: Anonymous

Same story!!!! Met on Our Time site, in Dubai, oil refinery, house in Austin, Texas and in Berlin Germany, daughter 19, bla bla bla.

Scam Scam, I also think he is Hispanic, for sure, I know the accent and sounds young, but definitely Spanish accent, so don't fall for it,

Let's get him arrested!!!!!

Oct 20, 2017
Is he real or not
by: Anonymous

So I got a flirt from a Jerry Todd Wilson with that same photo & information. So is this guy real or not?

Sep 04, 2017
He isn't real
by: Anonymous

Was involved with this man for over a year only with a different picture. Same story exactly except he had a son kelvin living with auntie Maureen in England. Same house in Hawaii. At that time he was working in Nigeria on a power plant project that he financed himself. Only difference is I actually had a marriage certificate and paperwork making me the next of kin for his properties and contract fund.

All false even though he insists we are married as the certificate is registered. After a year he actually contacted me about a month ago from Austin. I was to go to him there but he needed me to send $500 so he could rent a car to get me at the airport. As we speak I am still here in Canada.

He must really think women are stupid.

Aug 16, 2017
Jerry Wilson
by: Anonymous

It is a scam. Do your homework. The phone is out of Dallas and owned by a woman. Nothing can be hid on the internet any more for long.

If it looks and sounds to be true it usually isn't.

Aug 03, 2017
On OurTime but with different name
by: Anonymous

He just sent me a flirt on OurTime but in his summary he says his name is JERRY HANS WILSON and to search him on Facebook. Has set up fake profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Aug 02, 2017
Wilson total scammer
by: Anonymous

Still out there as he just contacted me so beware.

Jun 23, 2017
Wilson Rosenthal Jerry
by: Anonymous

The post that was made on June 23rd I bet was from this dirt bag himself!

Jun 23, 2017
Yes a scammer
by: Anonymous

This guy is a real scammer. Don't believe any of the BS you are given by him or his supporters [people who say he is genuine]. They are all in on the scam together.

Stay away from him if you don't want a broken heart and empty purse.

Jun 23, 2017
He is genuine
by: Anonymous

He Is a genuine person, I travelled to Dubai to meet him about a week ago but we didn't click so I came back to the the states. I live in Alabama and his work is in progress as I comment this, so don't judge a book by its cover because of the bad names of internet dating.

Jun 21, 2017
Wilson Rosenthal Jerry
by: Anonymous

He has contacted me so many more times on my house phone and left disgusting messages and I had to deactivate my FB account, change my email address and cell phone number and also my house number.

I had a state trooper at my home today and he was amazed at how well I handled the situation.

These men are creeps from the word - Go!

My assistant detective friends have found his picture under about 25 different alias!



Jun 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

Yes quite a few of us good, sweet caring girls have been taken by "Beautiful Flowers, Candy and a WHITE stuffed bear" so beware girls, dont even fall for it. Poems, he fell in love with you right away said you were beautiful then needed money... and a promise for being with you the rest of his life... delete - delete - delete Scammers.

Stay safe - I wish I would have known about this site before I lost everything.

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