WWF: Miguel T, Miguel Tempone
by Anonymous
WWF: Miguel T, Miguel Tempone. Hangouts: migueltempone377@gmail.com. Scammer is using real photos of Dr Garth Davis. Claims to be originally from Spain and working in the Gulf of Mexico on an oil rig. He is a widower with two daughters, 59 years of age and lost his wife to cancer.
Scammer claims his daughters are in Frankfurt, Germany with a Nanny in his hometown. Declared his undying love to me in three days and asked me to move to his home town as this would be his last contract. This photo is all over the web on various dating sites, Lucas Anderson of California, Matthew275 on Hive 80, Steven Mintz from New York City, Davidkendall of California. Also a write up on ScamHaters United Ltd on Facebook and Instagram